20 Maret 2020 17:05
Cocok untuk perkantoran wirausaha yang sedang merintis untuk menjadi 'unicorn'. Untuk acara ulang tahun juga pas. Di luar bisa, di dalam bisa. Kamar mandinya ada yang mampet, pak.
02 Februari 2020 17:06
Solusi bagi yang cari workspace dg harga menarik dan lokasi strategis.terima kasih atas kerjasamanya
26 Januari 2020 12:34
Pake tempat ini buat acaranya Setali Indonesia. Ngadain bazar baju preloved dan nerima donasi. Tempatnya cozy bgt, ada taman, tempat inventory, dan indoor juga ada bisa dipakai buat jualan food and beverage. Recomended
29 Desember 2019 5:55
Co working space kecil, nyempil tapi gak dekil yee justru adem dan ada di lingkungan super hype di metro jakarta KEMANG! Belakang nya ada hotel klo kemaleman
02 Agustus 2019 20:03
Pelayanannya ramah, disediakan toilet yang terpisah antara wanita dan pria. Tempat klasik, bersih, nyaman, dan sejuk, sederhana namun elegan.
04 Mei 2019 22:33
Has changed its name into Wellspace. A coworking space which provide several types of rooms. Worked here for almost a year and the whole year they made lot of exciting activities for their tenants.
01 Mei 2019 8:38
I went to Meat Up BBQ and connecting entrepreneurs party last week and Freeware Labs Working Space became the venue.
13 April 2019 10:26
So, is just like another coworking space, providing good and decent space for work. They got some outdoor setting hence very convenient for smoker or merely from some fresh air.

Located not in the Main Street giving advantage of not having busy street look and rather calming and quiet place despite located in a prime Kemang area.

But what i like the most, they got Jiu Jitsu! They got Mattrass. They got jiu jitsu class and some boxing thing going on.

14 Maret 2019 7:40
Co-working office yang lega, nyaman dan interior yang minimalis. Lengkap dengan meja-bangku outdoor buat yang bosan di dalam ruangan. Kondisi sangat terawat dan bersih. Cocok buat tim startup kecil yang mencari office space casual/cozy dan tidak suka nuansa terlalu formal.
28 Februari 2019 21:18
Was there for some classes. They have different size of rooms to fit your activities. I was in a 8pax room but electricity outlet support was not sufficient enough. Rather quiet place, good for working with focus.

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