11 Juli 2022 7:15
School provide english cambride curiculum and islamic curiculum with the english basis and also has good environment fresh air for your children.
02 November 2020 2:57
Indonesian private school with Islamic value, combining the national & international curriculum.from primary upto Secondary 2 level. Perched on Bukit Hambalang, provide a beautiful scenery for your everyday good mood.
27 Oktober 2019 19:42
Dear Parents, if you want to find an international standard Islamic school with cambridge curriculum, starting from elementary school, junior high school and senior high school, this school is the right choice
28 Mei 2019 15:45
Modern Islamic school in Indonesian. Love to support this schools.
17 Januari 2019 14:32
This is a sister school of Al-Taqwa College Australia. A combination of Cambridge education and Indonesian curriculum ed. 13 with Islamic values. Lokasi yang unik bagaikan Villa di bukit Hambalang, udara segar dan jauh dari lalu lintas. Pemandangan alam ke arah Sentul City, pegunungan Bogor, dan sekitarnya.
Buku pelajaran dalam bhs. Inggris kecuali PKN dan bhs. Indonesia. Bahasa pengantar 80% dlm bhs. Inggris. Biaya masih masuk akal dibandingkan sekolah swasta berkualitas lain di Jabodetabek. Syarat diterima utk tingkat SD tidak diwajibkan bisa berkomunikasi dlm bhs. Inggris. Siswa akan cepat menguasai bhs. Inggris krna kondisi pembelajaran di sekolah yg mayoritas berbahasa Inggris. Ada pilihan Boarding (asrama) utk Secondary Level.

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