22 September 2023 7:00
Luxury hotel, bagus banget pelayananya.
Dinner nya juga enak menunya
Sarapanya juga enakkk.besttttt
21 September 2023 7:00
Hidden gems di daerah ciumbuleuit, ga jauh dr kampus unpar, pelayanan bagus, fasilitas okai, dan good views
13 September 2023 3:49
Sdh sering banget menginap disini, kamarnya ok2, suasananya jg ok.nyaman.jauh dari hiruk pikuk kota Bdg.
Gak pernah bosan kemari.
07 September 2023 21:33
I spent 2 nights here, it was worth it, they had 90 minutes breakfast in the morning at 10 floors, you could experience great hills view with delight choice of food.
04 September 2023 16:18
Really good experience staycation in here, nice view, the room is clean and comfortable, and there is jacuzzi in the room. Highly recommended
23 Agustus 2023 2:36
We were very impressed by the good service we received including the free upgrade.
The food was amazing.
21 Agustus 2023 22:26
We ended up here via Airbnb.
I would not advise anyone to stay here.
It's incredibly loud, you can't sleep. Cars, scooters, people and everything from other rooms can be heard. Catastrophe!
In addition, all the balcony lamps shine all night, there is no switch for them. As a result, the room is as bright as day, making it almost impossible to think about sleeping.
Otherwise a lot of appearances than reality. Must have been a good address.
A bit off the beaten track, little is within walking distance.
Equipment is OK, cleanliness rather not. Hair and dirt everywhere, as well as stains on the sheets. The shower cannot be adjusted and wobbles.
20 Agustus 2023 6:17
Suka banget sama decor hotelnya
Dan semua pelayanannya
Kalau kebandung wajib sih nginep sini
04 Agustus 2023 10:45
Hallo, I have exp staying at today.
I got WhatsApp at 12pm saying the hotel is welcoming.
I arrive at hotel on 1 pm
The lobby officer inform check in time is at 2 pm
Ok, I can wait because we have 2 welcoming drinks at 10 th floor
Now at 02.22 pm, the officer at 10 th floor inform that the room can ready at 3 pm.
Let's see.
Well, got the room around 02.49 pm due to the engineering team need to fix a broken chair.
But, the room is great and complimentary food quite good too.
29 Juli 2023 9:01
Menurut saya tidak rekomendasi buat yang butuh istrahat tenang, suara kendaraan Motor dan mobil sangat kencang terdengar* susah tdur! (udah request yg tdak menghadap jalan ga dikasih) Kondisi kamar sofa nya Kotor, masuk kamar mau telpon receptionist ehh telpon nya gada kabel nya. Kulkas nya ga dingin, kamar mandi kecil
14 Agustus 2019 3:13
Art Deco hotel is a 4-star luxurious hotel & private residence located on the mountain foot in Bandung. It is surrounded by green & mesmerising landscape. The hotel rooms are Renaissance-style made which are glamorous. This hotel provides high class services. It has 10 floors which half of it are used by its private residents.

The room rate is more expensive than other similar 4 star hotels in Bandung but i understand why it is so. Every corner of this hotel is very instagrammable, like the pic of a dinning room where i was.
I give 5 star rating for this hotel as i enlist this in one of my "favourite hotel" book.
10 Agustus 2019 1:56
Tempatnya bagus, instagramable
Sarapannya standar, ga terlalu banyak pilihan, rasanya pun biasa aja, kolam viewnya keren bgt, cuman sayang ga ada handuk dikolam? Jd harus bolak balik ke kamar buat bawa handuk dl, jaccuzi nya kotor sekali, dan bau.
31 Juli 2019 6:03
Tempatnya bagus, kalo bisa sih ke rooftop nya yang ada kolam renangnya, bisa liat city view juga. Enak kalo dipake buat foto2 juga banyak spot instagramable
23 Juli 2019 19:43
Never plan to stay here, unless you are ready to argue with the front desk. We stayed 2 nights for 3.2 mio IDR. The room was as expected, breakfast assortment varies but the taste is plain, the worst bit is the check out.

We overslept on saturday afternoon, at 1322 the room was knocked, and we said we will be on our way to proceed with check out. We left the room 1345 and proceed to front office and being told to pay late-check out fee of 200k IDR.

