17 Desember 2022 6:34
Steak yg enak berkualitas dg harga sahabat baik.

1 recommended aunthentic steak di bandung
16 November 2022 18:42
Rasa enak, daging empuk, side dish nya enak, sausnya mantap
Tempatnya juga nyaman, parkir lumayan luas
08 November 2022 5:50
Tempat makan steak yg nyaman, area jalan bukan jalan besar jadi tidak bising suara kendaraan. Pelayanan baik
16 Juli 2022 4:42
I'm sorry, the food was pricey but the taste didn't match the price. I hope you could improve this in the future for better service.
26 Juni 2022 8:49
Tau resto steak ini dr tahun 90an.
Pesan sirloin aus, masaknya bener on point banget - charred & caramelized, smokey, rare, jadinya tekstur, rasa, aromanya enjoyable.

Minus point: minta tabasco ga tersedia, jadi ya makan as served aja. Pdhl skrg harganya udah jauh melonjak.
12 April 2022 20:10
I really love to eat here.the best thing for chiba is the taste! They are the best steak in town for me i can guarante you satisfaction from the deliciousness of the food my family favourite dish are enterconte de paris, canadian onion ring and goulash soup.
09 Februari 2022 6:40
Sy coba beberapa menu steak disini, well daging tender yg local nya kurang bagus, terlalu tipis menurut sy, dan saos nya pun yg mushroom lebih asin, saus yg pepper nya kurang terasa, utk butter rice nya enak, tempat nya juga enak, ada ruang vip pula, tp menurut sy dengan kualitas dan porsi segitu harga nya terlalu tinggi
10 Desember 2021 8:56
Beef Willington & Salmon Willington
(must be ordered in advance)
Thank U Chef ️️️
07 Desember 2021 7:19
Nice place, bright & cozy.
The tenderloin steak texture is tender & tastes fine. The gindara dish has quite a strong fishy smell.
Price is a little pricey.
The staff deliver a good service.
There is parking spaces.
11 November 2021 23:21
Salah satu steak house paling proper di bandung. Lokasi enak tengah kota. Parkir mobil luas n gampang. Ruangan nyaman dan besar. Banyak sirkulasi udara jadi aman saat pandemi. Makanan nya enak. Harga juga oke. Top bgt.
19 Oktober 2021 11:29
Tempat enak ga penuh, rasa 4 dari 5
Harga sebanding dengan kualitas, per orang makan minum 100-200k
On frame: beef pizzaiola
08 Oktober 2021 16:06
Baru pertama kesini dan tempat kayak rumahan gitu dan pelayanannya kurang, tapi steak cukup enak. (ini foto ketika masih bisa dine in)
03 Oktober 2021 16:30
Quite expensive steak. The taste was so so, the portion was ok. The place was quite good. Well it’s not bad but in my opinion, you can get a more delicious steak with this price.
21 Februari 2020 14:07
Saya pesan 2 steak, tingkat kematangan tertukar, steak sudah dipotong sekali namun langsung diganti good job
18 Januari 2020 9:01
Salah satu steak house yang berdiri sudah lama di Bandung. Kualitas steak dan rasanya memang oke. Menu favorit en'trecoute cafe de paris. Hanya saja porsi ukuran daging menurut saya terlalu kecil dibanding harga yang ditawarkan. Tempatnya oke hanya parkirannya kecil sekali.
15 Januari 2020 14:56
I must say, their steaks are really great! Even the local meat tasted so tender. But the great taste comes with high price too. Even though, I'm looking forward visit this place again to have some steaks.
06 Januari 2020 11:29
One of the best steak house in Bandung. You definitely must try their Australian Entrecote Spaetzel with their roasted potato topped with mozzarella cheese on the side. It’s one of the only few steak house in Bandung that serve good quality and proper grilled meat.
03 Desember 2019 23:11
Dibalik tampilan yang biasa, rasanya oke banget. Ga nyangka.pesan caesar salad. Harga 60k. Merasa agak mahal mikirnya porsinya besar, trnyata cukup juga sih 2 orang makan sebagai opening course kan. Dan dibalik tampilannya yang ga elok, rasanya ternyata enak loh. Kan biasa makan salad2 ala cafe dan resto bakal wah porsinya, secara isinya cuma sayurkan. Awal mikir, wah pelit amat dikit.tapi sayurnya fresh, saucenya nendang.

Kemudian pesan steak lokal aja sih, saya pesan yang best seller aja 110k.
Dengan side dish jagung bulir, mashed potato, dan the steak.

Cukup wah juga trnyata sayurannya aja uda enakkk. Apalagi dagingnya TOP.
Untuk harga segitu worth it. Pesan yang medium kematangannya 3/4.

Boleh dicoba nih bagi yang pernah kecewa dengan harga steak mahal, rasa biasa. Mungkin bisa terobati di tempat makan ini, Chiba Cafe. Tempat juga strategis dekat penginapan Tokyo Cubo dan ayam goreng Semar.
06 November 2019 9:07
At 1st i thought this was a expensive place but when i got there it wasnt a really expensive one. The price quite high but still worth a shot. The meat is very delicious and tender.

I order tenderloin local. Want to order the import one but i think if the local is good enough then the import should be better. So i try local 1st and ill try the import one for sure next time ill go here.

The detail of the food is very good. From the taste, condiment, level of cook and etc.

Very good one. You should try. I spent 200k more or less. The import one should cost you around 250k. But you should try it!
08 Oktober 2019 11:01
Yes one of the best steak house in Bandung. Meskipun agak mahal tapi kualitas dagingnya ga usah diragukan.

Price: $$$
Portion Size: Medium
Sharable: No
Recommendation level:
12 Mei 2019 12:34
Great food, Great place. The chef is the owner himself, so the quality of the food is guaranteed

Tulis Ulasan

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