23 November 2023 2:10
Pulang sekolah mampir ke sini untuk beli croissantnya, tapi kunci motornya masih ngegantung dan lupa aku ambil.pas lagi antri, tiba-tiba mas yang kerja nganterin kunci motornya.baik bgt masnya sehat-sehat terus yaa, lancar rezekinyaa

(pastrynya enak! Selalu balik ke sini kalo lg bm croissant hihi)
19 Oktober 2023 12:17
The croissants are best, but their coffee is just so. Compared to the price they give, I personally think it’s worth the price.

Ambience are good but it’s so packed. Wifi available but power plugs are so limited.

Not a good place to do work. Just quick snacking and talk, that’s it!
26 Juli 2023 7:36
Thai Teanya enak tidak terlalu manis juga, semua akunya juga enak, jadi salah satu rekomendasi buat main ke kota baru padalarang
06 Juli 2023 22:07
Harliman is the place to get my favourite croissant in town. They currently have 2 outlets, this one in KBP and another in Batununggal. The place is cozy, they have indoor and outdoor area. You can enjoy your morning/afternoon coffee with good croissant here. The price is also reasonable, you can get plain croissant with coffee for 40 thousand rupiahs. They also have watermelon cake which is one of their signature cake.
04 Juli 2023 11:05
Croissant dari harliman punya salah satu yg terbaik, memiliki tekstur yang kering diluar dan lembut didalem. Saya paling senang croissant yg plant/ cheese. Karena saya tidak ngopi jadinya saya pesan juice saja dan rasanya ya std. Tempatnya sangat nyaman, mau diluar atau didalam tempatnya nyaman untuk sarapan pagi/ ngemil disiang hari. Biasanya saya suka beli di setiabudi tapi karena tutup saya baru lagi keharliman dikota baru dan lumayan jauh kalau dari daerah rumah saya dicimbuleuit tapi tempatnya lebih enak yg sekarang dikota baru. Jika untuk rasa croissantnya tetep menjadi favoritku
16 Mei 2023 14:58
Tempatnya enak, ada tempat duduk di belakang dengan atap sedikit terbuka, untuk area merokok, kopi nya enak, croissant nya enak, harga sesuai dengan rasa. Protokol kesehatan diterapkan dengan baik, pengunjung diwajibkan memakai masker, didepan pintu masuk di sediakan hand sanitizer, sebelum masuk pengunjung dipersilahkan menggunakan hand sanitizer.
29 November 2022 19:09
Best croissant di bandung so far. Texture dan rasa enak betul. Crunch di luar n msh moist tapi gk terlalu kenyal di dalam
20 November 2022 23:54
A delicious cake and pastries place, but the place is a little bit small. Eat some cake there for a coffee time and buy some croissant to be taken home. The croissant and the cake was super good, but I don’t really like the coffee. A little bit too sour for me. The coffee’s price is also a little bit over average.
14 November 2022 5:11
Kue dan rotinya enak banget harga reasonable, tempat bersih wc bersih parkiran cukup luas. Vibe enak buat nongkrong cuma kalo siang ruang outdoornya aga panas.
19 Juni 2022 11:14
One of the Best croissants, cakes & coffee in town!

The place is very nice, clean & cozy.

The croissant textures are so perfect yet soft. The lemon tart & watermelon cake are also delicious. Not forgetting the cappuccino and avocado coffee
01 Juni 2022 8:56
Neat and warm interior with good aroma of cakes, croisant and coffee.

The plain croisant is great, but the nutella croisant and banana croisant is the best! A must try!

The employees are highly follow the covid19 protocols and also friendly:)

I always take away because of the pandemic so i cannot tell the details of this patisserie maybe next time when the pandemic is over.
28 Mei 2022 17:00
Kota Baru Parahyangan

Cafe yg menjual macem2 variasi pastry! Pengen banget revisit kesini buat cobain satu2 karena pas aku dateng lgi ga banyak yg ready (mungkin krn weekdays dan udh agak sore juga). Cus deh aku lngsng pesen pastry and drink. Tempatnya cozy, ada semi outdoor jg di blakang dan aku sempet WFH disinii, wifinya ga terlalu kenceng tp bolelahh

Lunette (9/10)
20k an
Ini unik bgt visualnya and looks good, yang tengah itu isinya sweet custard jadi lembuttt dan manis? Trus pinggirannyanya itu crunchy and a bit sweet. ENAKK! Hehehe dan lmyn gede jadi bikin kenyang kl mau nyemil ini

