03 Oktober 2021 15:34
I've visited here with my best friend 4 years ago, and we're delighted, enjoyed the atmosphere here even though in Jakarta, but the atmosphere is so good and surreal. It was one the best way to enjoy coffee while reading and really times flew.
10 September 2021 1:50
Wore mask and checking temperature. Could sit outside or indoor, for non smoking area.
The coffee tasted great. Soft but the bitterness are quite strong
09 Agustus 2021 21:40
I only gave three stars at first, due to the arrangement of the seatings both in the non-smoking and smoking rooms which might benefit from rearrangement as well as adding more electrical outlets - probably on the table so that they're easier to reach.

But after the owner kindly responded back, I decided to write this full review in hope that this will be useful for the Tanamera Coffee & Roastery to improve their place and service.

Because of this, I'll rate Tanamera with four stars.

Five stars, when Tanamera have Frappe drinks in their menu ;)
21 Juli 2021 4:22
I was served very impolitely by a shoulder-length hairy female cashier, at 3.20 pm my family and I came to ask if the cake was sweet, she answered: I don't know, yes, yes.and my son also asked for the orange coffee that was in there, she (the cashier) answered, it's not there, even though it's delicious, other people don't necessarily like it, so it's not sold anymore. I was quite offended by the female cashier's treatment.please MANAGEMENT give her the knowledge, wich is good and right menner etiquette.
04 Juli 2021 18:49
Beberapa kali mampir ke cabang sini, selalu take away dan biasanya pesan hot cappuccino. Saya suka kopi dari Tanamera tp sempat ada 1x hot cap kok encer, ga creamy. Baru ngeh pas udah di jalan. Semoga besok-besok tetap konstan dan ga kebagian yg encer lagi.

Tempatnya luas, banyak meja-kursi dan terlihat bersih. Nuansa pasti mirip sama cabang lain, tp yg ini luas.

Semoga staffnya bisa tetap menyapa ramah sama semua pelanggan termasuk yg datangnya pake celana pendek dan sendalan.
09 Juni 2021 9:47
This coffee place consistently serves good coffee and food. The service was great, price is affordable and it has indoor (with ac) and semi outdoor place to keep the smokers and non smoker enjoy the coffee in peace
08 Mei 2021 0:29
Went here to hang out w/ my friends for the first time out of curiosity.

Ordered Iced americano and tasted several other beverages. Taste good and no complaint.

A but of my disappointment is on their snack and bites. Ordered Tahu Lada Garam, it was pretty bland. The cireng was also bland.
06 Mei 2021 3:01
Saat kami kesiní, dapat tempat di lantai 2. Kurang nyaman. Semacam gudang. Jadi ga foto2 dan ga lama2 juga. Makanan dan minuman cukup enak. Tidak murah.
28 Maret 2020 12:25
Was there at 2nd fl.to attend an event, the cafe looks cozy and recommend for meet up with friends or relatives
29 Februari 2020 8:09
Buat minumnya agak lama padahal minumannya sudah mau habis

Tempatnya cozy, enak buat santai

Makanan enak2 harga mimuman mirip2 starbu*cks harga makanan besar 80-ratusan
27 Februari 2020 6:34
Tempat nya luas dan enak buat meeting ataupun ngobrol. Kopi nya juga okay sesuai dengan harga nya
03 Januari 2020 1:25
Lokasinya strategis dekat jalan besar. Kemarin pas kesini tuh dari Gandaria City jalan kaki hehehe.

Kita berempat kesini, masing masing beli kopi sama cemilan. Ambil meja paling besar dan panjang karna kita waktu itu lagi ngerjain prakarya.

Tempatnya enak buat ngopi sambil kerja karna gak terlalu ramai, hening, enak deh.

Rasa kopi lumayan, tapi lumayan mahal udah kek starbucks. Cuma enakan ini.

Eh red velvet ice nya aku suka.
01 Januari 2020 5:18
Tempatnya enak, area smoking juga gede. Ga terlalu rame juga, jadi enak buat ngobrol santai atau ngerjain kerjaan. Reviewnya utk lantai 1 nya, soalnya ga naik ke lantai atas buat liat kondisi lagi
05 Desember 2019 22:19
Parah separah parahnya! Ngga akan datang lagi! Pesan salad 1 setengah jam lebih datangnya, nasi goreng 2 jam an baru datang.pelayanan ngga sigap, harus disamperin dulu dan ngga ada inisiatif untuk memberitahu customer untuk keadaan menunggu harus berapa lama.bahkan sudah lewat dari 2jam pun harus kita yang samperin dan nanya!
17 November 2019 15:18
Good coffee. Food? With the expensive price, not that good. Cireng yang disajikan ada yang belum matang, masih terasa tepung mentahnya. Ayam di nasi goreng juga kurang terasa bumbunya. So so.
07 November 2019 4:57
Quite ex coffee shop. Meal plus drink for 2 can cost Rp 300rb +. Similar cost with Starbucks. Service is slow. Place is a bit dim.
02 November 2019 4:09
Ice latte was strong and good just the way I like, but the cold white was too milky. Nice place, not too crowded even in weekends.
They have good playlist too.
21 Oktober 2019 3:35
Waktu itu kesini karena ada acara kelaa make up gtu.tp menurut temen dsni rekomendasi bgt sih menunya.aku sendiri ga sempet nyoba tp kalau review aku buat tempatnya, enak tempatnya nyaman, nyaman ajah.seru juga kalau buat tempat ketemu terus Qtime, tp kalau buat ramean dan ada live music gtu aku ga sempat merhatiin sih.
14 Oktober 2019 13:51
Nice and cozy place!
It is so spacious after the rennovation.
Always love the coffee and beans here.
13 Oktober 2019 10:00
Quite expensive as a local brand. Currently do not accept e-Wallets like GoPay / Ovo which is too bad.
27 September 2019 9:24
Coffee and the foods are good, the place is nice and cozy especially in the morning, surrounded by trees
27 Agustus 2019 6:58
Tempatnya nyaman banget buat ngumpul bersama keluarga atau teman-teman, dengan minuman yang enak taste nya dan I love kastengal cheesecake nya!
09 Juni 2019 10:23
Tempatnya sedang direnovasi, but coffee was good rasanya pas. Suasananya homey dan nyaman, cocok untuk ngerjain tugas atau ngobrol bareng teman-teman. Pilihan menu lumayan banyak, staffnya friendly, semoga setelah renovasi semakin mantap yaaa.
22 Mei 2019 4:24
Nyaman. Ber-AC dan mejanya banyak yang terbuat dari baja jadi dingin di kulit. Pencahayaan redup kalau di dalam jadi enak buat ngobrol ngantuk2. Kopinya enak & ga asem.
20 April 2019 21:10
World of Indonesian coffee in small. What to say, excellent coffee. Cafe bar is nice retro style. Beside there is restoration, so I guess that soon it will be in new suit. Service is excellent, and croissant with butter aside delicious. Bravo Tanamera
14 April 2019 5:08
The place is been renovated in this March, not recommended to have good coffee quality time. Better to have it outside the resto
05 April 2019 17:23
Tempat nongs kalo malem kurang bagus kayak remang2 pencahayaan nya, tapi makanan nya lumayan dan beberapa cold coffe nya enak.

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