15 September 2023 9:14
Once, this was one of my favorite restaurants in Bandung. But now, for me their taste is not as good as it used to be. Their portions are also more smaller considering their price relatively still not cheap for Bandung area.
09 September 2023 4:53
Nyobain sop buntut rebus dan goreng.
Mnrt kami yg rebus emang juara.daging empuk, potongan pas.dan kuahnya seger banget.
Tp yg goreng, ga terlalu enak.terlalu manis dan bumbunya kuat, jd rasa dagingnya ga berasa.

Lokasi.agak tricky.pas pinggir jalan cipaganti, tp krn jalan searah dan deket lampu merah? Jd hrs ambil ancang2 jauh dr cipaganti atas.

Parkir lumayan bnyk dan ada bpk tukang parkir yg bantuin.
15 Agustus 2023 19:27
Sukaaa banget makan disini. Iga bakarnya enaakk bgt. Tp yg dibakar tetep ada kuahnya. Ada sop buntut goreng jg. Rasanya bener² nikmat dan empuk dagingnya.

Suasananya rumah jadul yg disulap jd tempat makan. Sayang tempat parkirnya sedikit, tp msh bisa parkir seberangnya yg pom bensin.
Siap² aja klo dateng pas jam maksi rameee bgt sampe ada yg gak kbagian tempat.
14 Agustus 2023 20:47
Tidak terasa seperti berada di tempat keramaian/tengah kota. Kalau sudah makaj di tempat ini seperti makan di rumah sendiri.
10 Agustus 2023 20:52
The food and the service were great! Thank you. (you all need to try the fried oxtail soup hihi)
07 Agustus 2023 6:49
Kembali ke restoran ini setelah lama tak datang agak sedikit kecewa dengan kualitas makanannya. Hanya sedikit daging dan kebanyakan lemak yang menempel di buntutnya.

Semoga bisa lebih baik lagi kualitasnya di kemudian hari
21 Juli 2023 10:34
Sop buntutnya lumayan enak, tapi tidak seperti ekspektasi saya. Untuk sop buntut goreng daging buntutnya cenderung dry dan kurang koheren dengan kuahnya. IMO.
Ayam goreng cukup enak, bumbu meresap, tapi kering dan agak alot.
Penyajian cukup memakan waktu, sekitar 30 menit.
Parkirnya terbatas.
08 Juli 2023 10:13
Makanannya enak, tempatnya asik buat kumpul-kumpul bareng temen. Walaupun rame pengunjung tapi gak kerasa padat.
18 Juni 2023 3:38
Went here for dinner after a rainy afternoon, it isn’t crowded. However you need to mind the there is limited parking space. Service here is okay and it didn’t take long for the food to be served. By far this is the best sop buntut (oxtail soup) i have ever tasted. The meat is very-very tender and if you are lucky you might get a huge piece just like i did. The soup is also flavorful and is already a bit sour so you don’t need to add extra lime. Best paired with white rice and it is the best combination after a rainy afternoon. This place has always been a must visit every time i go to bandung from year to year. I highly recommend you to try this if you are visiting bandung!
12 Agustus 2019 16:47
Untuk ukuran sop buntut, rasa lumayaan enak dan porsi besar banget. Yg rekomended sop buntut gorengnya. Mantaab lah.

