06 Januari 2023 11:44
Ambience yang bersih dan bagus. Kalau pesan menu bbq, dibakarin sama pelayannya.
Untuk makanan honestly review tidak terlalu wow untuk harga yg quite pricey. Banchan side dish nya pun biasa saja walaupun dikasi sayur daun2an yang banyak dan bole refill.
01 Desember 2022 20:38
It's quite pricey but wuenakk rekk. Definitely recommended. My sis loves their toppoki, sangat empuk dan kuah spicey-nya pas banget. Saya pesan bimbimbap (lupa namanya, cek pic), jujur rasanya enak juga sayang panas banget, mulutku bukan mulut orang Korea tapi jangan makan panas2 ya gaess, bahaya Menu jenis gini rekomen klo budget pas2an tapi pengen coba, karena cukup order one dish kenyang udah all in (gak nyampe 100k, blm pajak keknya). Kita juga order yang dipanggang, daging sapi dan dua jenis daging babi. Iya, ini ada babinya, tapi kalau gak bisa makan pork bisa makan yg beef yak. Lupa nama menunya, yg beef itu fav menu, yg pork nya yang satu belly pork dan yg lain hmm lupa pokoke lemakne banyak deh
30 Juli 2022 23:14
We got dish already cooked, never mention to waiters to have cooked dish. Ordered woosamgyup but only came the cooked beef, some side dish but without lettuce. We saw waiter bring un-cooked beef before but take it back to the kitchen (i don't know what is wrong?) and bring "already" cooked beef to our table. We go here to have self-cooking experience for our parents, first time come and will not go anymore. Bad service.

I heard later from my friend that you must order 2 un-cooked dish to have self-cooked experience. Something like this not even informed by waiters or on menu book.

Usually Korean restaurants will offer coffee after we finished our meal, but don't expect something like this on this restaurant.

Table 28,29 may 2022 around 12PM
21 Juli 2022 22:42
We like this resto so much, but why the side dish was so so petty, they gave a little 1 fritter for 6 person in a table, that's better not be given at all.we asked for the garlic and onions to be grilled for 3 times yet it didnt come at all.that's your complimentary, right? And the basic part for the dinner but how you guys pulling the leg of us by doin that? !
14 Juli 2022 16:03
Kalau menurut saya, resto korea yg paling oke untuk rasa banchan nya dibandung, terutama kimchi nya, bornga masih juaranya. Memang waktu saya makan kesana, jenis banchan yg disajikan ga terlalu banyak kaya yg laen, cuma rasa kimchi nya paling oke. Gak terlalu asem tapi tetep kerasa semua bumbunya
Untuk harga cukup worth it dengan porsi daging nya.
Tempat nya luas, bagus, terawat, pelayanan juga oke.
15 Juni 2022 21:55
Recommended place to eat korean BBQ, cozy place, waitress very polite and helpful. Parking lot very2 limited
13 Juni 2022 4:21
Resto korea terbaik di Bdg, lokasi di jalan Rajiman ex cafe Timodachi, parkir agak susah kalau pas peak hour tetapi ada petuhas parkir yangvmembantu.ruangan luas dengan tempat duduk nyaman tidak terlalu berdesakan, full AC, toilet bersih, pelayanan baik dan cepat, yang terpenting kimchinya enak sekali kakaaa.
Soal harga? Buat saya lumayan mahal; saya bbrp kali kesini untuk alasan istimewa.hehehe.makan ber-3 habis sekitar 1.1 jt.terakhir April 2022 makan ber-4 habisnya 1.4 jt.
10 Juni 2022 7:52
Everything is tasty and has authentic korean taste, from the its famous BBQ and the banchan, to the toppoki, to the buckwheat noodle. Yum!

Have the best experience with grilling the meat by ourselves, make sure we can eat the BBQ at its best temperature.

Nice atmosphere too, crowded but still spacy and could get the privacy we need.
06 Juni 2022 14:29
Favorite Korean restaurant in Bandung. The waiters are very friendly and responsive. When breaking the fast, free tajil is provided.
25 Mei 2022 11:04
Bumbu²nya mantep banget.enak & desain ruangan²nya bagus. Klo di lantai dasar tempatnya terbuka, klo lantai 2 bentuknya ruangan².
05 Maret 2022 13:37
We always love Bornga.and always ordered too much food.anyway, just wanna say, I think Bornga is one of the best Korean resto in town.
27 April 2020 0:32
Mantabb, tempatnyaa keren, sayang bukan orang korea asli yang masak, info tempatt korean food yang cheffnya langsung dari korea?
17 April 2020 19:39
The best korean restaurant i ever had in Bandung. Strongly recommend. The entire interior design, well traind staff, for smoker it is a ideal place for you. The nice thing i like is the food quality always maintenance upscale level. Love it.
07 April 2020 16:01
Craving for Korean Food? This is the place. I love their food quality and excellent service every time i come here. Always 5/5! Soju, Sake and Beers available here.
04 Maret 2020 23:36
Food= exelent
Price= cukup mahal.sekali (makan kalo pas event2 besar kaga apa dah tapi 1 tahun sekali aja jangan sering)
Place =ok cuman kadang yang bikin kesel ada lalat terbang doang tp nyaman abis
24 Februari 2020 11:54
I love that place. The food there us delicious, the service ready and impeccable, and the bathroom well-maintained.
09 Februari 2020 22:30
Great korean food, the price is not cheap but they succeeded in mantaining the quality of the foods
05 Februari 2020 6:42
This place was actually good and have delicious taste but this 1 star is because the server showed the meat and almost an hour the meat didn't come, when we complaint they said that the meat was placed in the station cause nobody know where to deliver.the funny thing is i accindentally caught the server re grill the meat and said she will serve that to our table. OMG it's not hygine, even if i don't know if they already miss served that to other table, or someone already eaten from that.they should automatically changed the dish with new one.good restaurant with bad quality service
09 Januari 2020 13:28
Harga up tapi boleh dengan menu makanannya laa. Enak. Apalagi telor kukusnya. Bancan banyak macam. Sup rumput lautnya ok. Lalapannya okeh banget. Kopi enak. Sirup bunganya ok juga.
18 Desember 2019 20:21
Salah satu Resto korea yang oke di Bandung. Makanan semua oke. Ada menu non Halal. Parkiran saja yang agak sempit kalau sedang ramai.
17 Oktober 2019 23:13
Mantap, porsi nya aja yg kurang.note: korea banget, yg kurang bisa terima rasa korea, kurang recomend
18 September 2019 19:38
Much much improved in taste since they opened, but still lacking in supplies of Makkkoeli! So sad. What ever happened guys? You used to be the only place in Bandung where i could drink it!
05 September 2019 21:20
Design: interior is VERY beautiful it has everything well decored and the floors are all well cleaned
Food: the food is well served, it has the BEST TASTE of KOREA FOOD that has been ever made. This restaurant is unchalangeble, makes it all the wonderfull about it
Evaluation: MUST VISIT. I DONT KNOW what holds the other food cullinary from visiting this place. Best tasting in bandung & best taste in korean barbeque culture
21 Agustus 2019 15:56
Makanannya enak, porsinya besar, terdapat banyak varian olahan daging dan sayur yg dapat dipilih, side dishnya juga enak, harganya sesuai dengan kualitas makanan dan minumannya, pelayanannya juga baik

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