Some mishap we encounter
1- they claim they phoned the room, turns out that the phone in the room was muted. Not from us because we didnt know how. They did sent someone to check to the room. And it was muted
2- they claim to phone our mobile, but couldnt get through, appearantly she was mistakenly reading the number
3- yes they did manage to knock the room and we are complying within 20 minutes
4- upon check out, we ask to see where does the late check out fee was printed in the hotel logs at FO. But she unable to do so. The in-room book doesnt state on the mentioned fee.

Final result, no late check out fee was embedded.but my preagnant wife had to endure such precedence at the front office.

Strucurally hotel is nice, but please improve the service. Thanks.
21 Juli 2019 19:49
Nice interior. Friendly staffs. Lovely Buffet. Nice Pool. The Bedroom is a bit tight for a family with two young children (8yo and 2yo).
17 Juli 2019 1:32
Stayed: 11th - 12th June 2019
The hotel itself was quite inconvenient for a 5-star hotel. Firstly, they only offered one room key, which is strange since the standard is normally two room keys. Secondly, the bathroom is not covered: it has only blurred windows, which made it feel quite uncomfortable for taking showers, not to mention the lack of a shower door made the bathroom a constant flood. Finally, this only applies to Muslims, the bathroom was inconveniently placed in front of the qiblat - clearly not the best location.
15 Juli 2019 1:49
The decoration and view were good but the food and service were the opposite. And also I had problem with toilet, either it was hard to find or someone using it because the toilet was just one.
14 Juli 2019 10:24
Good Hotel, friendly staff, clean and nice room, its a nice hotel if you are not looking for big bathroom, other than that its very recommended.
05 Juli 2019 15:50
Nice and breeze rooftop restaurant & pool. 5 star hotel breakfast. <br/>—<br/>Small room. Maybe because the interior style.
03 Juli 2019 14:13
Tempatnya bagus, nyaman, pelayanannya pun oke.tp sayang di kamar duluxe tdk bs extra bed, di kolam renang pun tdk disediakan handuk, kolam anaknya kecil banget.
02 Juli 2019 10:58
Salah satu tempat terbaik yang menyajikan private jacuzi. Walaupun kondisi kamar dengan private jacuzi tidak terlalu luas. Tpi tetap rekomended 7tk stay di tmpt ini. Tempatnya tidak dekat jalan raya justru menambah ketenangan dari ramainya kota bandung sekarang ini.
30 Juni 2019 19:46
Tempatnya nyaman. Karyawannya ramah. Pemandangannya bagus sangat cocok buat pengantin baru atau sekedar melepas penat
23 Juni 2019 2:40
Kalau km suka ketempat yang keren bgt dengan suasana tenang sama daerahnya lumayan strategis ini tempat yang cocok
20 Juni 2019 9:54
Hotel yang letaknya di daerah Ciembeluit ini sudah pasti akan memberikan pemandangan yang indah.
Kita bisa menikmati sun rise sambil santap pagi di roof top hotel ini.
Udara yang sejuk dari dataran tinggi Bandung melemgkapi fasilitas kamar yang sangat nyaman membuat saya ingin tetap bermalas-malasan di kamar.
Di Hotel ini terdapat fasilitas Jacuzi di rooftopnya sehingga kita dapat berendam di pagi hari atau sore hari tanpa takut kedinginan sambil menikmati city view kota Bandung. Untuk yang satu ini tidak dapat boleh terlewati.
27 Mei 2019 10:58
Gaya bangunan saya suka. Masuk kesini kyk masuk istana krn mewah dan megahnya.hope someday I have one. Parkiran luas. Ada mobil antik waktu saya kesitu khas britania raya.
25 Mei 2019 10:04
Hotel di Bandung Art Deco Luxury Hotel & Residence ini menawarkan empat tipe kamar, yaitu Deluxe, Premier, Corner Suite, dan Jacuzzi Suite yang masing-masing memiliki balkon privat. Relaksasi terbaik adalah menginap di tipe Jacuzzi Suite yang dilengkapi oleh private whirpool di balkon. Pemandangan ke teras hijau seperti mampu menyerap segala kelelahan dan memberikan liburan berkualitas. Desain kamar hotel dirancang romantis berkat sentuhan chinoiserie wallpaper dan warna pastel. #HotelBandung #WisataBandung #WisataSelebriti
