13 Desember 2023 18:24
1. Buat family ini sangat cocok menurut karena kalau Bawak anak² di lantai 18 ada kolam renang dan Playground walaupun ga besar tapii oke lah
2.kamar nya bersihh, view pemandangan bagus dari jendela kamar.
3. Breakfast nyaa bnyk varian, enakk jugaa, restoran nya juga besarr
4. Staf nya juga ramah²
5.lokasi strategis
saya suka ada anak yg bernama Tasya di restoran sangat ramah dan humble jugaa, dia jawab pertanyaan dari saya yg mudah di tangkap dan saya sangat berterima kasih kemaren sudah di bantu mbak Tasya. Terimakasih hotel grand tebu
07 Desember 2023 6:18
Where to start?
No hot water - broken shower - run down hotel - no soap.
Plus point would be location and cold aircon
02 Desember 2023 9:05
Hotel yg sangat saya rekomendasikan terutama yang sudah berkeluarga anak lebih dari 2. Ada family room yang kamar gaya mezanine sehingga kita tetap bisa mengawasi anak main dengan mudah. Sarapannya juga banyak variasinya. Ada gym dam kolam renang juga (tapi mungkin kolam renangnya hanya cocok untuk anak2).
08 November 2023 9:36
Quite comfortable stay, out of 2 elevator, 1 is under maintenance, nice view, friendly staff, good breakfast, there are many restaurants, cafe and shops around the area. The breakfast area is in the 6th floor, it has a nice view.
31 Desember 2018 2:46
Hotel tempat kegiatan pelatihan berbagai instansi. Tempatnya bagus dengan fasilitas yang cukup lengkap. Sayangnya parkirannya kurang terlalu besar.
30 Desember 2018 14:17
Well, budget hotel yang dicari2 keluarga karena tersedia beberapa kamar yg duplex untuk 4 sd 5 orang
Family friendly banget kaan.tapi sayangnya cuma tersedia 8 kamar total jadi ya pas peak season gini penuh bangeeeud terpaksa deh mpet2an di superior anw, pelayanan so far oke sih, desain interior keren, makanan lumayan, pas makan hari pertama makanannya enak2 bgt dan semua pelayan resto juga ramah dan oke bgt.tapi pas hari kedua kok banyak yg habis yaaa kaya madu, susu kental manis jadi kita makan waffle cuma sama chochips dan keju udah gitu pas bgt liftnya lagi maintenance alhasil ngantri lift lama dan membludak.kudu lewat lift service.rooftop juga oke kolam renangnya kurang besar kali yaa jadi kalo lagi rame gini kaya cendol dan dingiiin hahaha liat rekomen beberapa hotel dg budget lebih rendah mereka bisa provide kolam renang air hangat loooh.
Intinya sih alhamdulillah sih seneng dan lumayan nyaman 2 malam stay di sini tapi masih banyak yg bisa diimprove dari hotel ini supaya ke depan siapa tau bisa expand jadi bintang 5 dan diperluas hahaha aamiin
26 Desember 2018 22:46
Saya beru pertama kali kesini.dan mungkin g akan pernah kesini lagi. Mungkin ini tdk mewakili keseluruhan fasilitas hotel.tp ini moment of truth pada saat saya disini. Saya tiba d bandung kbtln sudah malam, saat saya sedang membuka shower di kamar mandi.saya dapati airnya coklat. Di wastafelpun sama. Akhirnya saya pindah ke kamar yg lain.dan ternyata disini lbh parah, selain air wastafelnya coklat, air showernya sama sekali tdk kluar. Oleh staff hotel saya dsrh menunggu, setelah beberapa lama menunggu dan tdk ada kepastian.akhirnya saya turun ke resepsionis utk minta kejelasan.dan lagi, saya dipindah ke kamar lain. Dan kondisi airnya masih sama. Dan itu sudah jam 11 malam. Speechless
16 Desember 2018 14:36
Grand Tebu rate as 4 star hotel. I give 3 star since this hotel does not feel like 4 star. I might give 4 star if thia hotel is a 3 star-boutique hotel which the hotel feels like it.

Small lobby with homey design. Three floor parking lot is available for hotel guest.

On November 2018, we check in to the hotel and found that the pool is closed since it being reserved for birthday party from 13: 00 until next day. So basically this hotel discount the facility for hotel guest on a long weekend holiday for a birthday party. If they want to blocked the area, at least they can do it after 17: 00 when most of the guest is not using the facility anyway.

The room is small, we are booking twin bed room. Size can be compared to budget hotel.
Amenities lack of hand soap.

