25 September 2023 6:36
Share pengalaman menginap di Four Points Bandung, dari segi kebersihan dan kenyamanan kamar cukup baik standar bintang 4 yang oke dengan view kamar yang bagus.

Ruang meeting juga standar hotel bintang 4 dan cukup baik, dari aegi makanan mulai dari breakfast, lunch, dinner dan coffee break semuanya biasa saja tidak banyak yang enak banget, ya cukup standar saja tapi ada satu menu makanan yang enak banget menurut saya yaitu daging cincangnya sangat lembut, gurih dan bumbunya pas banget asik pokoknya daging cincangnya dan yang ga kalah menarik indomie ala warkop yang justru malah banyak peminatnya saat jam makan siang atau makan malam. Koneksi internet di ruang meeting cukup baik.

Dari segi lahan parkir ada di basement yang sebenarnya tidak terlalu luas spacenya, begitu pun jika mau drop di lobby lalu parkir agak merepotkan karena space dan sirkulasi arahnya sempit,
15 September 2023 4:53
This hotel located on strategic places in Bandung. The service is excellent and the food are great. You should try this hotel if you planned to enjoyed Dago area.

I helped a lot by Mbak Casmi during my visit
24 Agustus 2023 6:15
Salah satu hotel favorit saya di Bandung, lokasinya strategi di kawasan Dago dgn pedestrian yg nyaman untuk "jalan kaki". Overall, kamarnya nyaman dan tenang, crew nya juga ramah dan responsif.dan most of all, variasi menu breakfastnya yg sangat oke.cukup banyak pilihan yg menggoda selera
22 Agustus 2019 17:09
Hotel baru dengan desain vintage yg cozy. Cocok untuk tempat singgah di Bandung, baik untuk liburan maupun bisnis.
16 Agustus 2019 0:25
Short stay-cation here for few nights with my little family. Strategic location, friendly staffs, nice breakfast with wide range of meal selection, nice outdoor pool with minibars and gym nextdoor. It'll be great if the water in the pool is warm, cos i bring a baby to swim with me. Overall it is good
09 Agustus 2019 22:23
Ke sini hanya untuk renang, karena kolam renang courtyard sedang renovasi. Kolam renangnya tidak terlalu besar namun pemandangannya bagus.
05 Agustus 2019 6:23
Surprisingly nice kind of resort hotel located exactly in the central of Bandung. Very convenient and highly recommend for business and pleasure activities. Even at their Restaurant, locals Bandung like to come and dine. Food and Beverage are excellent too. Sure will come back again.
31 Juli 2019 1:50
Very nice place and comparing to other 4 points on the higher level. Nice rooms, even a little older, good maintained. All areas clean and fine.very good recognition of status level from Bonvoy Ambassador. Breakfast facilities fine. Only negative thing is a long waiting time at elevator as 2 of then too less for such a big hotel.
21 Juli 2019 21:56
Marriott chain of hotels never fail to live up to the expectations. Well established, clean and impeccable service levels, all come together to make a wonderful stay. Breakfast spread is very good with local and international spread. It is pricy by local standard, but it serves the purpose for a leisurely long breakfast on a holiday. Conveniently located in the heart of the factory outlets distinct, it cannot get any better when food, shopping are all within walking distance. Rooms are standard with good housekeeping, except that they need to tune down the pipe-in music from the corridors, it does not make a good lullaby when people need to sleep at night.
20 Juli 2019 10:04
Hotelnya bagus, layanannya baik, makanannya enak, lokasi juga pusat kota.

Tempatnya bagus, tapi memang terasa sempit karena lahannya memang tidak besar.

Parkirnya juga tidak luas, jalan menuju lokasi parkir harus ekstra hati-hati karena belokannya cukup tajam dan sempit.

