19 Desember 2019 9:13
Kebetulan saya parkir kendaraan di lokasi ini untuk mengunjungi nasabah bank Victoria yg berada di Sequis Tower dikawasan SCBD jl Sudirman.
19 Desember 2019 3:44
Cukup nyaman utk showcase2 yg gak terlalu penuh orang.tapi ya gitu deh, kalo banyak perokok dan kalau sponsor utamanya rokok agak ganggu ya.krn sesak dan penuh asap.
08 Desember 2019 10:06
Saya ingin sekali menampilkan idol ku di sana tapi saya sadar kalau saya tinggal di jawa timur Tulungagung dan bukan di Jakarta.jadi kemungkinan lain kali
01 Desember 2019 12:19
Cool place, nice for a concert, bathroom is cool, but the one thing they need to improve is the service, I don't know if it's because of my appearance or not (because it's a club/bar because I'm wearing a hijab but I went there for a concert), when I asked for a seat at the small table not the sofa, the waiter said I have to pay 5mio rupiahs! Super rude cos I know it's not that expensive and she probably thinks that I didn't know and can't afford it but I clearly can pay that and I can order mocktails.
29 November 2019 0:53
Tempat nya enak pengganti bengkel cafe kalau mengadakan acara musik.lokasi juga strategis di SCBD.harga makanan dan minuman disini lumayan pricey but okay.
13 November 2019 22:02
Suprisingly they serve many local dishes, and it taste really good. Almost like the original one from where it comes.
Suggest: lungs rendang, mangut lele, and sate maranggi
06 November 2019 15:32
Lakasinya sangat strategis, dan kelihatan dari jalan saat lalulintas normal, sangat dekat dengan perkantoran, hotel, apartemen, dan pusat pusat bisnis lainya, parkiranya juga luas, lega, aman, dan nyaman, salam semangat semoga The Pallas selalu sukses dan jaya.
05 November 2019 18:46
Macet parkir SMPIT dan banyak calo parkir yg menaikan tarf seenaknya masa parkir di pinggir jalan 30 rbu berati ga bikn nyaman kan mks
25 Oktober 2019 1:35
Been there for an event, Reza Artamevia concert and it was so amazing, it blended with the ambience.
20 Oktober 2019 20:13
Gw kesini pas nonton konsernya phum viphurit yang manana tour itu. Awalnya bener bener gatau kalo the pallas tuh di scbd pikiran w cuman di menteng gitu hahaha. Tempatnya enak sih kek cjill chill gitu trs di tengahnya tuh ada bar gede gitu isinya minum minum. Buat toiletnya udh kece abis sih enak bgt
15 Oktober 2019 2:53
Club/Diskotik di pusat bisnis jakarta SCBD, sangat ramai mungkin salah satu tempat clubbing favorit dijakarta.
05 Oktober 2019 5:34
Good Place to spend the night, but not really my favorit. It looks too big and makes it feels empty somehow eventhough many people are there
03 Oktober 2019 20:25
Gak pernah bosen dateng kesini dengan semua kejutan2 artis yang di datangkan ke sini. One of the best place for hangout and partyyyy
02 Oktober 2019 19:04
The place is really chill, but I thought the snack price with the quantity much expensive, reccomended for mocktail though
28 September 2019 11:37
Got there to see a concert. The place is a bit small for concert events, but very suitable for partying and things relatex. Although the drinks inside does not come cheap, staffs are very helpful and polite.
29 Agustus 2019 14:51
Hadir di acara launching produk baru Prosesor AMD di tempat ini

posisinya sangat strategis, dekat sama Pacific Place SCBD
18 Agustus 2019 10:14
One of the coziest places ive been in jakarta as i like it spacious. A lot of places in jakarta when packed feels claustrophobic, this place doesn't. Prices are reasonable. Waiters were polite and helpful. Restaurant like vibes from opening until live music which starts at 22.00 and turns into a lounge-ish style. Reservation beforehand.
03 Agustus 2019 16:58
Ia adalah tempat yang besar dan lebih sesuai sebagai tempat untuk konsert daripada sebuah bar. Memang pemuzik yang bermain muzik di dalamnya cukup best dan makanan serta minuman yang dihidangkan sedap dan nyaman
20 Juli 2019 13:52
Nonton telepopmusik soundnya kurang bagus, overprice mau beli shoot harus beli mixernya not recommend
13 Juli 2019 18:15
Bengkel then Potato Garage and then Pallas.a middle up resto with local cuisine.good taste yet not authentic from.your mom kitchen.
27 Juni 2019 1:40
Tempat untuk anak muda hang out. Nuansanya seperti masuk ke bangunan di eropa.sering di gunakan juga untuk event event, karena tempatnya yang bisa menampung banyak orang, dan menjual berbagai minuman ber alkohol.
17 Juni 2019 21:36
I was here for 'Bukber' with office mate. I just knew that the club has iftar buffet package.
All food are Indonesian cuisine with quite nice taste.
09 Mei 2019 9:44
Saya sangat suka dengan hype dan atmosfir di tempat ini, service nya baik dan bagus. Menu makanan dan minuman juga banyak pilihan dari non alkohol sampai ber alkohol. Nasi uduknya enak, harga di mulai dari 48k. Saya sangat menikmati musiknya baik itu live band maupun DJ.cuma terakhir kemarin kesana Sabtu, 4 Mei 2019 agak sedikit kecewa karena ditengah-tengah perform live band tiba-tiba mati listrik masal searea SCBD dan berlangsung lama. Begitu genset dinyalakan band nyanyi langsung lagu terakhir jadi kurang durasi buat menikmati. But overall, it's nice and I like this place.
20 April 2019 8:55
Tempat nya cozy bgt with live music. Datang pas jam 10 malem msh sepi tempat nya dan makin malam makin rame. Cocok buat youngster yg pngn hang out malem tp ga pengeng ke club.
11 Maret 2019 8:51
Tempat Untuk Acara Event & Melihat Musik dan konser Band Lokal sarta untuk Relaxing sepulang kerja karena lokasi di kelilingi oleh Perkantoran Seputar SCBD Sidirman
10 November 2018 19:32
Good venue for concerts and events.
Open table costs 8mio for high chairs in the middle of dance floor (in front of stage) and 16mio for sofas - in the sideways.

The toilets are nice and quite clean when i was there, but the alley to the toilets are narrow, ppl have difficulties to reach the toilet.

Only 1 toilet place available (with many toilets inside) so when you're on the side of stage that is far from toilets, you will find difficulties to reach the toilet! LoL

Parking lots for motorcycles are not available here so need to park in surrounding office buildings and then walk around 5 minutes to this place.
Maybe better to ride taxis or online ojek to reach this place.
10 Oktober 2018 10:57
Have been there several times, it was a nice place.there is live music and also not too crowded here.
04 Oktober 2018 22:17
Pernah ke sini bareng teman-teman komunitas blogger Jakarta. Waktu itu pas ada acara launching alfatrex.

Tempatnya bagus dan nyaman untuk ngadain event-event & launching product.

Nilai plusnya, dekat dari pusat kota.
02 Oktober 2018 21:24
Secara diliat tempatnya agak menjorok kedalam jadi susah ditemui bagi pendatang baru. Hallnya bagus nuansa retro modern
02 Oktober 2018 7:22
Haven't tried the food but great place and ambiance. The service was fast and nice too. Always wear appropriate shoes and clothing (no shorts) if you're visiting.
04 September 2018 15:19
Nuansa clasic. Makanan ok. Live music yg ok. Sygnya tata suara relatif terasa kurang diseparasinya. Pdhal Gedungnya punya karakter sound yg bagus.

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