The floor in our bathroom is steep #1508, you might feel bit dizzy when you entered it. It prevent water to stay on the floor which is good things but increase slipping. Hope no one get that experience

My sister book a family loft room, so basically the size of the room the same with twin bed room but it has taller ceiling and allowed them to build a mezanine above bathroom to put 3 extra bed.
Since the stair is quite steep, and also big opportunity for.kids to run and fall from above (railing have big gap that your kids can pass trough it), do not let your kids play without being supervised

Pool located at rooftop, it is a small size pool around 3*10 metre. The deepest area is only around 1meter. This is a kids pool rather than family pool.
Fitness and sauna is available as well. Again with small size

Breakfast area located in 3rd floor. Limited menu and cramp seating. Better having breakfast early to avoid crowd and availability of the menu.

Smokers rejoice, their fire escape is also accesible to blow some smoke as well

Overall experience, this is a comfortable 3 star-boutique hotel with friendly staff but it is definetely not 4 star

Area of the hotel is walking distance from PrimaRasa Kemuning-the 1st PrimaRasa outlet in Bandung (5 minutes walking). Few steps from starbucks and local coffee place (one literally next door), near by restaurant, and Alfamart (buy a hand soap maybe?)
13 Desember 2018 7:14
Breakfastnya cukup banyak pilihan, tapi semoga kedepannya kolam renangnya lebih diperhatikan karna ada beberapa part lantai yg berkarat jdi cukup ganggu
03 Desember 2018 20:17
Aaah where do I begin?

Based on my experience, most of the hotels who feel the need to show their stars in their logo or signage usually make up for what it is lacking, which in this case is too many to count. Grand tebu is a 4 stars hotel, but it feels more like a 3 stars or even 2.

Located on JL RE Martadinata, it had a perfect location. Surrounded by so many cafes, and places to eat. There was the legendary sate anggrek, Prima Rasa bakery, Suis, Starbucks, and many more. It was also in a walking distance to Taman Foto and Taman Superhero in case you want to take your kids to the playground.

We booked the loft room which have 2 queen beds, separated by a stairs. First look, it was tall but was not as spacious as I thought 'cause the space between bed and desk was too narrow.

I think they were going for a rustic look so they use dark colored wood for the stairs, floor, and even wall. Which would be nice, until the night comes. The lighting was too dim, so I almost bumped the stairs a couple of times because it had the same color with the floor. Imagine if it happens to old people or little kids. The lamps on the stairs was also broken, and worse, there was no glass cover to protect nosy kids from getting electrocuted.

They have this unique design where the shower door can also double as the bathroom door. Unfortunately, there was no lock so when the door is closed, the door would be ajar and you can peek through it.

The towel hook lost 1 bolt and a little bit slanted. And the worst of all, HOT WATER WAS NOT WORKING. We already called the operator, who sent a technician, but alas, didn't make any difference. It finally worked on our last day, but still it took too long to warm.

Not to big, especially for a so called 4 stars hotel with 18 floors. But I like the food, it was quite tasty for me. Mostly Indonesian food. And maybe it's because of the halloween hype, they served so many chocolate treats which is a point plus for me. Too bad they didn't wash the utensils properly, my fork was dirty even before I use it.

There was a sauna, a gym, a bar, and a pool on the rooftop. The pool was too small, maybe around 2x10m. And it was connected to the bar, so when you are swimming, people on the bar could ogle you. Yikes!

The bar didn't serve that many food. There was no coordination between the bar and kitchen either. The bar said the food is ready but 20m later they told us the kitchen didn't have it. Why didn't you call the kitchen first, then?

I could go on an on, but one thing for sure: Grand Tebu is not a hotel I would recommend to any friends nor family.
27 November 2018 9:21
Hotelnya bagus
Lokasinya sangat strategis d daerah jalan Riau
Sangat bagus dalam memanfaatkan lahan yang terbatas
Masukan untuk manajemen, untuk parkiran mobilnya, agar lebih d bersihkan, supaya lebih nyaman dan bebas dari bau tak sedap
Overall, Amazing
26 November 2018 12:29
View bagus, kamar bagus tipe studio, makan bervariatif, Gym, kolam renang ada, tapi minus hair dryer hotel bintang 4 yg seharusnya di tempatkan di kamar hotel / kamar mandi.
Biasanya hotel yang pernah saya pesan deposit 100k ini minta 300k
21 November 2018 5:31
Hotel kecil, kolam renang kecil, resto jg sempit, pelayanan utk info pelit "boongnya.kmrn tlp booking tipe yg lofe tingkat utk family day kolam renang dikuras utk 1 mggu tdk di info ke tamu. Parahhh. Akhirnya anak2 sedih tdk bisa renang
15 November 2018 20:07
Pada tgl 21-23 Okt 2018 saya menginap dengan istri di sini,
Penyambutan yg hangat, di berikan kue ulang tahun anniversary pernikahan sy dngn istri,
Pelayanan ****
Kualitas *****
Lokasi strategis ****
Harga ergonomis ****
Kebersihan *****
Parkir ****
Kamar *****
Hotel ini bintang **** seperti *****
Recomended banget buat keluarga!

