14 Oktober 2023 18:28
Pagi kesini pas masih adem, pilih kursi outdoor enak.

Tempatnya ga terlalu luas bagian indoornya, outdoornya lumayan banyak kursi. Indoor pake AC, jadi kalau emang diluar lagi panas bisa nungsi ke dalem.
Staffnya ramah-ramah, baristanya baik dan ngerti. Kalau lagi bingung bisa minta rekomendasi aja.

Harga mungkin kalau untuk ukuran bandung bisa keitung pricey, tapi buat rasa kopi yang dikasih, imo worth banget.

Beli Japanese (2) (beda beans) sama Barista Choiche (1) (lupa nama minumannya apa wk) Rasanya enak banget.
Ada makanannya juga, beli spicy boneless chicken (2)

Teteh baristanya juga maniez abiez.
18 September 2023 2:47
The great coffee as well as the friendly baristas kept me coming back to Contrast Coffee.
The coffee mocktails here are a must-try. If you would like a snack, I highly recommend the Dark Chocolate Seasalt Cookies. You could also order some fried chicken from LosChikanos.
The café might be small, but is comfortable and has a warm and welcoming atmosphere.
12 Juni 2023 13:45
One group with little contrast but this one concept was not grab and go. They served decent coffee by some serious and skilled baristas, I assumed might be one of specialty coffee. However the space was a bit small and narrow. It was not suitable to have proper meeting.
30 Mei 2023 19:24
Tau contrast ini dari tempat yg lama sebelum pindah kesini, still best coffee and choc in bandung

Dulu 11-12 sama THF tp skrg prefer contrast rasanya masih kejaga
26 Mei 2023 13:59
Idihh pstilah masuk 5 besar "kedai kopi" terbaik di Bandung.ngopang jam 7 utk mocktail coffeenya, sampe skrg msih kebayang sih nikmatnya.smoga makin sukses makin Contrast!
25 Mei 2022 18:25
Suasana nyaman.feel like home bgt, pegawainya ramah2, yg suka kopi wajib ke sini, kalo bosen ngopi.coba deh megumi, seger bgt, cookies nya juara
17 Januari 2022 8:53
Cozy if you are not smoking.not recommended if you are a smoker, specially when it rains.great coffee
23 November 2021 18:23
14 Nov 21 visiting this nice small cozy place to drink coffee with my family. I think it is nice also having coffee drink with your friends. This is new place (the oldest place become other brand). Wish success for them.

It has coffee grinding machine, big one. Grinding coffee bean here. Has some various coffee taste.

It has out door and indoor are. Small but clean and cozy place. Can be considerable place.
11 November 2021 21:30
One of, if not the best coffe shop i've been. Though the place was quite small and narrow, it's very comfy with a dedicated room for both smoker and non, or you can sit by the bar and watch the baristas make your order. The barista hospitality is superb, extremely nice, talkative, and skillful. The drinks are very well worth the price, the manual brew and "ice black" were excellent. My best coffeshop experience so far. 10/10 very recommended
05 Oktober 2021 13:24
Nice place and ambience, great concept, good coffee.one of my fave coffee shop, staff nya friendly.
18 Agustus 2021 12:01
Kopi nya enak. Kalo anda suka seduh sendiri di rumah, Contrast punya biji kopi yang enak enak. Barista nya bisa diajak diskusi dan sharing ttg kopi.
24 Juli 2021 18:53
Good coffee, good cookies, good place. Been here everytime visit Bandung. They sell their coffee in drip bag too.
20 Juni 2021 8:45
Pelayanan nya sangat memuaskan.
Tempat nya enak tenang nyantai relax.
Ramah tamah senyum sapa cerita.
Terimakasih banyak Contrast Coffee.
07 Juni 2021 20:06
Aesthetic coffee shop with great vibes. Seriously they have a great service. The price is reasonable. Wi-Fi available. They also have two-pin sockets. Highly recommended place!

Update: They moved and changed the last location into Morgy coffee. Their new place still have the good vibes and open spaces. Please note that they didn't serve food, only cookies and doughnuts.
17 Mei 2020 1:46
Tempat yang sangat unik dan cantik di tengah perumahan yang adem. Menu tehnya unik-unik, ada internet, musala, toilet. Tempat parkir mobilnya ga banyak karena tempatnya juga tidak terlalu besar
27 April 2020 5:02
Nyaman, kapasitas 20-30 orangan, untuk orang introvet recomend, nggak cocok buat yg alay, bikin brisik soalnya, norak.
23 April 2020 11:45
Over rated!
tempat B aja! Terlihat seperti cafe murah tapi Daftar menu tidak ada harga (mau scam ya bro), menu ya gitu gitu doang, harga over. Rating 5 dapet dari mana ni cafe -_-
31 Maret 2020 18:49
Entah lah. Tapi bener2 jatuh cinta sama espresso disini terbaik sekali dan ngangenin, mereka pake beans sama alatnya bagus hasilnya americanonya bikin kangen terus
15 Maret 2020 0:46
Nyaman sekali tempatnya. Barista juga ramah, saya ga ngerti kopi nanyain ttg kopi si masnya baik ngejelasin. Harga nya menengah.
08 Maret 2020 23:33
Ini tempat ngopi favorit kami di Bandung.setiap kami pulang ke Bandung, selalu disempatkan buat ngopi sebentar disini.lokasinya di jalan anggrek, pas sebelah scott pilates

