25 Oktober 2023 7:30
I love it! Warung MJS is a hidden gem. The food here is absolutely delightful, and the atmosphere is cozy and inviting. The flavors are authentic and remind me of home-cooked meals. The service is warm and welcoming, making each visit a memorable experience. I can’t get enough of the delicious dishes they serve. Highly recommended!
11 Oktober 2023 23:37
JUJUR ENAK BANGET! Udah berkali kali ke sini karena makanan nya enak. Homey bgt dan harganya ga gitu mahal! Ku suka
04 Oktober 2023 10:53
Enak bgt masakannya krupuk dan pisang gratis tp rebutan ama monyet.makanannya mahal tp dimaafkan karena enak makanan jawa pol.tp bersihin dong tempatnya kumuh ga sesuai harga
03 Oktober 2023 5:05
Service wasnt attentive to incoming customers, we didnt know where to go and ended up sitting beforehand when we werent supposed to.

Price was way too expensive for such aversve taste. Elevated warteg sure but if i end up paying 70rb for a basic meal i might as well treat me to something special, more unique, or healthier.
10 September 2023 15:12
Udah sering kesini dan pesen nasi kotakan nya buat acara kantor tapi baru review tempatnya luas dan unik khas jawa, ada live music nya, menyediakan makanan khas jawa, kalau milih ayam, ayamnya gede wkwkwk, ada balakutak, ada mie godog juga, lokasinya strategist….
24 Februari 2019 17:51
Merupakan salah satu tempat makan khas Jawa yang berada di Jakarta Selatan yang sangat ramai ketika jam makan siang & siap-siap masuk daftar tunggu.

Lokasi yang sangat startegis di kawasan perkantoran Kuningan & Sudirman. Lokasi sangat mudah dijangkau. Tempat dengan nuansa Jawa & iringan lagu Jawa sangat kental yang membuat para pengunjung betah & berlama-lama sampai lupa waktu. Bisa untuk acara keluarga, acara kantor atau pertemuan bisnis dengan kolega. Tempat terdiri dari outdoor & indoor serta AC & non AC.

Tempat parkir untuk kendaraan roda 2 & 4 sangat terbatas, tapi tenang saja ada valet gratis dari MJS yang siap siaga untuk membantu para pengunjung.

Ada yang unik di MJS, kita akan disuguhi minuman jamu (bagi yang suka) di pintu masuk, kemudian kita akan didampingi oleh waiter dalam memilih menu makanan & minuman yang akan kita santap.

Makanan & minuman yg dipilih:
1. Ayam Cabe Ijo
Dengan cabe ijo yg banyak & ayam yang gurih & empuk, membuat lidah tak henti-hentinya mengambil cabe ijo untuk disantap.
2. Oseng Krecek
Pedas yang sesuai lidah serta bumbu yang pas, membuat oseng krecek sangat lezat makan dengan nasi panas.
3. Daun tumis singkong
Daun singkongnya tidak pahit serta pedasnya sangat pas.
4. Paru Bacem
Salah satu olahan makanan yg berbeda dari tempat lain, paru becem yang disajikan empuk, garing & terasa banget bumbu baecemnya.
5. Sayur Lodeh
Sayur lodeh banyak ditemukan ditempat lain, tapi sayur lodeh MJS terasa segar, enak & tidak pedas, serta dengan isian yang cukup unik yaitu terong & tahu.
6. Sayur Mangut
Sayur mangut merupakan sayur olahan ikan asap yang sangat jarang ditemukan di Jakarta, awalnya saya berespektasi lebih dengan sayur ini. Tetapi ketika dicoba sangat sangat jauh dengan apa yang saya harapkan. Kuahnya tidak terlalu pedas dengan santan yang sangat pas kekentalannya, tetapi ikan asapnya sangat sangat masih amis (tidak saya habiskan makanan ini).
7. Mendoan
Makanan khas Purwokerto ini sangat enak apalagi kita santap dengan sambal kecap.
8. Teh Manis Panas
Teh manis panasnya sangat pas olahan tehnya (campuran dari beberapa teh).

