16 Oktober 2023 19:30
Untuk pesan kirim ke Jakarta, Respon CS cepat, ramah dan sangat membantu di dalam penjelasan pemesanan nya.
16 Oktober 2023 13:37
Buat pecinta cookies wajib cb nih recomended banget sekali nyoba pasti nyandu.yg belum cb pasti nyesel.
11 Oktober 2023 13:32
The only castengelz I can eat coz the tazte is realy good n not much flour inside. Since Iow carb is my diet. Tq Bisou.
08 Oktober 2023 1:49
Best castengel cookies in town, sleek design of container too, definitely an excellent choice of gift for your overseas family and friends! Addictive!
05 Oktober 2023 13:58
Always Be My Fav Kuker, Ingin Pacing Gimana ajah sangat Mudah dan Pasti setiap saya Ke Jakarta Beli Dan Pesan ini Makasih Looh Untuk Kemudan dan Kebersihan nya Pokonya The Best
05 Oktober 2023 7:53
Kue kering andalan seBandung Raya. Kaastengelsnya juara, nastarnya juga. Selalu beli Bisou untuk oleh-oleh khas Bandung. Harga premium, tapi kualitas nggak bohong.
02 Agustus 2021 17:45
Love this cafe.enjoying delicious food and reasonable price. One of cafe that can be enter with wheelchair. Love it
02 Juni 2021 20:25
Makanan nya enak tapi harus bayar dulu sebelum makan. Maksudnya untuk sekelas cafe kayak kurang layak
31 Mei 2021 19:06
Kue keringnya favorit banget. Semua enak2. Ada tester juga jadi ga salah beli. Sayangnya tester hancur karna banyak yg coba. Makanan porsinya banyak tapi untuk rasa kurang. Tidak seenak cookies nya
20 Mei 2021 4:25
Tempat nya nyaman dan berupa semi outdoor.cocok buat nongkrong di sore hari tp tidak ada colokan listrik untuk kerja.
Ada musholla juga tp musholla karyawan sih.
Cake nya standar enak
19 Mei 2021 12:07
I always buy cookies before Ramadan here. Maybe the price is expensive for some people, but worth-the-price. The cookies is very delicious. My favorite are Corn Flakes and Sagu Keju. I'm a bit bored with Kastengels/Nastar
06 Februari 2021 14:33
Kue kering nya enak. Juga ada kemasan toples mungil yg cantik. Cocok utk kami keluarga kecil, jd dpt coba bbrp macam, lekas habis dan beli lg yg baru yg fresh
29 Desember 2020 18:56
Suggest to call for menu availability before coming here so they can prepare ahead. Recomended menu: chicken salad coux, sausage bread (saucijs brood)
20 Desember 2020 23:57
Soes chicken salad nya amazing. Tapi harus pre order kalo mau pesen banyak. But overall it is excellent.
29 November 2020 15:11
Nice & affordable food, excellent snacks, the place has a good ambience & nice garden.but no separation with smokers
02 April 2020 8:07
Baru kali pertama saya berkunjung. Disamping menyediakan kue2 kering yang sangat layak dijadikan oleh2, tersedia juga menu yang dapat dinikmati di tempat.
11 Oktober 2019 22:37
Recomended Roti/kue/pastry nya sama Jus nya juga seger2. Holiday Springbed Comfort Sleep for Smart People
11 September 2019 3:14
Putri saljunya enak banget, toples sedang 130rb, toples besar 190rb klo ga salah.harga ga boong.ini enak vanget.
09 September 2019 12:29
Salah satu tempat terbaik dikota Bandung yang asik untuk ngopi, sekedar nongkrong bersama keluarga maupun rekan. Berbagai kuenya rekomen bgt.
12 Agustus 2019 12:02
Sering ke sini beli kastangels, nastar keju dan kue kering sagoe. Best in town. Hrs coba! Highly recommended. Ukurannya macem macem.
21 Juli 2019 18:12
Good food. My favourite one is nastar, then the chocolate cookies. I'm not trying other than those two because i only like selected items.
14 Juli 2019 20:47
The best 'holland' cookies such as nastar, lidah kucing, kastenggel etc. Clean and soild materials
15 Juni 2019 11:36
Bertempat di jl. Hegarmanah yang parkirannya cukup luas, disertai pohon-pohon yang membuat udara sejuk
Tempatnya sangat tenang karena jauh dari jalan raya dr. Setiabudi
Menu makanan disana ditampilkan mewah, dengan harga yang murah
09 Juni 2018 18:12
A hidden gem of Hegarmanah!
The place may not look that very fancy, but you’ll get the best dining experience here!
They serve appetisers, main meals and of course, desserts!
The place never gets too crowded (in my experience), yet there are still more others sitting at the other table.
There aren’t much table available, since it’s only a small place. It feels like home when you’re coming, well decorated, very clean and neat, the experience of having a meal or relaxing at your own garden.
The taste of the food is super! Plated as the fancy, five starred restaurant, tastes much better but less than half of the price! Have to be rated five stars and more!
They also have varieties of cookies sold in place, from small to large jars. I could also say that they taste soooo good, even better than those popular cookies brand in Bandung and/or Jakarta (in my opinion). They don’t cost much as well
They serve coffees and other delicious drinks too!
Also, they have a dart board where you can come and play for only Rp. 5000 per game!
If you’re coming to Bandung and wanting a great, five-starred-like dining experience with just less than half of the price, great atmosphere, awesome taste and delicious bites and desserts, I would highly suggest this place for you all to come!

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