kopinya enak.cookiesnya juga enak buat jadi teman ngopi
baristanya ramah
tempatnya enak buat disambangi.favorit
01 Maret 2020 15:45
The place is cute but too small. I came here on a pouring day and it was a disaster. I had to use my umbrella if I want to be in the outdoor area because there is no area for smoking inside. The beverages are overpriced and there are no many choices. It's really hard to find a parking spot for a car.
22 Februari 2020 8:49
Foto utama tersebut bukan Contrast Coffee, tapi Morgy. Beda lokasi. Agak kecewa ke contrast krna beda dengan fotonya. Makanan juga tidak available pada saat Saya menulis review ini. Alhasil cuma minum kopi buat ngadem saja.
02 Februari 2020 20:56
Carroll Shelby once said to have an hour drive to feel how the car is. I think it can be applied to feel the coffee shop. For me here in Contrast, I can spend many hours in a week. So I can say Contrast is good. If you lucky you may taste "not for sale" beans from the barista, and usually it taste awesome. Try the manual, they're all good at manual too.
26 Januari 2020 17:00
One of my favorite coffee shops. I really like to do my tasks here because the place is cozy and they serve good coffee
25 November 2019 16:35
Rumah barunya sangat nyaman, keramahan para baristanya masih sama hangatnya seperti di rumah dulu. Berdiam lama di sini nggak terasa, melihat pemandangan di balik meja bar pun rasanya menarik perhatian bila berkunjung ke sini
04 November 2019 8:10
Contrast's new location, the coffee & the ambience are still great. Now Contrast using Modbar espresso & steam system on its bar.
19 Oktober 2019 22:27
Satu lagi tempat ngopi yg wajib kalian coba guys.tempatnya nyaman gak terlalu crowded, baristanya ramah, kopinya mantab, hot coklatnya enak tenan.
27 September 2019 2:54
One of the best coffee shop in Bandung. The coffee is good and strong. Place is cozy with electricity plug on every tables. The place is good to working or gathering with friends. Ambience is good. Toilet is clean. The name now is changed to morgy coffee
02 September 2019 12:05
I really love the vibes of this place. There are many open spaces for hanging out or just sit back and enjoy the ambience. Just pick any spot and start to finish your homework.
30 Oktober 2018 11:49
Tempat ngopi yang memiliki rasa enak. Untuk tempat cukup luas dengan pilihan meja baik smoking ataupun non smoking. Untuk pelayanan baiknya dapat di di percepat. Selain itu lebih baik untuk mencari meja terlebih dahulu sebelum memesan. Untuk tempat parkir cukup mudah untuk kendaraan roda dua dan juga roda empat. Terletak persis di sebelah Dahapati - Anggrek.
29 Oktober 2018 7:49
Tempatnya tidak begitu luas untuk yg smoking room, tapi cukup luas untuk yg smoking room, untuk kopinya aku pilih hot magic coffee, tidak terlalu strong.malah msh berasa ngantuk lokasinya juga mudah dijangkau, untuk harganya msh worth it sesuai dengan cita rasanya
14 Oktober 2018 13:18
Come here twice, the place is quite small. But the interior is so comfy. Especially in the air-conditioned area. They also have instagrammable outdoor upscale-seating in the back.

Ordered manual brew twice, both were excellent.
11 Oktober 2018 2:10
The place is small but cozy. You can order some kind of beverages here. The price is quite reasonable. One thing that I like from this cafe that they have a study room for people who want to study or do their assignments.
03 Oktober 2018 14:09
Cozy place to hang out, good coffee and fair price the coffee is so good, easy to reach, noticeable from normal traffic, there is private room for meeting, and have a theather for workshop and exhibition, have ice cream they roast their own coffee they have light food, they have praying room and restroom
22 September 2018 18:44
I really love the hot americano. Love the study / work space. Really enchanting. Warm, nice, quiet, i can take my me time. Well done! This place will be one of my fav coffeeshop. But minus main course.
14 Agustus 2018 22:39
Kopinya enak dengan harga di kisaran 30k. Dekorasi dan interior yang menarik, industrial-minimalist. WC terbilang bagus. Bagi pecinta kopi, biji kopi disimpan dalam ruangan dengan suhu tertentu dan untuk masuk kesana diperlukan semacam security key di pintunya, keren sih. Saya pesan Japanesse Iced, enak dan ga cawerang. Nice place for hang out or meet up.
14 Juli 2018 5:24
One of the best coffee shop I ever visit. The barista guy is very friendly and love to share his knowledge about coffee with the customers. Definitely recommended for everyone
13 Juli 2018 20:15
Ambience dan tempatnya bagus. Cukup luas, enak buat duduk2 atau ngerjain tugas. Harga minuman standar range 30-50. Ada outdoor seating for smoking. Dan ada taman dengan tangga kayu, bisa duduk di area itu juga. Overall, nice place to go.
12 Juli 2018 11:14
Tempatnya kecil namun nyaman. Cocok apabila sedang ingin mengerjakan tugas sebab ada banyak colokan dan wifi. Terdapat ruang khusus yg memang diperuntukkan bagi yang ingin mengerjakan pekerjaan. Selain itu terdapat co-working space dan juga musholla di lantai atas. Pilihan minuman tidak terlalu banyak, harga standar Bandung sekitar 35rb, rasa minuman standar.
11 Juli 2018 18:26
Fav: hot chocolate from korte
Good place to hang out/meeting
Mushalla is available in the second floor, supported with fast wifi
Equipped with coffee roastery in the second floor, you will find it is fascinating to smell coffee aroma
06 Juni 2018 14:31
It's a great place to spend time with friends. I buy machagato. It's two scoops ice cream vanilla with special syrup matcha on top. And then, this place is good to take a picture. Have many spot to you take a picture. For price start from 30k. They have non smoking and smoking room. Cozy place to make a moment with your close friends.

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