20 September 2023 3:07
Going to Bandung on saturday night, we stopped at Bilbao to have our dindin. The place is nice, there’s smoking area and non smoking area. We had our table on smoking area which is kinda huge. I ordered Pizza but unfortunately it was sold out, so I ordered Lasagna, and taste good. I also order Ice coffee blend, yummy and so creamy. For dessert I ordered creme brulée, but the name is not creme brulé and I forgot. My friend ordered tiramisu and it was delicious.
06 September 2023 22:28
Untuk kalian yg mau hunting foto2 ciamik area outdoor, aku saranin dateng pagi or sore sekalian biar ga terlalu panas karna atapnya itu kaca transparan.lighting dpt bagus, tapi ga jadi lepek

pelayanan oke, makanan oke, dessert oke, minuman oke.mantep deh, sukses terus ya! Thankyou
25 Agustus 2023 11:22
Makan disini enak dan suasananya adem tenang, buat yg mau foto2 cantik bisa karena spot nya bagus
29 Juli 2023 21:01
Pertama kali dateng makanannya enak enak, yg dipesan nachos, salted caramel chocolate cake, sama minum yg varian salted biscoff dan matcha dan itu ga ada yg gagal, terus kedua kali kesitu pesan menu lain pizza pepperoni, strawberry shortcake, nachos, choco de banana, tapi kurang enak untuk pizzanya, dan strawberry shortcakenya, untuk pelayanan bagus ko mba sama masnya baik bapa security juga baik tapi parkirnya terbatas sekali
19 Juli 2023 23:05
When we arrived, we asked for non smoking room. It turned out that the doors to the smoking rooms were wide open, so the non smoking room was also full of smoke. When we gently advised them to close the doors, they just laughed.
The table was wobbling, and we had to ask twice for adjustments.
Ordered medium rare steak, and was given rare.
I don't think I'll come back again
13 Juli 2023 16:33
Sulit dpt parkir, muter2 smp bbrpkali g dpt2.g dtawarkan valet.smg securitynya bs berkoordinasi lbh baik lg utk kbthn customer2nya.pelayanan di dlm very good.mknan very good.
23 Oktober 2019 1:55
Tempatnya nyaman, makanan enak banget, dan service yang luar biasa ramah. Pas banget kalo lagi gabut atau ngerjain kerjaan di luar kantor sambil makan siang.
16 Oktober 2019 4:43
The foods are good. I like the restaurant ambience and the interior, looks fancy and comfy. Their waiters are responsive and friendly. But the parking area is small.
26 September 2019 7:38
Rekomen banget deh selain tempat nya nyaman service nya oke dan menu makanan nya uenak byk pilihan pula
20 September 2019 7:57
Restoran dimana yang digambarkan di buku menu sama dengan wujud aslinya. Rasanya enak, suasananya seperti lagi makan di eropa:) recomended sekali
13 September 2019 4:49
Cozy place to have long conversation with your friends. Menu makanan dan minumannya beragam. Saya mencoba spaghettinya, enak. Tertarik coba steaknya juga but lil' bit pricey~ maybe later.
07 September 2019 19:03
Expensive restaurant for the one who have the money. Atmosphere feels great for hanging out after work
05 September 2019 14:31
Cozy place with great service and top notch quality dishes, would definitely recommend the raclette cheese to add to your dining experience, price is expensive but worth it.
21 Agustus 2019 0:57
Very stylish place. I had a very nice breakfast buffet over here at a very affordable rate. I think the highest value/price I ever had:). The menu looked like a piece of art (see picture). When you have time. Just visit the place and find out yourself.
04 Agustus 2019 17:15
Tempat nya oke
tampilan minuman nya sangat menarik
apalagi di jelasin oleh barista nya sendiri tentang kopi.thank you bilbao thank you pak sani barista
31 Juli 2019 7:45
Great ambiance, the menu has a wide selection and almost everything tastes great. The mushroom soup is amazing. This place is a good choice anytime.
19 Juli 2019 3:44
Salah satu tempat pilihan cafe buat hangout di Bandung, dari sekian banyak cafe di Bandung, yg satu ini cukup berkesan. Makanan taste goodd, dan buanyakkk banget pilihan menu makanannya. Nyobain Homemade granolla, roasted chicken combine with omellete (as picture), dan minumnya nutella*** (lupa). Dan tempatnya cukup asik buat sekedar ngumpul bareng teman dan keluarga.
18 Juli 2019 9:32
Instagramable: yes.
Makanan European food variasi.
Oke buat menjamu tamu.
Kekurangan yang saya rasakan saat itu: pelayan kurang responsif.
05 Juli 2019 19:53
I ordered pannacotta (which was very outstanding) and nachos. It was a big portion of nachos, and a bit dissapointing because somehow the corn chips happened to be limp, not crispy at all. It's a cozy place since it has great ambience. But the parking space is very limited
04 Juli 2019 13:31
If you are looking for a decent place to eat, look no further! This place has been amazed me since the very first time. Been here more than five times and never been disappointed. Also brought my friends here.
Soal harga emang gak bisa dibilang murah ya, tapi kualitas baik dan worth it. They cooked the spaghetti the way I love it. Not sure about the marsmellow in the chocolate flavour. They offer wide variety of foods and drinks and all look good and taste good, too. Highly recommended!
03 Juli 2019 19:39
Area smoking lebih bagus dari non smokingnya.
Makanannya 4/5
Vibesnya cafè fancy begitupun harganya.
Parkiran utk mobilnya kecil, tp disediakan jasa valet dengan tdk dipatok biaya.
19 Juni 2019 7:17
Makan buffet breakfast di sini. Murah, cuma 75rb pax per orang. Ada English breakfast, sereal, sayur buah, roti, dll.
Rasanya cukup enak, kadang suka agak lama di-refill nya.
13 Juni 2019 12:12
Cafe cantik di tengah kota, suasana nyaman, makanan variatif dg rasa yg cukup enak.

