21 November 2023 17:47
Sushiman adalah restoran yang udah jd favorit sejak dia belum di boulevard raya, dari jaman masih kecil banget restonya, makanan makanannya enak banget, recommended pokok e
24 September 2023 19:17
Tersedia ayce sushi, harga start 129rb+ /pax
Pilihan ayce nya sesuai menu yg di tentukan, kebanyakan sushinya tebal di nasi jadi cepat kenyang, ice cream nya yang enak tidak terlalu manis dan berasa matcha nya.
Pelayanan cukup baik, saat pesan makanan bisa menjelaskan dan cepat.
Tempat juga nyaman.
02 Agustus 2023 7:50
Makanan enak rasanya, kualitas penyajian bagus, suasana resto nyaman baik utk bisnis juga, utk makan keluarga. Perlu ditingkatkan info2nya lwt medsos dll.
10 Juli 2023 16:07
Lokasi di pinggir jalan sebelah kanan jalan Boulevard Raya Kelapa Gading Permai.

Tempat parkir didepan ruko, restoran berupa 2 ruko 2 lantai.
Restoran yang dipakai hanya lantai dasar saja, pelayanan ramah dan cukup cepat. Kebetulan saya beli untuk take out dan beli yang 100% matang, rasa Sushi enak 7,5/10.
Harga sangat bersaing, jika yang suka Sushi boleh cobain.

Terimakasih dan semoga ulasannya bermanfaat.
Stay safe and healthy.
Always helping others.
Have a nice day.
10 Juni 2023 18:28
Conveyor belt sushi, but if you took from conveyor the sushi had already cold. Better order fresh one.
03 Juni 2023 6:49
Sushi dengan harga terjangkau di Kelapa Gading

Pilihan menunya cukup banyak variant

Terdapat juga sushi yang tersedia di conveyor belt
10 Mei 2023 4:19
It's a new and bigger place than before (around 1-2 years ago). The foods were great! The price is higher than before, but still in reasonable range. A little minus might be the lack of dessert. We ate Chawan Mushi, Salmon Sashimi, Samoki, Horenso with salmon, Unagi Roll, Salmon Mentai roll, Kyonshi roll, Tobiko gunkan, and a few more dishes. A little too much for 3 people thus we overate, but the foods were that great. The condiments like wasabi, red ginger, and shoyu were also taste good. We had a great time here.
08 Mei 2023 2:33
Tired of cake for a birthday? Yes, me too! Hahaha well, I can't say that because I still like cake, but wanted something savory for my birthday this year. That's why I came up with an idea by replacing birthday cake with sushi platter. And the good thing is, Sushi Man serves variant of sushi platter for the the take-out menu.

I chose AKA Platter (IDR 170,000) that consists of 4 pcs salmon mentail roll, 4 pcs salmon aburi roll, 3 pcs spicy salmon hana, 8 pcs california roll, 8 pcs tamago maki, and 6 pcs chicken teriyaki nigiri. Their sushi tastes good, they suit for sharing as well
However, we found out that the the sushi rice with the filing wasn't rolled perfectly because most of the time when we picked up the sushi with the chopstick, the sushi rice will fall down?
07 April 2023 22:44
Tired of cake for a birthday? Yes, me too! Hahaha well, I can't say that because I still like cake, but wanted something savory for my birthday this year. That's why I came up with an idea by replacing birthday cake with sushi platter. And the good thing is, Sushi Man serves variant of sushi platter for the the take-out menu.