Untuk semuanya harga sangat terjangkau serta kita juga bisa bebas makan krupuk & pisang (di jembatan) dengan sepuasnya & tidak dipungut biaya alias GRATIS.
20 Januari 2019 3:01
Saya memesan ayam pakai sambel ijo. Saya berikan rate: 7/10
Ayam cabe setan: 6/10
Soto daging: 7/10 karna kurang panas saat disajikan pada saya. Jadi rasanya kurang pas, garamnya juga kurang berasa.
Sayur pepaya: 6/10. Kata mba nya sih udh di olah dengan baik agar tidak terlalu pahit. Tapi saya merasakan masih sangat pahit.

Untuk yang mau kesini boleh datang sendiri ataupun rame-rame dengan keluarga. Tempat untuk duduk pun beragam.
Ada indoor dengan banyak hiasan antik.

Outdoor nya bener-bener cheerfull. Ada di meja, banyak pepohonan, ada kolam ikan nya juga. Ada di ayunan juga loh.

Serta kebersihannya sangat terjaga
05 Januari 2019 13:37
Big portion of food and unique place to take picture with the javanese concept. But it's quite overpriced for this kind of food
26 Desember 2018 12:56
Get ready for an overwhelming culinary experience and invasion to your taste-buds.

Foreigners! You'll be at-lost if not visiting this place when you're in Jakarta. Although, bring someone that understand your language and bahasa, since i don't think the waitress can speak foreign language.

Now, let me walk you through. Once you step into the entrance you'll be guided to the right and somewhat dim room, now, this is where everything get really really interesting.

In that dim room, rows and rows of dishes-showcases for you to choose from. Please very careful if you have a weak stomach or easily rejects chilly foods, just tell the waitress, "No Pedas, Sakit Perut". Then, they got Chickens (varies cooking method), Duck, rich variety of Fish, Tempe, Daun Singkong on Opor, Tempe Bacem, Balado Terong, and o my God my stomach growls while typing this.

Once you ordered your food and drinks, you'll walk into this backyard with a swimming pool in the middle (see my posted photo) and feast your eyes with Indonesia's cultural item (well there's some from foreign country). There's a table with lots of Jamu (herbal drinks), if you somewhat adventurous that day. I reckon, people with OCD would shivers in there. It's just a beautiful chaos with plenty of witty quotes everywhere.

But, how's the food you asked? I'd say an individual dish wouldn't shine, however, when you combine several foods, there's the silver lining. I had a Opor Daun Singkong, Telur Puyuh, Ikan Bawal Bakar, Tempe Bacem and it paints my entire day gorgeous. Since, Javanese dishes more lean into sweet-taste, close your experience by ordering their Kopi Ibu Lurah.

The place is like a cocoon in a middle buzzing Sudirman-Kuningan area. If there's no tall building, you'd think you're somewhere remote.

When? Okay, avoid lunch time on working days, that's all i can say.

Who? Anybody except children, 80% of the place is smoking area and they got unguarded swimming pool.

How much? I'd say around IDR60K to IDR100K. Yesterday i went to MJS with my wife, we were on a frenzy, we ordered some that might think fit for 4 people, we spent IDR 200+K.

