27 April 2020 7:15
Tempat strategis arah masuk pintu tol Pasirkoja Bandung Jakarta
11 Februari 2020 20:14
Di tahun 1990-an jadi tempat keren buat belanja peralatan pertukangan. Sekarang saya ke sini cuma buat bawa kucing2 saya berobat ke klinik hewan
16 Januari 2020 17:32
Lokasi strategis nyaman dari JKT keluar tol belok kiri
27 Desember 2019 10:34
Strategic, easy to access & spacious parking space.
26 Juli 2019 18:03
Here you can find a good veterinary, located at the end of the alley, the famous Drh Anton Susilo and friends are do their service here, open at 8am and close at 7pm.
Parking is quite difficult If we have to bring more than one pet

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