Cuma klo udh crowded, parkiran mbl gk ada. Gk boleh parkir pinggir jln. Sebaiknya parkir di gedung sebrangnya aja yg kantor pos.
09 Agustus 2019 16:54
Kesan pertama hommy banget. Makanannya mengingatkan kita di rumah sendiri sayangnya tempat parkirnya kurang luas.
05 Juli 2019 2:03
Very nice oxtail soup and large portion! The place is also nice with helpful staff. Although the place is like an old house but the table, utensils are clean. Definitely would reccomend.
02 Juli 2019 0:22
The sop buntut is marvellous. The parking space only fits 3-4 cars, IIRC. The restaurant sign is almost invisible. It's on a one-way street and, if you're not familiar with the road in Bandung, you may have to take a long drive around if you miss it at the first drive-by.
28 Juni 2019 13:01
Salah satu sop buntut favorit di Bandung, dagingnya empuk, bumbunya khas, kuahnya pas. Tapi sekarang harganya udah cukup mahal menurut saya, untuk 1 orang makan bisa habis sekitar 120ribu (nasi putih, sop buntut, minum).
26 Juni 2019 4:57
Rasa kuahnya enak banget, pas banget buat saya yang lagi ga enak badan. Untuk dagingnya juga empuk. Saya lebih memilih sop buntut yang biasa daripada yang digoreng, karena yang digoreng dagingnya agak lebih keras. Resto ini juga punya cabang di jalan Riau loh.
24 Juni 2019 22:08
This is my dad's fave place. Brought him here in his 59th bday about 5 years ago. After that, he keep asking to comeback for the oxtail soup. Yes the oxtail soup. I preper the basic version. The fried oxtail soup is also good. But i still prefer the classic one. Taste sooo good.
If you plan to have lunch here. Better come earlier, as the place is always crowded for lunch time 11 am is okay, more than that you need to wait to be seated, also, there's a chance that the classic oxtail soup will sold out. I came about 1.30 today, wait 30minutes for the seat and another 30minutes for fried oxtail soup as the classic one has been sold out.
A suggestion for management: you need a team leader to manage all the staff, the lunch time was chaotic today. A lot of people waiting to be seated yet there's no certainty when they can get a table. Some need to start writing a waiting list, some need to take care of the dirty plates and some need to handle the food order. All staff was looked so confused seems like they don't know what to do when things got so chaotic during lunch time. But that's just my 5cent hope it can improve your service.
23 Juni 2019 12:13
Tempat makan yang berkesan jadul dengan suasana makan yang nyaman. Pelayanannya ramah dan cepat. Menu yang paling saya suka disini adalah sop buntut goreng. Porsinya pas mengenyangkan. Dagingnya empuk. Rasanya sangaaat nikmat!
12 Juni 2019 1:42
Fav restaurant in Bandung. Sop buntut bakarnya endolita bambang. 1 porsi cukup untuk menuhun 2 perut. Harga bersaing
11 Juni 2019 1:20
Sop buntut gorengnya enak, namun pada malam hari banyak menu lain yg sudah habis.beberapa kawan dalam rombongan menjadi tidak bisa makan krena tidak makan daging sapi.untuk harga cukup mahal menurut saya, namun pengalaman menikmati buntut sapi (yang enak) jarang saya temukan di Tangerang.untuk area parkir sangat sempit, jadi mohon berhati hati saat parkir d restoran.
06 Juni 2019 15:25
The legendary place for oxtail soup. If you ever think to find the best oxtail. You have to reaffirm your believe by trying the oxtail here.
23 Mei 2019 23:19
Very delicious 5 stars oxtail soup, good "es jeruk". But wastafel and trash bin should be placed better.
19 Mei 2019 22:54
Salah satu tempat dengan sop buntut termantaps. Walaupun harganya cukup mahal tp worth it sih. Apalagi kalau dateng berdua, satu porsi + 1 nasi cukup lah buat berdua. Dan kalau sendirian 1 porsi sop buntutnya aja puas banget.
09 Mei 2019 7:15
Sejauh ini saya belum menemukan tempat makan yang menghidangkan sop buntut istimewa seperti ini. Lokasinya yang strategis di Jalan Cipaganti mudah untuk diakses dari manapun. Namun sayangnya tempat parkir sangat terbatas, apalagi waktu weekend. Tapi demi sop buntut yang luar biasa rasanya ini, sulitnya parkir rasanya terbayarkan.
06 Mei 2019 2:18
Place is comfortable. Feels like home. Their food is really good too. Price is still reasonable. Worth to try
05 Mei 2019 18:40
Impressive.the oxtail pretty delicious also big bite. Very nice place. But the parking area quite small and cipaganti had heavy traffic on the weekend
05 Mei 2019 11:39
Dulu jadi langganan makanan dari kecil sama kesukaan 1 keluarga.tapi makin sini kok kurang rasa. Favorit kami tuh sop buntut goreng.lagi ngidam banget tapi kecewa
03 Mei 2019 2:11
The best oxtail soup I've ever had in my life. The serving size is huge, with plenty of meat and vegetables. You can smell the soup even before you step inside the restaurant. You'll also get free, refillable hot tea. The oxtail soup itself costs IDR 75k and if you ordered rice and drinks, it'll cost you about IDR 100k per person.
26 April 2019 10:20
IMHO, this is the best oxtail soup in Bandung. Their oxtail soup is a perfect combination of spices, herbs, tender and juicy oxtail, and fresh beef broth. A truly comfort food, from the good ol' kitchen. Enjoy while it hot.
20 April 2019 20:24
Makanan yang terkenal atau direkomendasikan itu sop buntut nya. Tempat seperti kita makan dirumah sendiri. Parkiran mobil terbatas.
16 April 2019 20:32
Premium dining places with food tastes and premium prices. A few years earlier, Oxtail Soup was still served with a very delicious flavor, for some reason the taste has been reduced lately. I hope this can be an input for restaurant owners
09 April 2019 19:44
Dari dulu ga pernah ada sop iga se enak Dapahati.food icon bandung terbaik yg pernah dan masih ada.wajib coba!
27 Februari 2019 9:02
This place well known menu is Ox Tail Soup. There's plenty menu beside ox tail if you don't like ox tail. Nice place, quiet, and the services are great.
10 September 2018 19:44
Rasa sop buntutnya walaupun sudah tidak seenak tiga tahun yang lalu, tapi masih salah satu yang terenak di Bandung. Sop buntut kuahnya masih sangat recommended, tapi sop buntut gorengnya juga sangat lezat.
Restorannya berupa bangunan lama yang sangat klasik tapi masih terawat, walaupun kalau boleh usul, bisa sedikit dipugar supaya lebih nyaman. Tapi mungkin karena suasananya yang sangat klasik ini yang bikin makan sop buntut di sini jadi nikmat sekali.
Area parkirnya sangat sempit. Kalau sulit parkir, bisa numpang parkir di kantor Pos seberang restoran. Masih tetap sop buntut favourite saya di kota Bandung.

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