16 Desember 2022 14:27
Yamaha music classes has improve its people skill. They donot bother to explain the rules and regulations to the new students especially the ones who struggle with bahasa. There is no effort from their side to reach out to parents who are weak in bahasa. They should either have the forms for the classes in bahasa and English or they should at least make an effort to explain to people who donot have command over bahasa. Very disappointed with their people handling skill. I would have like my daughter yo continue with the classes but unfortunately they donot value students:
05 Agustus 2022 3:02
Customer service & sales pelayanannya sangat kurang, menunggu informasi barang saja harus menunggu sales.cust service atau admin tidak mengerti atau tidak bisa menginformasikqn spek dimana sbnrnya bisa dilihat dan baca di katalog
18 November 2019 2:00
Beli senar isinya kurang satu dan gak bisa dituker, belanja gak dikasih bon, petugas kurang ramah. Tolong tingkatkan lagi pelayanan nya. Benar benar kecewa
05 Juni 2019 20:15
Udah berapa kali kesini gapernah ramah yang jaga, mau harga nya 100 ribu sampe 100 juta juga males mba/mas beli nya

-pantes sepi
27 Mei 2019 1:40
Selamat sore, yamaha music square casablanca apakah masih membutuhkan tenaga kerja baru?

Tulis Ulasan

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