Yg smoking area (di depan) lebih bagus suasana-nya, krn pencahayaan pagi kena matahari, di dalam lebih remang2.
13 Juni 2019 11:40
Tempat bagus, lokasi strategis.
Harga mulai 22k sampai diatas 200k
Untuk rasa makanan yang saya coba (kebetulan steak dan lamb chop) saya rasa nilai 6 (steak dan lamb chop nya alot) untuk rasa bumbu sih oke.
Yang enak dessert nya. Kebetulan saya coba banana split dan savory dutch baby (keduanya enak)
10 Juni 2019 13:45
Rasa steaknya ok tapi tingkat kematangan tidak sesuai pesanan. Pesannya medium rare tapi datangnya medium well. Tampilan minumannya lucu-lucu. Tempat duduk nyaman dan banyak spot bagus buat foto.

Pelayanan baik, mungkin datang lagi kalau ke daerah situ
09 Juni 2019 9:48
Banyak makanan kusuka hahaha, lucu imut dan enak bentuknya, tempat jg cozy n asik bgt. Ada paket all you can eat utk breakfast seorang 75.000
31 Mei 2019 22:23
Tempat makan bersih dan unik. Memiliki nuansa tersendiri. Interior tidak berlebihan. Menjadikan tempat ini berkelas namun tidak norak. Menu makanan beraneka ragam. Kekurangan terletak pada karyawan yang kurang menguasai pengetahuan tentang menu makanan.
31 Mei 2019 10:54
Tempatnya nyaman, agak sedikit gelap sih sbnrnya konsep ruangannya mmg dibuat seperti itu tp masih oke kok buat bawa family makan disitu. Makanannya enak, kisaran harganya dari 30k-200k plating nya keren, instagrammable lah.
27 April 2019 23:14
Fancy restaurant in Bandung.
The food was stunning. The taste was very great.
Worth to buy.
The ambience is very instagrammable.
Recommended restaurant in Bandung.

I ordered roasted chicken. And the portion was very big.

Really recommended
09 April 2019 16:15
It was a nice dining, nice ambience, nice place to hangout with friends and to beautify your instagram feeds.
12 Maret 2019 2:09
Pertama kali kesini first impression tempatnya classy, bersih n nyaman. Cobain minuman ice caffee latte enak perbandingan espresso dan susu pas, makanan juga enak untuk harga juga worth it. Pelayanan juga ramah pokoknya semua pas di lidah dan di hati. Buat kesini lagi untuk kedua kali so pasti yesss
10 Maret 2019 17:34
Makanan oke, penyajian bagus.tapi sayangnya kids cornernya kurang terjaga kebersihannya.saran sy agar area kids tiap pagi dicek kebeesihan & keamanannya
14 Januari 2019 6:13
Service could be better, not too attentive. The waiter moved me to another table because the one I had before was reserved. How come you gave away a reserved table? Prior to come I tried to call in the morning to reserve a place, they didn’t pick up. So it’s kind of messed up.

Main dishes start serving by 11AM. Before that, they only serve breakfast and sandwich. Something that we customers need to be informed on their website or social media handles.

I ordered back ribs which came out rather cold. It was below okay, the seasoning is too sweet, but the baby potato and mushroom sauce are very good. For the quality, the steak is overpriced.

It is not easy to open European restaurant in Bandung. Trained and skilfull staffs are rare to find, and the dine culture is not familiar for Indonesian. Anyway, they did ok. Ambience is good. The non-smoking area is lovely. Price is premium.

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