23 Juni 2022 18:16
I personally love the bread and cake. All of its variants are delicious and affordable. I purchased the goods couple of times through Delivery and have no problems so far except for one. I personally have problems with their Nastar. Their Nastar is cost 147.000 (via Grab) and it claimed to be what's so called "premium". I don't know if i got the older stocks or what but the Nastar taste so cheap and old and doesn't worth my 147.000. Nastar is my favourite snack so I'd know if it taste wrong and Dcika Premium Nastar is just so wrong. Tbh i would splurge for a good nastar if it does worth the price. But if it this level of quality i think it's such a waste of money.

My suggestion is just find a new baker to make your Nastar worth the 147.000 price.
03 Mei 2022 13:26
Cream cheese velvet enak.employee ramah.toko bersih.koreksi satu saja lilinnya engga dapat tangkai kayu jadi ga bisa nancap.terima kasih dcika.
03 Mei 2022 5:38
03 Agustus 2021 19:59
Tempatnya bersih pelayananya juga memuaskan apalag cake nya lembut bgt udh langganan sampe ada cabang di dket rumah
10 Juli 2021 20:38

I went there to buy my daughter’s birthday cake in the late afternoon just about the breaking fasts time. It was heavy raining during that time and therefore, I have to wear my raincoat. I parked my motorbike and approaching the entrance when the security stopped me and asked me to unbutton my coat and to leave it outside the outlet. I then said to him, “sorry Pak, I am not wearing appropriate inner clothing”. He then gave me this inconvenience look and said, “please leave your raincoat”, I have to refused politely as it was cold and it’s just inappropriate to wear my inner clothing inside the store. He then “unhappily” allowed me to enter the store.

Just so you know, the store was newly renovated and it was well decorated, I believe it lifts the overall ambiance.

I was aware that my coat was dripping wet and it’s normal to have the coat drenched during rainy days, isn’t it?

As soon as I made an entry, I was not greeted, most of the store assistants gave me this awkward look from top to bottom, all they care I think is the drip from my raincoat. I didn’t feel welcome at all. So, I approached one of the assistants and asked her to help to show me the birthday cake section. There was this pointing-each-other scene to help me. It’s funny to know that they have 5 assistants and yet still have to point one each other to assist one customer (didn’t impress me at all!)

Next, when choosing the cake, I made a video call to my kid at home to choose her favorite cake, and I noticed that when asking a lot of questions from the store assistant, I have this “Bete” / long face clearly displayed behind the mask. I made it quickly and forced my kid to decide quicker, I honestly want to leave this store as soon as I can. I just can’t stand the service. I purchased the double chocolate cake, paid for it, and immediately leave the store.

Generally speaking, the taste of the cake here is very nice, we loved it! And the new store is very beautifully arranged. In fact, I am one of your loyal customers. Unfortunately, the service is super bad and unbearable. I’ll be to sure remove D’Cika from my list of favorite pastry stores from now on.

Good luck with your service improvement!
01 Juli 2021 13:14
Jam 6 katanya udah buka tp smp jam segini juga belum buka
Professional atau ga nya tergantung dr on time waktu buka storenya.ga tau ya kl store dcika yg lain? Apakah sama?
25 Juli 2020 1:49
Tuk kesekian kali beli cake birthday di D'cika, harga sesuai dengan rasa.cake nya lembut manis️
05 Maret 2020 13:57
Dari segi tempat ini enak gampang di temuin karena pinggir jalan, tempatnya bersih, pencahayaan tempat nya baik, pelayanan ramah, kalo dari cake nya sendiri ini lembut ya gak berat gitu teksturnya jadi pas di kunyah gak berat. Kemaren beli black forest buat ultah temen dan bisa tulis nama. So ini boleh banget kalian coba.
16 Januari 2020 0:50
Pelayanan karyawan nya coba deh di perbaiki, sudah beberapa kali beli selalu jutek orang nya
Apa karna beli make gopay case back maka nya pelayanan seenak nya toh sama juga bayar bukan minta
Tulisan cashback nya 50%, gatau nya cuma 30%
udah berapa x beli masih aja bgtuh pelayanan nya kalo gak karna enak males beli nya
Tolong di review lagi karyawan model begituh dah. D'Cika jl raya hankam
21 September 2019 17:14
Wajib kesini tuk pecinta cake n bakery yg rasanya sangat2 mantul.emang seh baru pertma x saya ksana beliin anak ULTAH.alhmdulillah rasanya gak bohong deh.jdi saya putuskan tuk jd langganan disini aja.dari harga saya kira cukup ramah dikantong ya.pelayanannya juga ramah.
19 September 2019 21:47
D' Cika Cakes and Bakery ini berada di Jalan Caman Raya, dekat dengan Sentra Kota Jatibening dan GS Supermarket.

Toko ini menjual aneka kue tart (blackforest, tiramisu, red velvet, double cokelat, dll), aneka bolu gulung, aneka roti (tawar dan isi), donut, bolu chiffon, kue kering dan lainnya.

Harga relatif terjangkau, tapi rasa aneka kue dan cake plus roti disini enaaaakkk.
Makanya, kalau ada acara ulangtahun selalu beli kue disini, pun kalau mau berkunjung ke rumah saudara atau menjenguk yg sakit biasanya mampir untuk beli kue disini.

Toko ini juga biasanya sudah buka dari pagi hari sekitar jam 7-8 pagi.
25 Maret 2019 8:37
Bolu abon harga 37.000 paling enak dan PAS dilidah,
Btw siap2 uang cash ya, khusus pembayaran untuk kartu debet minimal pembelian 50.000,
Wow sayang banget yaa. Hari gini masi jaman debet-debet transaksi minimal sampe 50.000, kalah sama toko sebelah

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