27 Oktober 2023 18:49
Nice food and beverages. Suitable for brunch. The owner were very nice too. The place is chic.
26 Oktober 2023 1:38
You can easily tell that the owner put everything into this place and the food, it's just simply amazing
13 Oktober 2023 7:39
One of the most delightful places to eat in Bandung. The foods are consistently good, the cakes and pastries are also must try. But the highlight for me is their coffee. They roast the beans in house every week, keep them until peak, then serve in their coffee bar. An overall fantastic place the has it all. Oh, do try their handmade noodle and softserve.
07 September 2023 8:46
Very cozy place, food coffee and pasty so delicious. Very humble person to serve the customer
07 September 2023 7:00
Kesini bersama saudara dari luar kota, tempat kecil dengan suasana jepang yang sangat hangat kopinya tidak begitu special tapi cukup enak kok staffnya pun ramah sekali sayangnya makanan disini tidak halal (ada pork) jadi saudara saya yg sangat concern dengan hal ini tidak bisa makan
06 September 2023 7:00
Cremelin is truly Bandung's hidden gem, where every little thing gets special attention, the coffee that's brewed to perfection, the mouthwatering pastries, or the delightful soulful dishes. What I love most is the cozy artisan vibe, and it's a no-smoking zone, which makes it extra comfy for me.

I can say/feel that the owner is super passionate about everything and you can book the private manual brew experience with the owner in the conceptual hidden area inside the cafe called The Sanctuary.

Here's the cool part: Some of the product is based on people's character. They call it "personification" product, mostly based on their loyal customer that become friends with the owner, Ong & Ei.

And the last, as the clock ticks from noon to night, they call it "the after hours, " the place comes alive with more upbeat tunes and dimmed lights. Trust me, it's more than just a cafe; it's a full-on sensory adventure that you won't forget!
20 Juli 2023 0:09
Tempat kecil tapi suasana nyaman, pelayanan ramah, penyajian baik, pilih beberapa menu favorit dan saya suka semua, karena yang saya tau semua disajikan homemade sampai sour dough-nya juga. Harga dan porsi affordable sekali. Kue²nya pun menarik untuk dicoba. Dan untuk menu penutup pesan soft serve ice cream yang menurut saya penyajiannya cukup lama, dan kalau saya pribadi kurang suka dengan rasa asin di eskrim. Tapi sensasi kriuk²nya unik. Menyajikan banyak pilihan menu non halal yang ingin dicoba semua. Mungkin kedepannya bisa lebih diperluas tempat dine in. Untuk total makanan yang saya pesan 418rb yang menurut saya itu harga sangat terjangkau sekali. Thank you
30 Juni 2023 23:14
Definitely The Highlight of my last Bandung Trip. Real definition of Hidden Gem, the Interior and atmosphere is on point, the food is excellent, the coffee is one of a kind. The croissant better than Bak**rM** IMHO, the cake also not your typically found but very refine. I order Tonkatsu Curry Don and it taste closest to what I eat on Japan. Everything I tried have the owner thought and personality in it. All that with a very reasonable price, trust me not only Jakartan may feel it cheap.

But you come to Cremelin for the Sanctuary Manual Brew Coffee Experience. Check their Instagram and book your schedule, it's worth it and more.
30 Juni 2023 3:25
Wow this place has awesome food, awesome service. They are very meticulous in what they do and you can see that in the way they make every single beverage. I love their Japanese-Western style. The place only holds a couple of people so it’s hard to find a table for big groups
03 Juni 2023 12:40
The food is very good, the menu references a lot of cuisines so you get to try a lot of interesting flavors you can’t usually get in other restaurants. Props on the complimentary water! Only downside is the toilet’s too dark:)
30 Mei 2023 19:01
Udah beberapa kali datang kesini, tapi ga kebagian seat jadi ga jadi. Akhirnya kesampean juga dan lagi relatif sepi.

Tempat parkir bisa di depan outletnya tapi tdk terlalu besar, hanya muat beberapa mobil saja dan parkir motor di unit sebelah2nya bisa.

Areanya ga besar, hanya ada beberapa meja, ada satu meja dengan kapasitas besar, sisanya kapasitas 2 orang, 4 orang atau malah model bar seating nyamping & satu meja duduk dengan alas bantal di lantai.

