06 Juli 2023 19:13
Tom yam soup nya menurut saya yg ga gt suka asam, kerasanya asam banget.tp buat pecinta asam kaya istri saya bilangnya enak banget seger.
Saya pesan jg masakan ayam khas thailand (lupa namanya), rasanya enak dan sesuai taste saya.
Untuk harga tdk bia dibilang murah.
03 Juni 2023 10:41
Normal n bit pricey, weekends many items says "sold out" even soft drinks no stocks keeping. Thai food in bandung not a common item and there are many thai food lovers here.so when peoples choose like this restaurant paying much more than other local foods, they expect a better food service/ availability.
27 April 2023 9:57
One of the most authentic Thai resto in Bandung. Similar to what I've tasted in Thailand. Also probably the only one serving pork.
11 April 2023 19:44
Tempat nyaman, family friendly, rasa makanan nya enak, beragam menu Thai food, non halal.
Bakal balik lagi kesini. Recommended
20 Maret 2023 21:24
Nama tomyum seafood nya mungkin perlu diganti jadi tomyum jamur ya. Ketan duren nya enak tapi agak keras ketan nya
25 Februari 2023 1:22
Karyawan ramah pisan, ter utama yang CEWE (cocok kalau NAIK GAJI)
Tempat bersih, sesuai lokasi lagi.
28 November 2022 3:26
Always love the food here.very good taste.the restaurant itself is just like a normal restaurant, nothing special.located at paskal23 area, so parking shouldnt be a big problem.price is also acceptable.
15 November 2022 0:18
Salah satu Restoran Thailand di Bandung yg ada di dalam Paskal Hypersquare.
Tempatnya ada di ruko blok A, berlantai 2, tapi tempat makannya enak yg di lantai 2, ada playground untuk anak".
Menunya beragam dari appetizer - dessert, walaupun pricely tapi kebanyakan menu disini bisa porsi sharing.
Rasa makanan yang disuguhkan sesuai dengan harga, tapi ada beberapa yg kurang seperti ; nasi gorengnya terlalu lembek (mungkin karna pakai nasi baru matang).
Untuk yg lainnya overall good la
18 Oktober 2022 18:47
. Pad Thai nya kemanisan masak nya, nasi goreng tom yam nya keasinan, soup tom yam nya jg asin.
06 September 2022 13:34
Soup tomyum nya lumayan oke, banyak udang nya, pad thai nya cukup oke, porsi nya agak kecil, utk ikan nya kurang ok karena pake gurame (agak bau tanah), sy pesan singkong thailand nya jg ga enak, tottaly wrong, nasi goreng ny lumayan, price mahal, pelayan nya krg info, pesan minuman salah
05 Mei 2022 18:46
Porsinya oke sih untuk menu Ayam Pandan sama Khao Padnya. Dan sambalnya juga enak dan kerasa autentik. Nah di sini uniknya, coba deh dirasakan MSGnya. Gak kerasa micinnya sama sekali kalau buat saya. Keren.
15 Februari 2022 0:20
The food taste is nice. Similar to authentic Thai. Serving portion is good. Staff is friendly. Thai food lover must try.
11 Januari 2022 4:45
Buat sy ini resto thai terbaik yg pernah sy coba, dgn rasa yg sangat orisinil, sama spti kita makan di resto Thailand.dgn pelayanan yg amat sangat baik, top class service.atmosfer resto juga tenang, bersih, nyaman tuk nongkrong dan makan dgn santai very kid friendly.dessert nya juga so very recommended.
03 Januari 2022 17:17
Such a great late lunch. Excellent Thai cuisine, love Hor mok, Pad Thai, Green Curry. Definitely come back again. Thank you
29 Desember 2021 4:48
Lumayan untuk mengobati kangen Thai Cuisine…. Harga make sense, porsi lumayan, rasa OK, udang dan sayurannya juga fresh. Maaf, foto diambil saat makanan sudah dinikmati hehehehehe
26 Desember 2021 3:29
Makanannya enak dan pelayanannya baik tapi sesudah selesai makan ada tikus lewat di bawah meja.
22 Desember 2021 14:28
Kalo mau makan Thai food pasti pilihannnya makan di Charm Thai.
Soalnya semuanya endolita and fresh.
Ownernya juga asli orang Thailand.
My favourite is the green curry.
This resto is a MUST VISIT?
06 Desember 2021 5:36
The food are nice, thai favor, hard to find thai authentic favor and the price is reasonable. Definitely will come back again.
25 September 2021 18:48
Food is absolutely delicious.
But the price quite high with small portion of food.
Still hungry with 150k money spent.
30 Agustus 2021 6:44
Delicious food! Non halal, try the pork crispy here. And the fish cake. Our next favorite food place.
08 Agustus 2021 14:20
Rasa makanan Thailand di sini mantap banget. Untuk yg suka thai curry, bole coba punya mereka. Mantap punya.
