17 Januari 2024 19:31
Old fashioned sports store focusing on tennis and badminton equipment. Very nice owner and staff, nice selection of goods too.
17 Desember 2023 5:13
Customers better do your own research about kind of rackets they want to choose before coming here, otherwise you will feel the pressure of experience coming from kokoh and cici. Another pressure is that they have a lot of variety from a lot of brand. But thankfully if you tell them what price range you want (IDR2,3,4 mio), what is your regular sport, and are you an amateur or a pro, they will find a racket suitable for you.
23 November 2023 4:43
Dah langganan dr th 2009 sejak msh di bekasi. Skrg stay di Makassar msh oke jg sering order barang di sini. Moantefff lanjutkan bung Hengky heee
31 Juli 2023 21:47
Probably the best tennis shop in the neighborhood. They have wide choicesof racquets, shoes, balls and accessories. I feel like they are a little bit cheaper than other famous tennis shop for some items.

You can also purchase badminton amd table tennis goods.

Restringing service is relatively fast for today's standard. Make sure to request to get yourself a 4 knot stringing as by standard they will do 2 knot stringing.

The shop owner does not really like to chit chat so you will have to be very straightforward with what you want.

The place itself is not veruly comfortable as it is full of stuffs and not many seats available. But there are many shops, cafes and restaurant right next to it in case you want to wait somewhere more comfortable.
03 Oktober 2022 15:36
Sport store yg lengkap. Sudah berdiri sejak puluhan tahun di Kelapa Gading. Pelayanan baik dan cepat.
26 Desember 2021 10:18
Toko olahraga cukup lengkap akses mudah dan lokasi berada di pinggir jalan boulevard kelapa gading
19 Desember 2021 1:31
Productnya lengkap, luar biasa. Bintang 7 hebat. Tapi sangat disesalkan karena pelayanan ownernya sangat buruk dan sombong sekali maka turun deh jadi bintang 1. Semoga kedepannya diperbaiki. Nama besar toko tidak menjamin sustain jangka panjang jika tidak didukung service yang baik.
08 November 2021 0:38
Saya udah beberapa kali beli raket dan kelengkapan lain nya disini, tapi terakhir dateng mau pasang senar sampe ga jadi karena pelayanan yg buruk dari owner nya.
04 Agustus 2021 3:33
Lokasi mudah dijangkau... Perlangkapan olah raga cukup lengkap. Dari pakaian sampai kebutuhan raket
16 Juni 2021 2:20
Pelayanan ramah, bs konsultansi jg. Beli raket tenis d kasih yg kualitas bagus, harga lmyanlaah. Semoga bisa awet. Trmksh cici
21 Desember 2019 4:33
One of the best place to look for tennis equipments. You’re a beginner? Don’t worry just ask the owner, he’ll suggest you the most suitable equipment for your playing style.
30 September 2019 15:27
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