09 Desember 2023 16:17
Parahhhhh mahal bgttt jgn ksni deh hrganya ga masuk akal anjirr tiekt masuk aja 40rb perorg blm makannya mahal2 ga worth ittt
09 November 2023 23:41
Tempat liburan yg nyaman bersama keluarga, semoga tetap terjaga kebersihan dan keasrian tempatnya
29 Oktober 2023 5:52
Dusun Bambu Resort is a family paradise tucked away in nature's embrace. The resort's serene lakeside setting is a picturesque backdrop, perfect for relaxation and leisure. It offers a variety of family-friendly activities, including a well-equipped playground that keeps the kids entertained for hours. The resort's lush greenery and charming cottages create a peaceful atmosphere, ideal for quality family time. With excellent dining options and a range of outdoor activities, it's a holistic destination that caters to all ages. Dusun Bambu Resort is a wonderful blend of natural beauty, recreation, and family bonding.
25 Oktober 2023 23:57
Tempat nyaman, banyak pilihan resto. Makanan enak. Banyak spot fotogenik. Weekend dipastikan sangat ramai. Sangat berpotensi waiting list sampai 1 jam.
03 Juni 2023 9:49
Sanitary susah bnged,
Di wahana Playground nya gda air disekitaran toilet nya,
Toilet nya jauh2 pula dan antrian nya panjang,
Toilet nya sedikit sekali.
02 Juni 2023 4:30
Nice place untuk kumpul bersama keluarga, arena bermain anak2 juga lumayan lengkap. Jadi tidak membuat bosan
20 Mei 2023 3:32
Tempatnya enakeun, sejuk. Buat anak kids friendly juga. Restonya Ada 4 jadi bisa milih mau yang mana. Kebetulan kesini cobain yang lembur urang resto. Tempatnya enakeun Dan luas juga. Makanan cukup enak.kalau yg cari makanan tradional nusantara bisa coba kesini. Tapi masih Ada makanan Dan kopi kok. Camilan kaya roti bakar juga Ada.
14 April 2023 4:39
I dont booked the resort, but i go there for fun and eat. It is beautiful and my children is happy, however the way to manage the rainbow slide is not good. It seems they are not ready to have many people to play with it. Many children cut the line in the stair when it is crowded, so they pushing each other until someone almost fell from the stair.it is too bad.
30 Maret 2023 19:19
Kembali ke konsep lama, bayar untuk masuk area, dapat minuman/es krim dan dapat souvenir. Overall tempatnya sejuk dan banyak rekreasi seperti playground, mini zoo, dan rental gokart/sepeda. Cuma area jajanan yg dulu banyak, tinggal sedikit dan tersebar, tdk seperti dulu. Satu lg akses jalannya rusak menjelang pintu masuk, semoga diperbaiki.
28 Maret 2023 18:52
Tempat Wisata Keren. Anak Happy. Tiket masuk hanya 30rb. Area parkir juga luas banget. Begitu masuk kita akan di sambut dengan mobil kereta untuk ke akses lokasi pusatnya. Jalan kaki bisa sih, cuma effort lebih. Di dalam menjual berbagai hiasan dan keperluan menanam. Saat makan mau memilih view sawah, or danau bisa banget.
Untuk area play ground kena charge lagi 70rb.
24 Maret 2023 3:50
Agak mahal, tapi bagus banget:)
Ada banyak kegiatan yg bisa dilakukan dan fasilitasnya top!

Ada tiga restoran disini,
1. Purbasari, di danau dengan minimum charge 600k
2. Burangrang, restoran yg juga melayani tamu hotel/resort.
3. Lembur urang, terletak di ujung atas dengan sawah sawah dan makanan khas Bali.
20 Maret 2023 0:57
We've been here during lunch time on weekdays and it was spacey. Food are okay but our highlight was rowing experience
14 Maret 2023 20:57
Suasananya enak banget, bersih, sejukk, cocok banget sama penukaran wedang jahenya. Arena permainan play ground juga bisa sampai 5x, mantap. Hanya perlu ditingkatkan cycle time nya aja, biar tumpukan antrian bisa cepat terurai, terutama area slide. Trus shuttle service juga lebih banyak, biar keluar dan masuk ga terlalu nunggu lama. Satu lagi access jalan menuju lokasi minta Pemda perlu perbaikan deh, dan rumah warga sekitar juga dipercantik lagi. Terimakasih.
12 Februari 2023 10:42
The place is open to public by buying ticket for Rp. 25000. So the hotel guest would not have privacy. The FnB has hearing problem taking ordered. /Food quality slightly below standard. Every morning at 8 a.m guest would hear a noisy blower machine. It is so annoying as there is no serenity
17 Januari 2023 21:46
Dusun Bambu Restauran, lokasinya ada di Jalan Sersan Bajuri, cukup luas restauran di tempat ini, ada berbagai tempat makan di sini, terutama masakan" khas Sunda
05 Januari 2023 13:05
Location is great not to far from highway, but they surely should fix the road especially 2 km from their entrance. I rent the tent not the room, to expirience camping feel, and It was great, except 1 annoying aspect, they did not warn me, not to bring snack, instant noodle or cookies into tent without supervision. No written warning too. Why? The Monkey is real and cleaver. They took out all our food from inside tent, they can open the zip (well their hand & fingers like us), lesson learned all food should kept in the car, parking area is only 25 m away anyway. I put that monkey photo too clutching my Korean instant noodle. Beside the monkey, the tent, toilet, stable warm water is great. And order those barbecue, they are delicious and generous really love the expirience. They also give evening local snack. Really nice. Overall expirience is great except losing those 2 case of nastar cookies (which quite expensive arghhh). Restaurants and food court are really great, wish there is a place like this nearby Jakarta lol.
1 restaurant is modern theme (you got breakfast here), other one is bird nest like, the other one is surrounding a small lake, and the last restaurant (Balinese food) have padi field view. Love this place and the monkey (except those who steal our food). Tips: book directly to their website.
24 Desember 2022 5:36
Semua enak, pelayanan oke, asala jangan di libur panjang (padet) cuma harga makanan nya aja yg aga lumayan mahal,
23 November 2022 21:41
Place looks so beautiful
Ideally for family trip ️
I was there because I want to see the place and I want try local food.
Food looks delicious
but unfortunately taste was average.
Duck was little bit hard to schew.
Next time I will try visit
second restaurant here

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