28 November 2023 2:09
Cafe is beautifully design with nive ambiance.

I ordered an espresso but it was not tasting good. I talk to the barista and was kind enough to redo. 2nd cup tasted great! Really happy with the team. Hope to come back again.
22 November 2023 19:34
Baru liat dari luar aja udah mikir "wah gila ini tempatnya cakeup banget", di luar bagian depan ada area lesehan berundaknya gitu kalau mau kerja dengan kondisi santai, indoor-nya mungkin agak sedikit kecil spacenya tapi bagian outdoornya luas banget. Di bagian bawah meja juga ada colokan listriknya jadi pewe banget kalau mau wfc di sini.

Minumannya dan makanannya enak dan range harganya ngga terlalu mahal.

Toiletnya bagus, aada kaca besar di area westafel, musholla juga oke banget, pegawainya sampai ke tukang parkirnya ramah-ramah dan full senyum sekali aku senang
11 November 2023 21:22
Very nice place with industrial vibe
Good food especially the drinks, we had choco affogato & hot choco, the pastries we had beef bratwurst & chocomaltin
Very good service
11 November 2023 8:52
Coffee shop nya cozy, kopi nya juga enak tempat nya bersih dan cocok buat hangout atau sambil wfh
14 Juli 2023 18:59
Sebenernya enak kalo dapet tmpat di belakang kalo area smoking yang depan suka terganggu suara knalpot brong yang lewat
07 Juli 2023 2:12
Kopi dan cemilan enak,
Buka pagi dan Tmptnya nyaman dan harga sesuai.
Toiletnya bersih dan jd favorit tmpt nongkrong utk santai
21 Juni 2023 12:08
Konsepnya industrial style wow bgt ini tempat.
Super cozyyyyyy pegawainya ramaaaahhh so recommended
06 Juni 2023 12:38
Cocok untuk suasana santai. Kopi nya beragam.
Makanan berat tidak tersedia
Cocoo untuk kaula muda dan pecinta fotograph jg
01 Juni 2023 14:59
Tempat yang cocok untuk nongkrong atau bekerja dari Cafe. Suasana nyaman karena banyak pohon sehingga di outdoor tidak begitu panas.

Pilihan kopi dan minuman cukup banyak namun variasi camilan atau snack tidak terlalu banyak lebih ke kue atau pastry
19 Mei 2023 15:21
Desserts, coffee and chilling at the same time. Atmosphere cozy and clean, not too crowded.
We tried the Banana Nutela croissant which soft inside and crunchy outsidr and came with plentiful Nutella.
Good Latte also because not to sour.
Recommend chocolate affogato.
Place have great simple outdoor. Small parking space but enough.
24 April 2023 13:07
Worst thing about this cafe is the chairs in the non smoking area. They're so uptight, the table was so low, and it made me feel like I'm in a job interview.

The coffee taste's average but the pastries were delicious.

However I kind of annoyed by the waitress who kept on taking our plates while we were in the middle of discussion. Also there were so many of them that they're making a noise back there.

I don't think I would be coming there again, although I had been a little intrigued by the outdoor benches. However it's for the smokers, so it's a no no for me. Sorry, but it's an honest review.
30 Januari 2023 17:31
Asik bgt ada free snack-snack jadul, bisa ambil sendiri. Seneng bgt kalau coffee shop ada musholanya. Suasana adem nyaman.
21 Desember 2022 17:54
The choices are limited, especially for food as they only serve some choices of pastries and Mac and cheese. The portion for the drink is small and quite pricey. Won't recommend it for dining or grabbing a bite but if it is the atmosphere you're looking after, the place is good though it could do so much more by serving greater variant of food and drink. The price is too high for the portion, can't emphasize it more.
15 November 2022 9:33
Coffeeshop yg lumayan baru di Bogor, tempatnya cukup aesthetic buat foto foto, pesan latte, tp gelasnya cukup kecil buat harganya ️
30 Oktober 2022 15:47
Desain open space nya cozy dan bikin betah.teras bagian depan pun asik kalau ingin menikmati jalan raya hehehe.indoor area nya pun nyaman. Aku cicipi cappucinno dan enak
23 Oktober 2022 12:49
I thought this place would have a vista, like the nearby Tier Siera. Unfortunately it appears to be blocked by a housing complex, so no vistas. Great place to work from, excellent coffee selection and what looks like experienced baristas.

