01 Februari 2020 17:01
Tanggal 6 januari 2020 baru pada masuk pelajaran lagi.
22 September 2019 22:16
Wooiiii.gk ada otak ojol yg di situ.ngapain lo pindahin titik SMA 10. SPAM LO SESAT
07 Mei 2019 14:14
Sekolah yang luas, tapi gersang dan berdebu, Kelas masih menggunakan kipas angin belum ac. Fasilitas lumayan lengkap. Kalau hujan deras dan durasinya lama bakalan muncul genangan.
25 November 2018 3:57
Great school.

It has a broad span and wide area in terms of physical size.

The front area has a great access of parking with a pretty neat and safe with security officers and CCTV surveillance on ALL AREA (CLASS, PARKING LOT, LIBRARY, LABS, LOUNGE)

The middle area has a narrow lobby entrance with a receptionist desk.

The main area on the other hand is very large, each has a football and basketball pitch with a pretty decent concrete material.

The rear area has a pretty bad toilets both men and women. The mosque on the other hand is warm, clean, and nice.

Common problems concerning this place.

• Due to the low-land altitude and terrible drainage system throughout the area, most of its part INCLUDING the indoor area would be sunk on a pretty deep water ranging from 5-10 cm in height.

• An incompetent janitorial services. A lot of toilets in existence are pretty bad organized, stained floor with a pungent smell, 3/10.

• Dusty parking lot could cause stain on motorcycle spareparts.

• Wet and begrimed Mosque flooring.

• No access to corridor interchange, so you could be obstructed with rain water during unexpected showers.

Amenities and Infrastructure

• 12/5 Open Hours of Canteen Service
• Free parking for students
• 12/5 Library and Archive
• Media and Auditory Lab
• Biology and Physics Lab
• Air-Conditioned Guest and Parent Lounge
• Greenhouse
06 April 2018 19:31
CODO (Company Owned Dealer Operated)
SPBU CODO PT Pertamina merupakan SPBU sebagai bentuk kerjasama antara PT Pertamina dengan pihak-pihak tertentu. Antara lain kerjasama pemanfaatan lahan milik perusahaan ataupun individu untuk di bangun SPBU PT. Pertamina. Skema CODO hanya akan diberikan kepada calon SPBU dengan minimal omset yang ditentukan berdasarkan verifikasi awal.

DODO (Dealer Owned Dealer Operated)
SPBU DODO merupakan SPBU bentuk kerja sama dimana lokasi dan investasi dilakukan seluruhnya oleh individu calon mitra, Untuk mengembangkan outlet non PSO pada saat ini SPBU DODO hanya menjual jenis produk Premium dan BBK (Solar yang dijual adalah solar Keekonomian).

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