Menunya ada snack, makanan berat & dessert. Tapi yang terkenal dessert & beveragenya, karena unik2 rasanya.

My order:
* Space
Asem seger, lemonnya berasa, wangi lemongrassnya juga dapet.

* Serenity
Espresso campur hibiscus yg keluar, manisnya pas ada hint bitter & rose.

* Gianduja
Choco mousenya manisnya pas. Irish cream panacottanya lembut,

* Vega
Mousse hojichanya strong & enjoyable. Rasa rum raisin pannacotanya juga stand out, ada potongan raisinnya.

Servicenya cukup cepat karena cakesnya udah ready di display, minumannya pun datang ga terlalu lama. Staffnya cukup friendly.
03 Mei 2023 15:26
Overall rasa dan harga ok
Ada bbrp yg medok rasanya.rekomend dish pasta prawn
Ok buat hangout n nongki
13 April 2023 12:58
I love everything! The service and food was great! I got complimented with a drink because there's some sort of worm in my food (but that's great they don't use pesticides). The place was cozy and homey too! Very recommended. The desserts were not too sweet and perfect!
20 Maret 2023 1:59
Makanannya ok banget, tapi emang tempatnya agak kecil, jadi di jam ramai suka susah kalau bareng temen2
26 Januari 2023 3:33
Menu yang disajikan cukup unik dan jarang ditemukan di restoran lain. Rasa tidak kuat, tapi sangat enak. Kombinasi pilihan sayuran dan protein sangat baik. Tempat tidak terlalu luas, tapi cocok kalau ingin hang out dan ngopi ringan bersama teman2.
08 Januari 2023 13:02
Harga cukup mahal tapi sesuai dengan kualitas makanan, minuman dan tempat.untuk minuman artisan tea nya itu excellent.untuk makanan itu enak tp preferensi sy lebih ke light seasoning dan yg ini agak heavy seasoningnya.
12 Desember 2022 18:50
It feels like there's nothing you can't ask for more of off this place since they give you a deadly combo of affordable price yet super delicious dishes. It's all taste freaking amazing from the beverages of teas and coffees even to the sweets like croissants, entremets, and its mains. Moreover they always tried to innovate with new menus even now and then. Top it off with a really comfy atmosphere of Japanese interior design and choice of music, I am sure dining in this place will be something you won't ever regret. I used to try to come here once a week when I got my time off but since I move to Jakarta, I will always try to make my time to visit Cremelin everytime I go to Bandung. You can really feel that Ong and Ei build and run this place with love. And lots of love for you two back, I am sure you two made the day for lots of people.
29 November 2022 18:49
I don't understand with the design interior that put a small platform in the middle of the room.
Maybe Influenced with Japanese vibe but nope.