I chose AKA Platter (IDR 170,000) that consists of 4 pcs salmon mentail roll, 4 pcs salmon aburi roll, 3 pcs spicy salmon hana, 8 pcs california roll, 8 pcs tamago maki, and 6 pcs chicken teriyaki nigiri. Their sushi tastes good, they suit for sharing as well
However, we found out that the the sushi rice with the filing wasn't rolled perfectly because most of the time when we picked up the sushi with the chopstick, the sushi rice will fall down
06 April 2023 2:02
Pada saat memasuki tempat makan terdapat beda tinggi lantai sehingga membuat ibu saya terjatuh. Seharusnya pihak resto lebih perhatian jika yg datang pelanggan lansia, karena tidak ada keterangan "hati-hati saat melangkah" pd beda tinggi lantai tsb.
Staf sdh meminta maaf utk kejadian tsb, trm kasih. Owner sebaiknya jg melakukan hal yg sama.
Makanan pd umumnya biasa saja. New york roll terlalu manis. Spicy miso ramen bisa lbh nendang lg kaldunya, dagingnya sedikit bgt.
15 Maret 2023 7:39
Tempatnya baru, lbh luas. Pelayan ramah. Tp mungkin kurang orang baik yg serving & baguan dapur. Jadi makanan lama keluarnya. Pesan ramen, mie nya kelembekan. Pesan soba + tempura, tempuranya kurang renyah.
25 Februari 2022 14:47
Tempat makanya memang aga kecil tp nyaman buat kumpul sm pacar. Kl keluarga gk bsa. Terlalu kecil, pelayananya cepat utk gofood, dtang sudah jadi.
19 Februari 2022 19:30
Utk sushinya overprice, varian ga begitu banyak
sashimi kurang segar, begitu juga chukaidako nya
minta hot ocha (green tea) dapetnya teh tawar panas (yang warnanya coklat)
30 Januari 2022 6:56
Menunya lengkap dan menarik-menarik banget. Menunya juga luas dari yang sashimi sampai ke udon/don. Harga reasonable. Terlalu bising untuk pemilihan lagu bisa dipilih yang lebih chill & ambiance aja. Service standard quality-nya masih bisa banget ditingkatin. Mungkin karena datengnya udah malam dan sekitar 1 jam sebelum last order restoran juga masih ramai.
30 Desember 2021 4:11
My fav to go place for a great deal of sushi. Nigiri salmon has quite big slice compare to te rice itself. It had pork bacon menu, too bad no more. Ogura mochi is must try too.
03 Desember 2021 19:43
Lokasi gampang dicari, ada logo sushi man di atas gedungnya yang mirip gambar cicak berdiri hehe.layanan lumayan cepat untuk ojol food
29 Oktober 2021 3:59
Samoki Don is a must try. Good things takes time but this dish is definitely worth it for those who likes salmon skin.

The place is a bit small. Spaces between tables isn't very far from each other for the purpose of social distancing but what to do.
03 Agustus 2021 15:45
Sangat worth it, terutama salmonnya. Dengan harga yang tidak terlalu mahal tempat ini sangat nyaman
29 Juli 2021 21:05
Good food, good service, pretty affordable and a lot of different food and also big serving. The music also is pretty calming and also it is a cozy place to eat at
11 Juni 2021 3:57
Lokasinya strategis, icon sushi man nya juga stand out jadi mudah menemukannya. Tempatnya tidak terlalu luas terutama yang di lantai 1, jd lumayan pepet2an ya. Saya datang jam 19.00 dan lumayan rame di lantai 1 full. Design tempatnya meriah dan menyenangkan. Rasanya oke, porsinya lumayan.overall 7.5 out of 10 lab. Penyajian makanannya tidak terlalu cepat ataupun lambat, so so saja. Mas-mbaknya cukup helpful walaupun sibuk tp tetap ramah.
24 Juni 2020 4:18
Pertama kali makan Sushi Man di cabang baru mereka yang berada di Mall of Indonesia foodcourt Dotonbori yang berada di lantai 2. Untuk tempatnya sendiri agak unik ya, design tempat nya simpel dan modelnya seperti sushi bar pada umumnya. Jadi langsung aja kita ke review nya.

