22 Maret 2020 11:31
Senang banget belanja disini.bw note kecil yg pengen dicari.pulang2 bawa 2kardus. Jadi gelap mata kalo belanja disini.lengkap dan harga terjangkau.pokoknya mantul.
23 Desember 2019 23:12
If you are in the area and looking fot any of baking utensils or ingredients, you can come to this shop.

I have been to many different Baking stores, none of them are complete but each store completes each other especially if you are looking for something not regularly being purchased by customers.

My apology. Forgot to take the picture
21 Agustus 2019 6:26
The owner likes to share his knowledge about the ingredients that we wanna buy. The employee are very nice as well.
10 Agustus 2019 18:07
Menurutku toko yg dibawah standar, mungkin sudah byk pelanggan jadi mau beli atau gak yo wes gitu, not really friendly
31 Juli 2019 18:06
Toko baking tools terlengkap. Yg ga ada di toko lain justru ada disini, harganya pun lebih murah, pelayanan nya ramah banget, owner nya jg ramah baik banget, mau ngasih masukan ttg baking ke konsumen. Pokoknya top deh.
03 Juni 2019 13:26
Alat dan bahan lumayan lengkap, tapi harganya diatas standar, rata-rata lebih mahal dibanding toko bahan kue lainnya.

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