12 April 2023 23:58
After reading an article on internet about Dk
New images and strategies to be able to compete with srurbucks and other business of the coffee industry. I decide to try them for first time.
Well. Let me tell it was my last one …
The employ was lost in an another world.
She keep asking things that I all ready answer 2 or 3 times
They were out of regular donuts
I request the customer favor it since I am not familiar (first time visit) with the menu.
What got it’s chocolate donut that it taste like was make couple days ago (uneatable)
The macchiato.good flavor but warm to cold. 2/3 full
My experience just make me right this review
By the way: drive through only
The front door was closed.
No line at all. I wonder why,
If you want to beat the competition. Start making customers happy before you spend billions in a new international image
31 Juli 2019 23:38
Asal namanya ini, skr pindah tempatnya kmudian berubah namanya menjadi Mentari Donut ne kawan. Harganya murah kawan. Kualitas mantul kawan. Kbetulan sy suka buat cemilan dan oleh2 hehehe
05 Juni 2019 2:15
Mantap bener ini dia donat yang enak tapi harga gak seenaknya, harga murah buat reseller ditambah rasanya enak pula, recommended pokoknya inimah saya saja sampe ketagihan beli disini.
Saran saja: Toko bagian depannya agak di percantik mas/mbak owner, hehe soalnya kurang menarik hanya saran saja ya,
26 Februari 2019 14:53
Ternyata donatnya banyak variasi.cocok buat reseller harga terjangkau buat konsumen. Rasanya? Pokoknya cobain deh bakal lumer lumer di mulut

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