The lack of a vista is made up by providing a deck overlooking the street, though it's a subpar solution because the street can be pretty noisy. But it's alright.

They have an amphitheater-style deck in the back side that without explanation has the outlets all taped off.
11 Oktober 2022 8:14
Good coffee. They have manual brew.
Good food.
Good vibes.
Please add more indoor space.
Will be back soon.
04 Oktober 2022 17:06
Bagus tempatnya. Bersih banget. Ada area outdoor yg ada atapnya jadi ga kehujanan pun. Snacknya banyak varian tp makanan berat kayanya ga gitu variasi. Toiletnya bagus, ada mushola yg bagus juga
23 September 2022 4:53
Nice ambience, and good music choice for accompanying you work from cafe kinda vibe. Ordered their cappuccino and apple crumble, taste nice but their price quite higher than the other regular coffee shop in Bogor, about 5% higher. But yea u gotta pay for the ambience they're offered. Quite balanced
23 September 2022 3:58
There are 4 options of tea selection and 2 origin beans. Their signature is just so try their manual brew instead. There are mocktails and non-coffees menu too.

The ambience is nice, the concept of this coffeeshop is also nice. The bathrooms are clean, and there is prayer room too. There are indoor, semi-indoor, and outdoor. On semi-indoor and outdoor, smoking is allowed. They provide Wi-Fi too so you can add this place to your list where you can do work from cafe

They also provide private meeting room with t&c applied.
01 September 2022 5:50
Tempatnya cozy pisan, WiFi lagi lemot, capuccinonya kurang oke sih menurutku semoga bisa lebih improve lagi
31 Agustus 2022 17:21
Asik buat nongki. Ada kebijakan tidak membawa makanan dan minuman dari luar.

Tersedia makanan dan minuman coffe dan non coffe
30 Agustus 2022 7:33
Dalam rangka ngunjungi kedai kopi yang worth untuk nugas, Aumont Kofie masuk ke list yang pengen dikunjungi.

Parkirnya luas, tempatnya pun nyaman. Sayangnya, indoornya sedikit. Jadi, tempat yang nyaman untuk nugas pun sedikit. Sebenernya bisa di outdoor, tiap meja ada colokan, tapi sangat tidak rekomen karena kanopinya dari kaca. Tadi ke sana udah kayak dijemur karena yang indoornya penuh wkwkwk: (rekomen nugasnya sore ke malem berarti.

Tadi beli Chai Latte, signature mereka, karena emang jarang kedai kopi serve that menu. Rasanya good, rempahnya enak, porsinya lumayan, harganya cuma 30k.
26 Agustus 2022 5:50
Very2 not recomended.beverages and foods very2 nasty expensive.

Mint tea RP p. 35 ribu.

They just sold place in the center of City.