22 Mei 2019 19:46
Untuk arsitektur kamar dan semua sudut tempat disini sangat sangat sweet. Parkiran luas, pelayanan ramah. Di kamar juga di sediakan camilan yg banyak tapi sayangnya itu harus bayar hehe.
22 Mei 2019 10:38
Tempat menginap dg akses mudah kemana2 di bandung tp suasana tenang dg udara segar.dg salah satu fasilitas kamar dg jacuzzi bikin anak2 senang, blm lagi kolam berenang terdapat di rooftop jd bisa liat view kota bandung.pokokny kalo kebandung nginep di sinilah sy dg keluarga.pasti tambah seru liburan
21 Mei 2019 12:01
Dekorasi kamar keren, nyamann. Cuma kurang enak breakfastnya sama ga ada lontong kari hehe. Untuk masukan aja di kamar camilannya jgn bayar lagi, jd include aja sama bayar room hehe. Selebihnya oke oke sih, parkir pun luassssss apalagi liftnya sukaaaaa glamourrrr, ter love. Semoga bisa kesana lagi. Thanks artdeco
15 Mei 2019 11:34
Great place to spend the night. Good food and good service adds even more quality to the hotel itself.
13 April 2019 2:23
I stayed in room 316. It was quite and beautifully decorated. I would suggest a room facing the mountains instead of facing the road. The breakfast was good, not great, but tasty enough. I like the interior design and the hotel was spotless. The bathroom was rather small for deluxe room, not a big problem though. I love the bed and the pillow, you will get good night sleep with such quality. Try to wake up early in the morning and enjoy the scene from the pool on the rooftop. It's worth it!
07 April 2019 11:13
This place is quite narrow and the parking lot is not much, but the location is good in the middle of the beautiful and cool ciumbeuleuit area, making it suitable for resting and relaxing from the hustle of the city. The view from the top floor which has a swimming pool is quite good
09 Februari 2019 23:37
Maaf saya kasih bintang 2 karena emg g sesuai harga. Kamar kecil bgt, ditambah untuk yg kamar dengan balkon, balkonnya adanya dluar dan sangat bisa dilihat oleh orang lain. Kebersihan kamar jg kurang dijaga, karena dbawah meja dan tempat tidur masih banyak debu. Hanya yg emg kasat mata aja yg beneran bersihnya. Itu jg g sengaja keliat karena kebetulan ngambil remote ac yg jatuh ke kolong meja, dan taunya kotor bgt. Tolong dperhatikan jg untuk layanannya, kurang memuaskan dan mengecewakan. Terimakasih.
28 Oktober 2018 3:09
Decent nice hotel in Ciumbuleuit area. Room is bit small but clean, bathroom is even smaller! However, great bed and good selection of tv choices from Indi home. What is annoying is the wall between room is so thin so particularly you can hear people at the next of the room talking or make a noise!
However, they have great rooftoop with view over the mountain and hill. Infinity pool also great. Food need to improve in term of selection and pallate.
16 Oktober 2018 10:19
Hotel mewah dan keren yg ada di bandung, karena sangat nyaman dan berada di daerah yg tidak terlalu ramai, cocok untuk liburan keluarga dan sangat instagramable
10 Oktober 2018 19:17
New Hotel, but the staff is not experience, price list on the menu not right, they correct it after your meals. You only get 1 key card, to get additional one you need to argue with reception and put deposit money.
08 Oktober 2018 8:45
View nya dan luxurynya dapet. Tapi sayang kamar mandinya sempit bgt. Sarapannya juga ga banyak macemnya dan rasanya cenderung biasa aja dan ga bikin pengen nagih atau nambah.
03 Oktober 2018 20:18
Interior serba mewah, banyak unsur marmer dan tema warna putih. Kamar yg saya tempati tidak terlalu besar, kalau sore sinar matahari langsung kena ke jendela jadi harus ditutup kordennya.
Restoran dan kolam renang ada di paling atas, good view!
Breakfast yang aneka pastanya enak banget.
Sayang akses ke hotel ini jalannya sempit.
24 September 2018 6:09
Tempat nya nyaman, recomended banget buat liburan keluarga, suasana di kolam renang atas lebih asyik sambil menikmati pemandangan alam, dan pemandangan kota

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