Cukup jadi PR untuk mobil-mobil besar.
18 Juli 2019 21:08
Four Points Keren banget, baik untuk menginap atau mengadakan acara seperti seminar/ training, makanan yang disediakan sangat lengkap dan rasanya juga mantap. Kebetulan saya menginap 2 hari saat acara Training ESQ Masa Persiapan Pensiun.
11 Juli 2019 2:55
Lokasi yang sangat strategis tepat di depan mall dan bersebelahan dengan grocery store. Makanan yang disediakan sangat khas bandung atau Jawa barat. Motor tidak boleh masuk, jadi kalau pesan gojek harus jalan kedepan.
06 Juli 2019 1:50
Terletak di dago bawah, Pusat Kota, untuk tempatnya Bagus dan nyaman, lumayan cocok juga yg suka selfie, untuk makanannya tidak terlalu banyak dan rasanya standar
02 Juli 2019 0:26
The location is great, as well as the facility. The room is great, i like the bath tub. We had iftar dinner here where they served kambing guling, which is awesome. Too bad they didn't serve kurma or kolak as the iftar menu.
There were outdoor swimming pool and fitness area, not very big but enough.
01 Juli 2019 22:24
Pelayanan buruk, dari satpam sampe reception g ada yg ramah. Harusnya mereka ramah sama smua orang yg datang
27 Juni 2019 7:56
Menginap semalam disini, untuk kamar yang saya tempati ada nyamuknya meskipun tidak banyak tapi sering bersuara di kuping saya. Pelayanan staff hotel semua sangat ramah.
26 Juni 2019 22:08
A fantastic hotel. Great room great price, and the location is superb. The only downside is u need to walk around the buttercup to get in, the pool is to small and the breakfast not that good
26 Juni 2019 19:30
Sangat puas bisa menginap di hotel bintang 4 ini. Lokasi sangat dekat dengan pusat kota dan pusat perbelanjaan dibandung.

Tampak depan lobi hotel tidak kelihatan dari sisi jalan, karena tertutup cafe.

Untuk menuju parkiran / lobi hotel, jalan lumayan sempit. Harus hati hati utk yg bawa mobil besar seperri innova, fortuner, alphard.

Kamar standar sangat luas dan mewah, kamar mandi pun sangat bersih luas dan terkesan mewah juga. Didalam kamar tersedia setrika dan kawan kawannya.

Sarapan pagi nya pun banyak banget pilihannnya. Sampe bingung mau makan apa. Lengkap banget dan bisa pesan kopi juga. Ada spot meja yg kurang enak karena pas lagi makan di sorot sinat matahari. Untuk duduk di outdoornya juga enak banget pagi pagi sambil menikmati udara bandung yg sejuk.