But the waiter, serve nicely.
24 Agustus 2022 10:14
If you are looking this cafe, it's a bit difficult, hidden between big trees along the streets. So if you are already in this street, just take a look at your left and move slowly. The interior is so industrial. However the indoor seatings are very limited. But they have a lot of outdoor seating, which is great if you want to enjoy coffee and the wind breeze. They also have clean rest rooms and quite decent musholla space.
They offers variety of coffee and non coffee beverages that you may pair with a lot of pastries of your choice. Have a try!
21 Agustus 2022 6:37
Ga sengaja nemu tempat ini pas lagi browsing tempat ngopi di Bogor. Tempatnya nyaman, enak buat ngobrol lama2. Ada toilet dan musholanya. Akses buat ke sininya juga ga susah dan yg terpenting angkot friendly, cocok utk yg ga bawa kendaraan pribadi.
20 Agustus 2022 12:28
Sebenernya tempatnya ga luas2 amat, kebanyakan kawasan outdoor smoking roomnya, pilihan minuman dikit, cemilannya apa lagi -_-
19 Agustus 2022 12:50
Pertama kali coba dan berniat untuk kembali lagi ke tempat ini. Untuk kopi nya ok banget, untuk cemilan rotinya pun mantap. Tempatnya pun nyaman banget, sampai ke toiletnya pun bersih dan mereka menyediakan mushola buat yang mau beribadah. Baristanya komunikatif. Recommend deh ini coffee shop
16 Agustus 2022 14:39
Nice ambience, and good music choice for accompanying you work from cafe kinda vibe. Ordered their cappuccino and apple crumble, taste nice but their price quite higher than the other regular coffee shop in Bogor, about 5% higher. But yea u gotta pay for the ambience they're offered. Quite balanced
01 Agustus 2022 20:51
There are 2 outdoor areas and 1 indoor. They also have working space.

The front outdoor area is suitable for working or studying, if you don't mind the smoke. They provide tables with proper height so you don't need to hunch over to read book or work on your laptop. The back part is great to hangout with friends.

Indoor area is cozy despite the space.

The order is fast.the signature drinks are fabs.
30 Juli 2022 8:41
Tempatnya aestetik yah.
Kesini krna pengen ngadem, tpi ruabg indoornya terbatas sekali gk begitu luas. Jadi maksa minum di indoor sampai ademin diri trus ke bagian outdoor untuk nongkrongnya.
Rasa minumannya enak, harganya cukup mahal yah dibanding toko kopi sebelah tpi dengan tempat yg se aestetik itu sih rasanya pantas.
Untuk pastries nya enak enak, harganya cukup terjangkau.
22 Juli 2022 12:55
Tempatnya ngga begitu terlihat dari jalan, mungkin karena signage nya kurang besar kali yah. Padahal kopinya enak dan makanan nya juga lumayan enak.
10 Juli 2022 14:55
Cozy place for hang out or brainstorming with workteam. The coffee is fine, not many variants of snacks. The staff ls are goodlooking and hve good manner
10 Juli 2022 4:01
Pilihan menu minuman sangat beragam, namun untuk makanan semoga di tambahkan variasinya. Pelayanan sangan sangat baik dan ramah. Coba pilihan mocktail kopi di tempat ini, segar!
09 Juli 2022 6:30
Kopinya enak, interior design nya apik.
Enak buat nongkrong.

Klo weekend agak penuh
23 Juni 2022 5:45
Good coffee and nice ambience. Plenty space for outdoor smoking area with quite nice design. The Apple Cinnamon Croissant is a must-try. Artisan tea is a recommendation. The location is considered as an Instragramable, with various spot for photoshoot. Toilets are clean. Good medium size of praying room available. Definitely will return.
29 Maret 2022 21:31
The place is so beautiful, interior and exterior. There are so many space in outdoor area such as amphitheater one. The drink itself was okay, i drank only White Drip when i visited there, and it was okay, not too bitter not too sweet, and you can bring it to go, because it's packaged within a bottle. For the bakery, i ate Pain Au Chocolate, and it was really good, so many pastry's crunchie layers and there's melting chocolate in the middle, yummm.
07 Maret 2022 0:58
Latte aja deh. Tempat sholat proper, kamar mandi clean, area duduk nyaman. Wifi nya up and down nih! Improve makananannya juga atuhlah.
22 November 2021 3:45
Love their mocktail series.for coffee.always love the manual brew.btw try their risoles. Overall itss worth every rupiah.great drinks cool vibe.
20 Oktober 2021 19:44
Tempatnya nyaman dan enak kecuali saat pagi / terik panas karena mayoritas tempat duduk disini ada dibawah atap kaca

kopi dan snack enak, sesuai dengan harganya
14 September 2021 3:56
Damn good baristas! Udahh percaya aja sama racikan baristanya.gak usah ribet request racikan sendiri.

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