Untuk menu yang di pesan:

Salmon Nigiri / 2pcs, 18k
Untuk rasa ikan salmon nya kurang segar, tekstur nasinya terlalu padat sehingga sulit untuk dikunyah.

Tamago Nigiri / 2pcs, 18k
Untuk rasa telur nya lumayan enak, tapi rasa telur nya kurang manis sedikit, tekstur nasinya terlalu padat sehingga sulit untuk dikunyah.

Wakame Gunkan / 2pcs, 18k
Untuk cuka wakame nya enak, rasanya ga bedah dari chuka wakame pada umumnya, tapi tekstur nasinya terlalu padat sehingga sulit untuk dikunyah.

Ebi Tempura Nigiri / 2pcs, 30k
Untuk tekstur tempuranya garing, tapi kurang fresh dan tekstur nasinya terlalu padat sehingga sulit untuk dikunyah.

Dari penampilan makananya si uda oke, tapi yang masi kurang adalah rasa dan tekstur makananya aja yang kurang. Gw berharap untuk kedepannya bisa di perbaiki dan bisa mempertahankan standar makanan khas Jepang ini.

You can catch us at our social media:
- makan2tv
- elz_xzy
- budiandal111

Youtube: Makan2 TV
06 Maret 2020 8:03
Good food, good place, good price, refill-able ocha (extra value for me), good ambiance overall

recommended menu: salmon mentai roll and sushi man roll!

atmosphere 8/10
taste 9/10
price to taste value 8/10
services 8/10

overal 8,75/10
08 Februari 2020 1:40
Makanannya lama banget, bahkan minuman harusnya refil tp tidak di refil2 dengan alasan banyak customer. Rasa biasa aja, lumayan mahal. Kualitasnya gak kayak dulu.
07 Februari 2020 17:07
One of our favorite place to eat sushi. The price is reasonable. The taste is ok. My favorite one is salmon head with teriyaki sauce. Yummy.
18 Januari 2020 9:36
Sushi at its best price and quality. While sushi is known as pricey food, this one is an option for the cheaper yet great quality. It provide many menus and coffee at second floor. You can feel in Japanese enough when seeing the sushi bar and the utensils.
05 November 2019 3:02
Nice ambience, clean, neat, the food was great.the salmon was ok.i have a good experience eating here.
31 Oktober 2019 8:37
Sushi nya so so, tempatnya ga terlalu besar juga, ga terlalu cozy utk berlama2 disini. Wakame saladnya enak, fresh bgt
25 Oktober 2019 15:52
A good place to hang out with friends. However, the service was quite slow. The food was out of stock 1 hour before it's closed.
16 Oktober 2019 12:32
Harga makanan nya relatif terjangkau dibanding restauran makanan jepang lainnya, serta rasanya nikmat dgn penyajian yg mengundang selera dan porsi orang indonesia
08 September 2019 23:19
It's always been my favorite since they opened near my house. It's a cozy place to eat sushi and not too crowded. Awesome place!
22 Juli 2019 5:07
When my family wants sushi, we often go here. Taste is good, not too expensive. Spend around 200-250k for 2 adult and 1 toddler.
18 Juni 2019 9:53
Comfort Place, Air Condition, food. SaLmon Steak Teriyaki. Good Gril Fish With Teriyaki Sauce, Wasabi, Big Sushi. Beverages. Hot and Cold Ocha Free Refill. Standrard Price Sushi Man
12 Juni 2019 15:15
Nice sushi restaurant.good food, good place, and pretty much affordable. I love it. U guys should try once.
11 Juni 2019 23:01
Sushi pretty good. Cheap. Nothing fancy. Solid. Rice bit hard. Fish thinly sliced. Taste ok. Discount with ovo. Service pretty good. Food comes out fast. No smoking. Beef bit too thin. Salad dressing ok. Wasabi nice. No alcohol. Waitress not pretty but ok. Price not bad. Music not loud so ok. Small place, not crowded. Will eat again if desperate.

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