11 November 2023 6:41
A unique hotel by Marriott group located on top of history.the building is build since 1928. Well maintained
23 Oktober 2023 4:25
Saya kesini karena ada acara meeting, sempat berkeliling juga ke area lainnya dalam hotel. Bangunan lama ini dipugar dengan sangat cantik, seakan kembali ke masa kejayaannya tahun 1920an dulu. Fasilitas yang diberikan cukup baik. Kamar mandi selalu bersih dan berfungsi, ruangan meeting nyaman, bouquet prasmanan juga disajikan dengan menarik. Makanan beratnya cukup enak, hanya untuk dessert bisa ditingkatkan lagi rasanya.
Selebihnya sudah oke.
Will definitely come back.
18 Oktober 2023 0:11
Kedua kali kesini.hotel nuansa klasik… ruangan bagus, banyak ornamen unik dan bagus.resto tidak luas tapi bagus… patut mencoba kesini menginap. Kamarnya luas ada 2 bagian ada ruang tamu dan kamar utama, kamar mandi luas. Makananya juga unik-unik… mencoba menelusuri seluruh sudut ruangan ga bosen-bosen.tetep smua bagus dan bernilai seni
04 Oktober 2023 17:26
My new favorite hotel in Jakarta. I love the included club lounge, the vintage style, the room, the service.
25 September 2023 21:22
Throwback to 2018. Another classic vibes, Hermitage!

I was here for Clarins' event. I was their Digital Marketer back then. So I just enjoyed the lunch here.

I personally recommend you to consider Hermitage as your venue for your event especially for you who are looking for classic Indonesian vibes.
04 Februari 2021 12:34
A mesmerizing hotel for you to stay. Great service and hospitality with authentic Indonesian & Dutch collonial ambiance. Very very recommended.
06 Juli 2019 15:16
One of the best hotels I have ever stayed at. Great, beautiful rooms, great service and high-quality breakfast. We got a fantastic welcome on our first stop of our honeymoon. I want to come back.
28 Juni 2019 5:34
Hotel bintang 5 yang berlokasi di jalan cilacap, menteng jakarta pusat lokasinya bernuansa nasional dan eropa sangat kultur.
19 Juni 2019 0:08
Sepintas dari luar, hotel ini terlihat biasa khas bangunan peninggalan kolonial Belanda. Namun ketika kita masuk, suasana hotel jauh dari kata suram, perpaduan klasik dan modern tersaji apik dan mengesankan. Lobi hotel dan restoran nya yang paling mengesankan, untuk ruang rapatnya standar dengan motif kolonial nya masih terasa kuat dalam desain nya
31 Mei 2019 4:54
Hotel dengan nuansa bangunan belanda yg sangat kental, kamar yg sangat luxury serta outlet yg sangat nyaman. Specialnya di rooftop bar LaVue, dengan 360° view. Sangat mewah jika dinikmati dari jam 17: 00 saat sunset, dan pada saat new year dengan kembang api yg dapat kita lihat di setiap penjuru
29 Mei 2019 2:08
Hotel, meeting place, meeting and other activities that are very thick with colonial times, old building but very good and recommended
23 Mei 2019 18:51
A- 5 stars hotel. Unique colonial style hotel. Located in prestigious Menteng. Foods are good. International menus.
16 Mei 2019 9:03
Hotel mewah di tengah perumahan. Dari tahap pembangunan ini gedungnya ndak banyak berubah cm makin cantik. Cm sayang jd banyak aturan, padahal sebrang hotel itu sekolah negeri yg jls2 ndak ada parkiran, kl mau jemput suka susah parkir plus kl ada acara sekolah dadakan jg gitu. Jd ribet dahh. Jd curhat dehh.
15 Mei 2019 15:22
I came here to join invitation from one of big bank in Indonesia. I like the interior, classy but homey. The hotel also serve good food. I would like to stay in here next time.
11 Mei 2019 11:16
The food is nice and it gives this old school fibe when you were there. Absolutely love the vintage style and car collections
06 Mei 2019 21:51
OMG. Hotel yg sangat artistik, dibangun di atas bangunan kolonial membuat hotel ini terlihat semakin bersejarah, namun kalau tak ramai terlihat horor, makanan enak dan lbh cocok untuk staycation
01 Mei 2019 11:47
A very good 5 star hotel offering large and comfortable rooms, great service and good views from the rooftop bar
01 Mei 2019 8:49
Great hotel wonderful staff did everything to accommodate my group we will be staying often in the future. It's hard to find a secure quiet location sometimes in Jakarta they did a great job!
29 April 2019 5:09
Lokasi deket taman menteng, belok kanan.lokasi nya agak masuk ke dalam.parkiran motor terbatas.bersih area nya
18 April 2019 0:21
Had a fantastic weekend gateaway with the missus. The decor is amazing, and it feels like youre somewhere away from the hustle and bustle of the city. Recommended. Minus one star due to parking which is slightly problematic
17 April 2019 6:40
Nice and quiet. A little distant from city center. But there are many excelkent restaurant nearby. Hope there is a bigger Gym.
16 April 2019 5:38
Hotelnya kecil tapi klasik

Lumayan strategis karena terletak dipusat kota dan kawasan elit Menteng

Cuma yang mesti diperhatikan adalah kapasitas parkirnya yang sangat terbatas, sehingga kalau pas ada acara parkiran agak susah

Tapi overall suka sama hotelnya, unik klasik dan strategis
12 Maret 2019 22:16
Cool Dutch Colonial style Architecture and Interior Style Boutique Hotel in Upscale Menteng Area in Jakarta
10 Maret 2019 15:57
Berada di pusat kota Jakarta.tapi tak terdengar kebisingan yg berlebih.suasana nyaman.if you want to make something beautiful moment saya recommend this place.dengan keramahan staf yg begitu ramah.and thanks alot for manager in charges pada saat saya datang kesana. With all satisfying service.
22 Februari 2019 9:12
I've stayed here twice now. They have a cool rooftop bar with a great view of the Jakarta skyline. Staff is friendly, attentive and really make you feel welcomed. The lounge for Platinum Preferred Guests has a very limited selection which may disappoint some if you're used to the Le Méridien, JW Marriott or Keraton club lounges. Keraton isn't a fair comparison because it's Indonesia's finest. Nonetheless, still a great place to stay.
22 Februari 2019 5:05
For my Jakarta visited, my family decided to stay at this place. Wonderfully decorated, with an update and refurbished building which is reflective of the Dutch inhabitants. The staff are wonderful, courteous and hospitable and deserve a credit for their amazing service. A place definitely worth to stay in as it includes a clean swimming pool, historical contemporary rooms and hard working staff.
08 Februari 2019 21:34
Hotel yang cukup mewah dan klasik. Hotel terawat dan bersih. Kesannya homy dan tidak terlalu ramai. Makanannya enak.

Tulis Ulasan

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