16 September 2020 2:49
Kalau Rasa sih ok, Pelayanan buruk, pekerja nya kurang teliti. Terkadang driver ojol jadi korban cancelan
05 Agustus 2020 15:33
Not just another amazing food spot in paskal area. Their menu is so nostalgic like when you were stranded in a country so far away from indo and the place that has similar vibe was thai restaurant only. When you crave fried wetiaw, but pad see yew is good enough to fulfill that longing. Or kho moo yang when you ngidam babi panggang. Thai food definitely was a safe haven back then.
18 April 2020 4:00
Great food
Kinda pricey though
Imo, If they could lower the price they will have more customer.
16 April 2020 22:40
The food was excellence, the atmospheres quite warm and the serving the food come in the right time
09 April 2020 23:18
The only original Thai food in Bandung, cooked by Thai chef. Thai food is my favorite. As original as Thai restaurants in Bangkok, Huahin or even in Los Angeles. Great food.
13 Maret 2020 0:10
Suitable for family dinner. There is little playground for kids. So many menu available and tastes all great. Price is affordable and their service nice too. Recommended
09 Februari 2020 21:16
The foods is delicious and taste is good for kids, coz they serve food that not spicy. Service is kind too.
They serve pork menu too.
10 Desember 2019 17:46
Ini bener bener enak sih makanannya! Recommended banget. Pad Thai nya enak.yg gw coba semuanya enak dan ga mengecewakan. Ga kalah sama resto sebelah yg udh terkenal
27 November 2019 7:07
Salah satu resto thailand favorit di bandung. Rasa selalu konsisten. Tidak pernah mengecewakan. Pelayanan dr staff yg perlu ditingkatkan.
22 Oktober 2019 12:15
Tiap ksini pesen makanan dikasi porsi beda", sering di sedikitin porsinya. Servis jg buruk, ambil order salah", asal jawab, tau customer betul dikluarin porsi lsg sdikit lg
Klo rasa masakan sih enak
26 September 2019 16:38
Cita rasa Thailand yang cukup otentik. Tempatnya nyaman, menu cukup bervariasi mulai dari makanan pembuka, utama hingga makanan penutup semuanya tersedia. Harganya pun terjangkau.
29 Agustus 2019 17:13
Food was excellent, comparable if not slightly better from many thai resto I visited in BKK. The service was poor. Food came out pretty fast, but had to wait quite some time for the rice to came out. I also had to ask for them for the spoon and fork!
01 Agustus 2019 10:55
Overall rasa makanannya enak. Cuma karena porsinya kecil jd kenapa yah pas bayar rasanya seperti dirampok.
28 Juli 2019 16:49
One of my favorit Thai restaurant in Bandung (there's not many in Bdg tho, so i will call this place the best in Bdg)
This is my first visit after their move to a bigger place. Thanks God for more tables and seats.
We came there weekdays around dinner time, it was pretty full. Make sure you do the reservation when you planning to visit in a group.
The mango salad, oh man, so fresh, crunchy, sour, a bit spicy, delicious!
I ordered tom yum soup seafood, red curry chicken (too watery, i prefer a thick curry, but taste delicious), pork belly green bean with their special sauce (this one is the best ever), and saute mince chicken (savory, and a bit spicy, sorry i forgot all the thai name)
Overall, i will definitely come back again and bring more friends!
04 Juli 2019 19:27
This restaurant serve thai food.it's one of the best thai food in bandung.the taste dominance is sour, sweet and spicy, fits you guys that looking for a good experience. Although the restaurants often offers a nut service, you must try this at least once. Pork menus is what i always ordered in this restaurants.you can also try the pad thai, the famous thai food. Located at 23 paskal, this restaurant has no area to smoke but it's worth to at least try once. Try this, it's very recommended!
25 Mei 2019 21:05
Absolutely the BEST Thai cuisine one can get in Bandung! The curries are awesome, and dont EVER forget the Pad Thai!
23 Mei 2019 20:58
Menu macam2 / variasi (chicken / seafood / pork), Rasa dijamin TERBAIK & PALING ENAK dibanding resto lainnya, tempat (lokasi baru Ruko A11) lebih luas - lebih nyaman - instagrammable - sangat bersih, suasana dan konsep warna cerah, pelayanan sangat oke dan ramah, harga standar memuaskan, cocok untuk kumpul2 makan dgn teman / keluarga, cocok u/ hang out anak muda, ada kids arena, parkiran luas, lokasi di tengah pusat kota (strategis) - tempat favorite & recommended -
08 Mei 2019 14:01
They just renovate the place, it's bigger and more comfy. They also have a private room on the ³rd floor, for celebrations, or just family gatherings, and perfect for arisan ibu2. Having been here several times, the food varieties are good. Reasonable pricing too. Service is excellent. For coffee lover, skip their so called coffee. Better off with the milk tea. It's a Thai Resto anyway, not a coffee shop.
Another plus point, it is located near big mall.
23 April 2019 0:49
One of the best Thailand restaurant in Bandung. Recomended restaurant. Menu khas Thailand, rasanya mirip dengan di negeri Gajah Putih. Sevicenya juga memuaskan.

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