03 Juni 2020 14:26
Restonya instagramable banget, hijau, ramah buat mata, udaranya sejuk, dingin.buat yg ga tahan dingin butuh bawa jaket.makanannya cukup mahal, dan enak, tapi ga semua dari pilihan menunya enak, ada yang kurang cocok dengan selera saya, terlebih steak, enak tapi agak kenyal dan keras dagingnya.anggurnya cukup variatif, tapi kadang anggur yg saya cari dua kali kesini selalu tidak ada, padahal kalo di Jakarta port wine banyak tersedia di resto2.pelayanan baik, ramah, responsif.overall puas kesini dan tempat favorit buat dateng lagi terlebih karena suasananya.
13 April 2020 13:09
Great place to spend with family, lover and friend. Fresh air, nice view, natural place. But when we in they garden it's hard to find trashbin.
08 Maret 2020 19:22
Tempat yang sejuk.romatis.pilihan menu juga cocok.parkir dan sarana cukup pemandangan sekitarnya juga bagus.layak menjadi pilihan kalau mengadakan acara dalam jumlah yang cukup banyak
27 Februari 2020 14:04
Lokasinya bagus, suhu udara Lembang yg 20° c sangat nyaman untuk makan bersama keluarga di siang hari dan makanannya cukup variatif dan enak walau chef nya orang lokal.
19 Februari 2020 16:43
Food quite ok, it has nice place and offers nice view too. The price is middle to high for some menu.
10 Januari 2020 20:41
Jika anda dan pasangan ingin santap malam (fancy dinner) dengan suasana romantic dan udara sejuk. Maka resto ini bisa jadi salah satu pilihan anda, terutama buat ands yang tinggal diseputaran Lembang-Bandung.
Menu western dan traditional food bisa anda pilih sesuai selera, dan sesuai juga dengan namanya, resto ini menawarkan menu wine.
03 November 2019 12:49
We drive in traffic for 3 hours to get to this joint. We order nachos for starters as we are hungry after the long journey. Its came with 6 bits of chopped tomato, 4 drops of melted cheese. On a piled high mountain of cold nachos. The we moved on to our mains. I asked the waitress if the fish was John Dory or just regular tasteless Dory as the menu had both listed. She said it was John Dory.
I got 3 pieces of fish breadcrumbed and fried till it was hard. The chips were cold and again hard, probablu refried.
We also order Fish La Menuire which out quite good actually.
The service was sad as you had to wave around to attract the attention of the staff who were plentiful but distracted at the.bar which had no guests.
Beautiful place, but not very good food. Could definately do better on service.
The main highlight of our night there was the silly smooth voiced songstress who was crooning us all into love. Amazing voice!
Pls get your act together and give the place the food it deserves.
19 Oktober 2019 9:31
Cafe dengan tema rumah kuno classic dgn taman yg luas gelap remang2.tempat duduknya ada indoor ada semi outdoor.setiap sat nite ada live singer vocal dan sound nya merdu. Foodnya biasa aja dan pricey kurang worth it.steaknya keras dan porsinya sedikit. Tastenya jg biasa aja gak seistimewa harganya.
06 Oktober 2019 2:30
I was here for a wedding. And so far this is the best place to held one if you like your wedding to be elegant outdoor but not to big scale.
01 Juni 2019 22:55
Tempatnya Cozy banget
Semua makanan dan minuman tidak ada yang mengecewakan
Tiap ke Bandung Saya dan Istri pasti mampir
Harga agak mahal dan tinggi but berbanding lurus dengan cita rasa, kualitas dan presentasi penyajian
Semua staff sangat ramah
Tempatnya bagus dan bersih juga classy
Tidak sulit akses untuk ke lokasi
25 April 2019 22:50
Sebetulnya tempat ini asyik, sih, cuma jauh banget dan harganya termasuk mahal ya. Kalau ke sini malam-malam bawa penghangat lebih, soalnya dingiiiiiin. Koleksi wine-nya lumayan di sini. Bisa beli voucher di Traveloka kalau mau lebih murah. Soal rasa gak komplain deh. Emang worth it sama harganya. Banyak burung juga yang memang ada rumahnya di sekitar situ. Exterior dan interiornya bagus. Saya pesan bandrek, rasanya enak tapi mereka pakai susu, bukan santan, jadi soft banget. Mushroom cream soupnya enakkk!
25 April 2019 1:25
There are rarely restaurants like this, the atmosphere seems luxurious and the environment is beautiful, lots of photo spots, many choices of wine available in this place.
The taste of the restaurant's food is delicious, comparable to the price that is also expensive. The atmosphere becomes very romantic at night, plus the cool air of Lembang, making you want to stay even longer here
07 April 2019 4:30
Heck. Ordered rare steak, came out charred, ask for remake and still came out well done.

Used to be a good place a few years ago, not so now.

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