07 November 2023 16:52
Place is next to Bandar Jakarta, right in front of the Symphony of the Sea's roundabout. It's quite cramped - I hope they'll expand a bit so we don't hv to sit next to their (clean) toilet! Otherwise, I thoroughly enjoyed the atmosphere. It was a weekday so not too crowded after 7pm!
10 September 2023 5:15
Gerai Starbucks di area Taman Impian Jaya Ancol, letak nya tepat disebelah Bandar Djakarta.
07 Agustus 2023 17:14
Kopinya aku bangetttt, pas bgt dari tastenya. Kemarin datang untuk ambil promo SR BOGO, eh barista lupa untuk input promo, gak perlu naik pitam, langsung diganti uang cash sama baristanya.

Good Job, Kak Ilham, wishing you have a good career as starbucks partner.

Mungkin monitor depan untuk cust check order bisa diperbaiki, supaya sebagai customer juga bisa aware, pretty sure it'll be helpful for the baristas.
27 Juli 2023 16:06
Very crowded so it makes this place quite dirty.there are lots of used drinks and food on the table and haven't been cleaned.paper towels were also scattered on the floor.the place is ok, the barista is friendly and smiling.
06 Juli 2023 3:05
Kunjungan kedua kalinya
Makanan, minuman dan pelayanan ok.
Sayang toilet nya kotor dan bau.
Semoga bs d perhatikan.
27 Maret 2023 13:07
An oasis in the midst of very hot day in Ancol.
The coffee, well as you expected from Sbucks. The place was very comf as usual and as expected from Sbucks.
09 Januari 2023 6:31
Great coffee, friendly staff. The place a bit hot. Average seats. Location inside Ancol (so gonna need to pay for Ancol entrance fee ;) )
05 April 2020 9:30
Starbucks in Indonesia generally, tend to be lacking in awareness as it relates to using beverage specific blenders for the related beverage. The tendency is to use dairy blenders for all blended drinks regardless of you requesting soy or another non-dairy beverage. Education and reinforcement is required.
Pleasant staff generally, but cleanliness of environment requires some attention at Starbuck, Ancol.
22 Maret 2020 18:51
Service so slow I gave up and walked along the beach.
Good to see recycle products displayed but they still plastic at the end of the day.
Educate to eradicate.
I love your line of reusable goods.more of that please
17 Maret 2020 10:42
Starbucks di Ancol ini tempatnya cozy. Ada toilet di dalam Starbucksnya. WiFi available. Minumannya udah pasti enak ya. Sesuai selera masing masing sukanya order apa
12 September 2019 21:04
Good place for hangout with friends. Free wifi. This place always busy. But don't order coffee, taste bad.
30 Mei 2019 19:47
Lokasinya ada di dekat bandar djakarta, kalau mau kesana lebih baik masuk lewat pintu timur ancol.
15 Mei 2019 20:45
Twmpat yg nyaman buat janjian ketemu dgn teman". Selebihnya yaa sdh pada tau lah starbuck dimana mana sama.ngak ada yg mengecewakan
09 Mei 2019 7:40
Pengunjung lebih baik melakukan self-service seperti membuang tempat minum bekas pakai ke tempat sampah untuk menjaga kebersihan di cafe. Tempatnya kurang lebih nyaman, hanya saja toilet tidak selalu dijaga kebersihannya
03 Mei 2019 7:47
Its a good place to cool yourself down in the soaring heat and the staff is very nice they're so patient and caring hehe, even tho the place is not that big but its still brings out a comfy vibes, perfect for hanging out with ur family and friends or even loved ones
09 April 2018 6:12
Tempat yang menjadi pilihan dan paling mantap untuk menikmati minuman, apalagi setelah bermain di pantai jadi sejuk deh. Tempatnya luas, bersih dan dapat duduk di luar ruangan dengan pemandangan laut. Untuk harga juga sama dengan starbuck di tempat lain.

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