Salam sukses,
Kel. Iswahyudi
14 November 2018 17:14
Hotel bintang 4 dengan 18 lantai. Terletak di jalan martadinata. Memiliki fasilitas gym, spa, dan kolam renang, rooftop bar, resto dan ruang meeting.
13 November 2018 3:40
Extraordinary view! Stayinf in the 15th floor and the view is really great! Breakfast is tasty too and there are various menu
04 November 2018 18:40
Kamarnya tidak terlalu luas, dilantai 18 terdapat tempat gym dan kolam renang, sayangnya dilantai atas tidak terdapat balkon jadi semuanya tertutup tetapi atapnya terbula. Sarannya lantai atas dibikin balkon luas agar lebih mudah melihat pemandangannya kota Bandung
29 Oktober 2018 13:23
Mengikuti pendidikan dan pelatihan di hotel ini selama 4 hari 3 malam, pertama kali kemari dan cukup terkesan dengan hotel ini. Kamar nyaman walaupun agak kecil. Ruangan meeting representatif. Makanan ok. Shower tekanan airnya kencang. Mantap. Overall bisa direkomendasikan.
26 Oktober 2018 18:32
The location is close to the shopping and culinary center in RE Martadinata.
Studio type room without closet, one door for bathroom and WC, quite comfortable, nice view.
Small swimming pool, more appropriate for children.
A roof top cafe is available.
Ground floor parking is very limited, must go upstairs with elevators.
Breakfast with a varied menu, ordinary taste.
25 Oktober 2018 10:25
All are okay, good family room, good food. The only strange policy was the table for breakfast apparently can be RESERVED, while other guests are queueing outside. After strong argue, finally the reserved table released by the manager.
25 Oktober 2018 9:23
Ada dua jenis room di hotel ini doubel dalam satu kamar dan doubel bed lantai 1 dan doubel bed di lantai dua hotel ini cukup unik dengan kamar 1 kamar yang mrmiliki dua lantai, hotel ini juga memiliki restoran dan tempat meeting yang banyak dan memiliki balroom
08 Oktober 2018 12:44
Pertama masuk kesini rada "wow" krn buat parkir mobil pake lift.
Sebenernya sih kalo dr kamar lumayan ya, bersih, rapi, ada sofa panjang yg bisa dipake buat tidur, jd ga perlu pake extra bed lagi.
Utk perlengkapan mandinya jg lengkap ya.
Tapi lorong2 kamarnya agak gelap jd rada serem aja sih pas mau masuk atau keluar kamar.
Untuk sarapan jg banyak pilihan, sayangnya untuk yg bawa anak 5th ke atas itu dikenakan biaya tambahan Rp. 75.000/ anak kebayang dong kalo yg anaknya banyak
Padahal kalo anak2 kan makannya sebanyak apa sih, masih bisa nebeng ke orangtuanya sebenenya.
Untuk kolam renangnya jg sempit ya, kolam anak sama kolam dewasa jadi satu dan ga ada pembatas jadi rada serem aja sih.
07 Oktober 2018 2:22
Kamar hotelnya sempit, buat solat aja pas2an ruangnya. 1 kamar 2 orang, kunci dikasih satu. Jadi kemana2 kudu bareng. Soalnya kalo ga dibawa kuncinya, ga bisa naik lift. Tapi kalo dibawa kuncinya, yg diruangan listriknya off.
05 Oktober 2018 22:57
I am from America, My experience rates the staff and the accommadations in the 4.5 star range in America great job and I will higly recommend this to all my friends. Best price and great service.
04 Oktober 2018 22:06
Salah satu hotel harga di bawah Rp. 1.000.000 namun dengan kamar dan fasilitas yang mewah sebanding dengan hotel berharga di atas satu juta permalam hotel ini bisa jadi pertimbangan Anda saat Anda berlibur ke daerah kota kembang Bandung
01 Oktober 2018 0:29
Pesan di taveloka, kamarnya gede pas kesana kamarnya kecil, sepanjang nginap dihotel baru kali ini, untuk fasilitas yang kurang banget depositnya gede harus 300rb, saya tidak akan balik lagi ke hotel ini
16 September 2018 9:10
Hotel yang sangat recommended, lokasi strategis, hotel bagus, jendela kamar besar, harga cukup ekonomis. Makanan enak, kolam renang cocok buat keluarga. Oiya parkir mobilnya naik lift! Jarang2 yg punya parkiran mobil naik lift
13 September 2018 13:44
Makanan sudah ok, cuma kurang variatif, sayangnya kamar kurang terang agak temaram/redup, jadi kurang nyaman, layanan cek in out cepat, thanks grand tebu hotel bandung
27 Agustus 2018 10:36
Overpriced for such a small room with small TV, dead remote battery, unwatchable TV channel, no hairdryer, unajustable shower height, unergonomical toilet paper position, so-so restaurant with limited breakfast menu option, and small pool. The only good thing about this hotel is its iocation.

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