And ah yes, the most important part, The Kerupuk is free.
24 Desember 2018 19:13
Ini jogja? Ini di jakarta.persis raminten nya jakarta.nah pas tuh.suasana pdesaan ditengah prkotaan dengan konsep yang sederhana tapi rasa paripurna.ada es kopi bu lurah ada juga pisang bakar disiram gula merah.wah ini juaranya.konsepnya prasmanan.ditengahnya ada kolam renang and bisa dibilang ini instagramable place.so dont miss this place anyone in jakarta.letaknya di jalan setiabudi.patokannya dibelakang setiabudi one.jangan kmleman krna ini tmpt rame bgd.mlm minggu pasti kena waiting list.coz dr sore udah penuh.dan yg dateng bnyak expatriat alias bule bule.yuk deh brangkat kmri.harga pun murah murah.jangan takut bangkrut kawan.
23 Desember 2018 10:12
The place is pretty antique. When entering the room, there are many decorations that add to the eagerness of this restaurant. Food is displayed directly, just point to order it.the waiter was quite responsive.the price is medium. I ate one grilled chicken, ice tea, and vegetables and billed 70 thousand rupiahs
19 Desember 2018 2:53
This restaurant serves traditional cuisine, mostly from Javanese and sundanese tradition.
The ambience is so homy and relaxing, and when we went inside it seems that we're on a very peaceful and vibrant place, very different from the outside (let's imagine that this place is located at Setiabudi area, which is very hectic and always in a rush). Btw i love the word "peaceful and vibrant'.
Funny quotes are scattered everywhere, from the lobby to the corner of the rest room. I wonder that the copy writer is a philosopher but with funny mind.
The food is good, and we can choose the food not from the menu but from the "live" display of the menu and after we're hosted to our table the waiter/ress, would ask for drinks or any additional menu.
The price is medium to high and the place is match for group or individual customer.
But you have to be careful, because it's a very long line to get table during lunch or dinner time, your stomach shouldn't too empty while waiting to be seated. But don't worry, it'll be paid off once you have your meal delivered.
The parking lot is rather small but they provide free valet service. Two thumbs up.
11 Desember 2018 15:26
Tempatnya instagramable banget, kental dgn aksesoris jawa.
Tapi dari segi harga termasuk kategori mahal
Tempatnya suka rame apalagi pas weekend, jd kalo berbanyak mending booking dulu
10 Desember 2018 10:01
Tempatnya enak.masakanya enak.suasananya enak.ada live music keroncong setiap malam. Cocok buat perantau di Jakarta yg menginginkan nuansa jawa.
05 Desember 2018 6:23
Three things:
1. Great selection of traditional Indonesian (Javanese) food and drinks with funny names. Some are super hot, be careful.
2. Unique style of restaurant where they have a combination of indoors and outdoors and creative traditional decorations.
3. -1 for the price that is a bit expensive.
05 Desember 2018 5:37
Pengalaman baru dalam menikmati berbagai jenis masakan ala tradisional yang khas dengan Budaya Jawa yang kental dan memiliki kesan yang berbeda pula dengan suasana yang anti mainstream
05 Desember 2018 0:49
Enak sih, tapi mahalnya.hahahaha.
Makanan rata-rata sudah jadi, terus diangetin bila kita memesan. Tidak direkomendasikan untuk sehari-hari, berkunjung saat ada event-event tertentu saja. Kalo sehari-hari ke warteg lebih puas
27 November 2018 11:57
The best authentic Javanese delicacies. Been here since 2011 and alot of improvement and menu. Be prepare to be amaze with their spicy food. My mom, my clients and my family love it. Must place to eat while in J town. Kudos to the owner.
25 November 2018 4:30
Ternyata ada Raminten versi Jakarta. Datanglah ke Warung MJS. Ambience nya mirip-mirip dengan Raminten yang ada di Jogja. Bagi yang suka tradisional food dan unique place, ini cocok buat kalian.

Menunya Indonesia banget. Kesini diajakin temen yang pengen masakan Jawa. Restonya prasmanan, bisa pilih menu dan bil sesuai keinginan. Bagi yang malas mengambil, bisa langsung pesen ke pelayannya.

Buat yang suka foto, ada spot di dalam bagian belakang untuk foto.
22 November 2018 12:08
Menu masakan rumahan yang enak dan harga standart. Nuansa jawa dan pernak pernik etnik lainya. Ada pemain musik tradisional jawa.
18 November 2018 14:57
Buat yg demen poto2 atau nikmatin suasana makan sambil santai2 dgn aneka dekor dr suasana jepang, pinggir kolam, western, dll bisa mampir sini. Makanannya enak2 tp banyak yg pedas jd buat yg ga suka/ga bisa makan pedas hrs hati2.
17 November 2018 15:20
Home sweet home cooking. Reminds u for Yogyakarta when eating here. Live music with Javanese style on Saturday night. Reservation needed. Ambience are great for couples, family even group meeting
15 November 2018 8:23
Nice eating place with ethnic theme decorations. They have outdoor area inside the restaurant. Actually I don't expect that because from the outside it looks like small indoor restaurant, but it turns out they have a lot of tables. At the outdoor area you can eat under big umbrellas, under some big trees. Beside the nice place, they also have delicious foods, at least for my tongue. They serve traditional Javanese foods and Javanese noodles. When you arrive there, the waitress will find you a table. Before they escort you to the table, you must choose the dishes near the entrance. You not choose from the menu list, but the actual food that you'll eat (like warteg). But don't worry, the food will be served hot, or warm.
03 November 2018 16:51
Great food. So many varieties of indonesian food got me confuse to choose. Very spicy and the sambal portion enough for three. Excellent prompt service. Greeny and woody vintage javanese ambience. The coffee is just acceptable. Not too pricey tho, worth the tag.

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