17 November 2023 0:13
Excellent services! Will come here again and again and again for things that needed to be fixed!
19 Agustus 2023 0:15
Their staff need to work on work ethics, i was going to pickup my stuff that already completely paid yet they are handling other costumers while my stuff could already be 2 minutes max picked up and puff I’d already off their faces
21 Desember 2022 20:06
Saat itu tas saya Osprey Aether 70 AG putus dibagian shoulder strap karena digigit tikus. Meskipun bahannya berbeda tetapi tidak gampang putus sudah 2x saya ajak menggunung kembali
15 Desember 2022 5:48
Sedikit kecewa dengan laba laba beli dompet, belum ada 1 menit mau ditukar dengan produk yg lebih mahal, dengan penambahan sesuai harga, pelayan bilang tidak bisa, padahal di mall pun masih bisa dengan case seperti itu
15 November 2022 8:45
Rekomendasi dr keluarga, katanya kalo mau benerin tas2 mahal kesini aja. Th 2015an kesini reparasi tas aigner yg sdh berumur (1990). Bahan dr kulit ujung talinya udah rentan (hampir putus talinya), di reparasi ujungnya diganti dgn kulit kembali. Hasilnya mulus bgt gak terlihat reparasinya lohh.kulit tambalan dan kulit bawaanya mulus hampir sama. Trus pernah reparasi jam kulit jg sampe skrg masih bgs. Memang paham barang mahal.gak asal2 reparasi.
30 Oktober 2022 4:18
Selalu punya solusi untuk perbaikan. Harga ngak murah tapi tetap bersahabat, kualitas perbaikan ok
19 Oktober 2022 7:35
Reparasi sepatu dan sendal Hasil nya sll memuaskan dan harga nya juga okei sebanding dgn hasil kerja nya
02 Oktober 2022 14:10
If you have problem with you lovely stuff, such as bag, shoes, wallet Laba - Laba will help you to fix it and the goods will looks like a new stuff, and they have excellent service.
22 Januari 2022 5:16
Tempatnya strategis, aman, & nyaman jg sangat ramah cara karyawati jg pimpinanya dlm melayani custumer
18 Desember 2021 12:51
Warna ga lengkap, cuma terbatas yg bisa diperbaiki. Penjaha ga ngasi solusi, cm blg gabisa aja
07 Desember 2021 18:41
Store owner is very friendly, and their work is excellent. The price is reasonable and they have strategic locations that can be easily accessed anywhere in Jakarta.
I always choose Laba to repair any kind of bags, shoes, and even luggage. Super recommended!
27 Juli 2021 9:35
Bagi teman2 yang ingin mereparasi tas, sepatu, sandal maupun dompet, bisa datang kemari terutama yang berbahan kulit, harganya worthed sesuai dengan hasilnya, can save barang2 branded teman
11 Juli 2021 9:08
Sudah dua kali memperbaiki roda tas koper di Laba2, service nya bagus dan dapat ditunggui untuk langsung jadi. Kelemahannya hanya satu, yaitu dari segi harga agak mahal.hehehehe
01 Juli 2021 2:30
One of best and historical store for repair luggage, bag, shoes and belt. They have many branch. Location near main road but didnt have any parking lot.
13 Juni 2021 18:09
Pada awalnya aku mau reparasi sepatu hak tinggi punya istri tapi harganya terlalu tinggi dan akhirnya aku batal reparasi lalu sepatunya aku kasih sama tukang loak.
18 April 2020 19:53
My backpack got ripped out since I put things a little bit too heavy. I got it there to be fixed and the outcome was great!
24 Maret 2020 18:42
Service was not ok. The owner is unfriendly. The stitching for the repair made my shoes very tight n narrow
12 Maret 2020 13:37
The perfect place to repair your leather goods such as Shoes, bag, wallet, belt, and even to repair a luggage wheel. But, please understand that repair doesn't mean same condition as before. For example, if your leather bag's strap are broken, the leather might be different and they will splicing together the best way. The result are good but it won't be the same condition as before. For bag and wallet's lining change work is excellent result.
As far as I know, their service are:
1. Exchange/repair lining of wallet and bag.
2. Repair/exchange shoes outsole, including oustole of heels. For rubber outsole, may ned to be stitch for best result. As it will flop again if just glue up.
3. Repair and shorten belt length.
4. Repair the bag strap.
5. Exchange luggage's wheels.
6. Order and making luggage cover.
7. Selling leather goods in affordable even cheap price.
8. Exchange/repair some bag's Hardware

Things they can't repair:
1.insole/inner shoes lining if it's broken. As it is same with making new shoes.
2. Repair some sneakers sole.
3. Sandals with silicone sole such as f*tfl*p,
4. Repair patent leather aging surface that is sticky, cracked or stain.
09 Februari 2020 10:20
Tempat reparasi tas, koper dll yg berada di jalan raya Cikini. Disi bisa memperbaiki segala jenis koper serta lainnya.
13 Oktober 2019 11:55
Tempat reparasi tas, koper, sepatu dan barang-barang dari kulit lainnya yg sdh ada sejak tahun 80an di Cikini.layanan ramah dan jujur (jika bisa reparasi akan disampaikan bisa dng konsekuensi yg nanti akan dihadapi oleh pemilik, jika tidak pasti disampaikan tidak bisa) sehingga customer bisa memutuskan dng tenang sebelum melakukan proses berikutnya
01 Oktober 2019 5:52
Bisa mereparasi asesories berbahan kulit. Sepatu gesper tas koper.oh iya utk memperlebar ukuran sepatu top:). Toko ini juga menjual ikat pinggang dan matanya (<700 rb)
19 September 2019 6:01
I brought my first suitcase in 2007 and made my first plastic cover there. The quality was really good, the size fit and lasted till today. I kept bringing all suitcases (more than 10 suitcases) for plastic cover there yet now I stop. The last suitcases I brought there, the result was ugly. The quality of plastic still good but the size didn't fit. I had hard time closing the zipper. Seemed like they need to add at least 1 - 2 cm more to the corner so I can close it well. I told them once I received it yet they said it looked okay. I stopped going there since 2016.
11 September 2019 4:37
It has great reputation for mending shoes and bags since the colonial era. It sells leather goods, too.
09 September 2019 16:22
Tempat betulin berbagai macam tas dan koper. Dari reseliting sampai roda. Bisa ditunggu sekitar 30 mnt u tuk penggantian minor. Harga yang ditawarkan menurut saya sedikit lebib premium tetapi kualitas yang diberikan setara. Oo iya di toko ini juga menjual berbagai macam tas dbaik canvas maupun kulit asli/sintetis. Sedikit perbaikan yg bisa dilakukan adalah terkait showroom n workshop hanya disekat begitu saja, tercium aroma lem atau bahan kimia yang sdikit mengganggu pengunjung.
27 Agustus 2019 3:10
Tempat service tertua yg saya tahu.jadi andalan utk benerin tas dsb, sayangnya jam buka ikut office hour kantoran.minggu tutup

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