Kurang suka dengan kolam renangnya yang terlihat sangat biasa saja untuk hotel sekelas bintang 4 ini. Itu aja sih poin negativenya. Sisanya sangat puas termasuk pelayanannya.
08 Juni 2019 0:37
Mewah, elagan dan pelayanan nya responsip. Makanan nya juga enak, dan banyak pilihannya. Buat tempat parkir sebenarnya cukup luas, tapi jalannya sempit terutama pas ditikungan mau masuk parkiran apalagi jika bawa mobil berbadan lebar, mepet sekali bro. Jadi kaya ujian sim hahahah. Oya, kalo bisa nih mushola nya rada dibesarin, mungil banget dan ada di basment lantai 3. Over all, saya suka hotel ini dengan segala keramahan dan keeksotisannya. Apalagi pas diner di PH, bisa sambil liat bandung diatas ketinggian deh. Pertahankan yah.
29 Mei 2019 1:13
Tempatnya dipusat dago, strategis dekat dengan mall dan tpat tempat makan, crew nya ramah, makanannya ok, kamarnya juga nyaman
28 Mei 2019 20:36
Masuk dari depan sepertinya hotelnya kecil, tapi ternyata kamarnya luas dan bagus. Buat acara reuni dan barbeque di roof top makanannya enak dan staf sangat membantu/koperatif. Thanks to fourpoints bandung
27 Mei 2019 17:25
Beds are big.good location closed to supermarket, factory outlet, restaurant, public transport and nice view but a little bit trouble with parking
25 Mei 2019 14:19
Always love to go here, the employees are sooooo.friendly, very polite & some of them are funny too.they do their job very well. They serve the guest with their heart. Keep up the good work guys. Definitely will be back here
24 Mei 2019 14:45
The magnificent thing about this hotel is the services. The staff listens and will try their best to provide your needs.
11 Mei 2019 9:27
Hotelnya bagus murah di pusat kota bandung, kamarnya bersih nyaman, pelayananya baik, sarapanya enak semuaa, ada kolam renangnya, ada gymnyaa, pemandanganya juga baguuuuss, sangat recommend untuk yang sedang berkunjung ke bandung,
09 Mei 2019 17:10
The rooms were large and clean and the pool was nice but unfortunately it was raining during our stay. The “pool bar” isn’t actually a bar. They just take the order and tell you it will be faster if you go to the other restaurant. The parking was not free unless you ask for free parking. We didn’t find this out until after our stay and had to pay for our “free parking. ” When we called back to ask about it they said sorry you should have asked upon check in. The sky lounge had a nice view but it took so long for our food and it was cold by the time we got it, also the appetizers came out after the main courses.
06 Mei 2019 3:05
Their service is excellent. The room is clean and neat. We be staying till this saturday, on the 11th floor. The view is amazing. And the staffs are very friendly and helpful. And if you guys happened to to stay here, dont Forget to incl breakfast. You dont regret it.
24 April 2019 4:06
The hotel i would always go to for my work trips. Great location, Great service, and i love the extra bright and white room.they have a good selection of buffet breakfast from Indonesian, Japanese, Indian and western.swimming pool and gym is also a good size.everything is complete here
18 April 2019 0:31
Nice place, hospitality was great. Staff are nice and they're care about their guest.
Five star for 4 star hotel:)
17 April 2019 8:57
Good good good, ruang rapat nyaman, petugas ramah, akses ke pusat perbelanjaan, Rekreasi dan Tempat makan strategis.
10 April 2019 13:30
Tempat menginap yang nyaman dan berkelas dijalan utama Dago dan dekat dengan beberapa FO, DISTRO dan mall bergengsi dibandung
03 April 2019 23:35
Recommended for stay, recommended for dine.try their food, the restaurant has so many special menu
02 April 2019 8:45
Bit dissapointed with the egg stall staff. I already waited it for 40 minutes or more? But nothing came. I remember I told the lady where I was sitting, but she didnt take serious. I mean when you didnt want to make the egg benedict I asked, you could just tell me right? Or if it took so long you also can told me how many time you need to prepare -_-
I chose 4 point because it's part of bonavy marriot. But now I regret it. Won't come back to this hotel anymore.
Psssttt you also could not set up the air conditioner in your room. Sometime you just felt really hot when you were sleeping -_-"
19 Maret 2019 13:40
Parkir Mobil nya SUSAH!

harus Valet, knapa atuh ya, valet sekaramg di jadi in mata pencaharian baru untuk geduk uang
18 Maret 2019 21:26
Hotel dg arsitek modern sangat bagus dlm penataan ruang, tempat makan, resepsionis yang ramah, pelayanan memuaskan.ada pada jalan yg utama dan strategis dekat pusat belanja.
09 Maret 2019 3:10
Hotel dengan design interior yg bagus, smua staffnya ramah. Sarapannya banyak variasi dan semua enak. Kebersihan bagus. Masukan mgkn bs ada playground atau tmpt main anak indoor
05 November 2018 13:06
A great 4 stars hotel with white themed classic decoration building.
- Amazing bedroom with its signature bed comfort. Always like four points light room arrangement. We can simply turning on/off all the lights from our bed.
- room air conditioner can set up room temperature automatically.
- Full complete amenities, shampoo, body shower, conditioner, cotton bud, hair comb, hair dryer. And also Ironing tool set.
- Great breakfast.just like any other four points hotels.
- Nice swimming pool and fitness center.
- Warm and friendly staffs. One thing that I like the most about four points is its staff friendliness and hospitality. But, not in the way become annoying.

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