The staffs are really polite
26 September 2022 2:05
Makanannya enak, yg pork teriyaki enak, pork nya digoreng tepung dl baru dikasi bumbu, nasi wijen nya literally cm nasi+wijen aja gada rasa apa2 lg, jd kaya nasi normal aja koq, aman.curry nya kaya curry india yg bau herbs gt.tempatnya kecil, dtg ber 3, yg kosong cm meja ber 8, awalnya ga boleh duduk, pdhl niatnya emang mau makan siang aja dan udh laper, akhirnya diijinin duduk dengan syarat kl ada meja kecil kosong harus pindah (sampe beres makan jg gada yg kosong, karna org2 pada nongki2 cantix wkwkwk) Mungkin meja ber 8 nya bisa dijadiin 2 meja ber 4 aja. Blm akan kesini lg sih wlpn makannya enak hehehe, semoga tempat nya diperluas ya
03 September 2022 11:56
The prices are not very expensive and the food taste delicious. The cakes i highly reccomend you ordering it becuase they have a lot of very good cakes. The place are quite cozy to chill. It's like a simple semi japanese cafe where everything are like simple and clean. The only problem i have are the portions of the food i think is quite little. So if you wanna eat something and just relax this is the place. But if you are hungry to eat something maybe other places i would reccomend
22 Agustus 2022 14:25
Ini penilaian sy 3 thn yg lalu ketika sy berkunjung ke Cremelin atas undangan temen. Sy kaget ketika lihat dimenu ternyata ada makanan non halal. Waiters tidak memberitahu saya ada makanan non halal (padahal sy masuk dg memakai hijab). Di restoran tidak tertulis juga keterangan ada makanan non halal. Ini penting bagi saya yg muslim. Saya tidak tahu saat ini (thn 2022) apakah sudah ada keterangan non halal di resto atau tidak. Semoga sudah ada ya, sehingga kami para muslim akan langsung aware ketika masuk ke resto. Terima kasih.
12 Agustus 2022 13:36
This place just lit. Gue suka banget kesini, makanannya enak, dessertnya juara (fav gue St. Carmello- asin caramel, manis, sedikit pahit dr coklatnya). Matcha lattenya berasa banget, minuman lainnya juga enak. Kenapa gw bisa describe banyak ttg nih cafe karna se-enak itu guys. Gue udh balik kesini berkali-kali. Harga untuk mini cakenya sekitar 30an, minuman jg 30an, makanan gue kemaren sekitar 60an. Dan yang lu pada hrs cobain itu soft serve mereka, ini rekomendasi bgt dari gue. Overall tempatnya nyaman dan unik. Satu kekurangannya, karena ini cafe kecil dan lumayan terkenal jadi sering full dan gaada tempat duduk (weekend). That's all. Good Job Cremelin. Gue pasti balik lagi
10 Juli 2022 17:43
Love the calm yet inviting ambience. All of our orders taste delish (kinoko bennedict, homemade noodles classic prawns, essential tea, soft serve and mouthwatering selection of cake!) Service is warm and friendly. Will definitely come back to try their intriguing beverages and more cakes!
28 Juni 2022 4:01
Bagus tempatnya
Miso Bellynya enak banget!
Cuman porsinya sedikit saja, tapi rasanya bener-bener bikin kaget lidah!
04 Mei 2020 8:58
Tempat ini tempat yang paling nyaman buat ngobrol santai, chill sambil makan cake2 terbaiknya Cremelin, atau mungkin rapat santai. Tempatnya strategis dan biarpun ga besar, penataan ruangnya instagramable.karena ruangnya yang tidak luas itu, maka, alangkah lebih baik datang di hari biasa karna di weekend biasanya penuh bgt. Overall, tmpat ini keren.
01 Mei 2020 11:20
Tempatnya nyaman walauoun tergolong kecil. Pelayanan ramah. Agak mahal tapi setara dengan rasanya:) will be back here anytime visit Bandung again.
18 April 2020 19:52
Crémelin was a nice ending to a busy day.lovely ambience.
Their St. Carmello cake was soo delicious.combine with the creme brulee coffee!
Their miso pork belly rice was also nicely different although the pork belly can be more tender.
Overall its a must come back place for me and my family.
Space is small and cozy.so for big groups need to set their expectation.
10 Maret 2020 11:11
Nice place, cozy. The place a little bit too small didn't recommend for large group.

The food is good
04 Maret 2020 1:48
Lucu tempatnyaa tematik banget jepang2. Taro latte nya sih terbaik!
Kentang gorengnyaa juga enak, saos tartarnyaaa enak bangettt! Porsinya jugaa generous. Cuma sayang tempatnya kecil jadi ga muat banyak pengunjung. But buat foto lucuuu
14 Januari 2020 9:48
Biarpun terlihat kecil tempatny, tp suasana ny cozy mirip resto2 di jepang. Berbagai pilihan makanan berat maupun ringan, tak lupa ad kopi & cake untuk sekedar chit chat dengan teman / relasi bisnis
04 Desember 2019 14:07
Really love the interior, ambience and design. With Japan style interior, it's really cozy and comfortable.
02 Desember 2019 9:44
With new interior design. Its nice n cozy place. Good coffee and delicious food with affordable price
28 Maret 2019 15:57
Great food, great place, and amazing tea & coffee selection. The caesar salad is to die for. Definitely worth coming back!
29 April 2018 11:19
Great coffee with a lot of cake choices. I was there after 7 PM so their cakes are almost sold out. I think they'll have their pastry case full in the morning. They serve brunch menus, salads, and also have cake pairing (which cake with which coffee/tea) that'll help us place our order faster.

Their place is well arranged with unique cafe ambience built up by layers of acrylic sheets in different colours in the ceiling. Definitely will going back there for their coffee and cake. I suggest using public transportation to get there because they don't have spacious parking space, only for 2-4 cars.

Closed on Mondays.

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