Strawberry Juice (8/10)
Very fresh! Ga terlau asem jg stoberinya, cocok sih sama selera aku yg demen minum jus buah hahaha minusnya ini dingin bgt, hrs nunggu bbrp lama supaya ga dingin bgt

Mereka blg kl pagian biasa pastrynya msh ready byk gaes

IG: ourfoodiary_
Pergikuliner: foodiary
11 Mei 2022 20:35
Love their coffee! They have delicious croissants too, but maybe if you bake it with less butter (less oily), it would be better.
10 Januari 2022 5:13
Good pastry, good drinks, but not exceptional IMHO. With these prices (especially the beverages) I thought the taste would be better than I expected, but nah. Not that bad tho, I came back twice, but just not my go-to when I have a sweet tooth
02 November 2021 3:43
Rotinya enak, harga bersahabat.kopi oke

Tempatnya jg pas buat ngopi, mesti lantai 2 nya terlalu sempit, klo sekedar ngopi dan nongkrong sh cukup
01 November 2021 5:14
Enak enak menu disini sayangnya menu beverage favorite butterfly pea suka ga ready krn foamnya kosong. Padahal klo menu lain kan udah banyak yang serupa juga sekitar situ.

Pastry-nya enak-enak, tapi cake jeruknya wajib icip deh.rasanya khas banget.
27 September 2021 9:04
Cafenya bagus tetapi sayangnya harga makanannya agak sedikit mahal tetapi jangan khawatir di sana ada paket bundlenya jadi harga makanan dan minumannya bisa lebih murah
26 September 2021 20:33
Datang kesorean pas kesini, kue sudah habis semua Udah kebayang pasti enak2 Akhirnya pesan lasagna, lumayan enak. Seneng ada teh silvermoon nya TWG. Kopinya juga lumayan.
09 Agustus 2021 13:35
Pastry terenak di Kota Bandung! Harus coba, baru coba 3, croissant, choux dan lemon brad apaya kalo ga salah. Semua ENAK!
07 Agustus 2021 14:07
Rotinya enak, kopinya biasa aja, tempat ok tapi area dining indoornya kecil banget. Kalau outdoornya panas.
29 Juli 2021 20:33
Excellent croissants (and other pastries) and coffee, good for post workout breakfast or just hanging out anytime
16 Juli 2021 18:56
Love the croissants. Gianduja is a must try, even just the plain. Friends are a fan of mushroom truffle and ham and cheese. Theres a 10% tax here so u can consider the final price before paying.

The atmosphere is also great, perfect to relax during the middle of the day.many come here alone, not something you see in other places in Kbp. Service is great, you can also order a day before through the number they provide as many items are already out by midday.

Downside is that the cakes are too sweet. I've tried every single flavour and I suppose its the watermelon cake that tastes the lightest of them all. You need to be a quite a sweet tooth to take a liking to them.
09 Juli 2021 8:06
Makanannya enak2 semua
Harga masih normal kok pastry 20rban dan adanyang bundling juga
Tempat oke banget buat hangout sama temen
23 Juni 2021 17:39
Coffee available in the morning
Croissan at 8 AM if there's no traffic jam

Should try
10 Januari 2021 1:40
Love the croissants. Gianduja is a must try, even just the plain. Friends are a fan of mushroom truffle and ham and cheese. Theres a 10% tax here so u can consider the final price before paying.

The atmosphere is also great, perfect to relax during the middle of the day.many come here alone, not something you see in other places in Kbp. Service is great, you can also order a day before through the number they provide as many items are already out by midday.
04 Mei 2020 5:55
Pertama kali nemu tempat ini di salah satu ruko di Kota Baru Parahyangan,
Pertama kali liat tempatnya langsung jatuh cinta, karena tempat nya yang mungil, nyaman, interiornya minimalis, cahaya lampunya membawa hangat suasana, saya datang agak malam menjelang sore waktu itu
Disini menu nya hanya tersedia cake, roti, croissant, kopi dan teh
Menu yg saya pernah coba diantaranya salted caramel coffe, watermelon cake, banana hazelnut cake, chocolate cake,
Awalnya saya pikir, ah menunya cuma ini, ga ada makanan berat nya, tapi setelah mencoba, ga nyesel deh, kalian yg cinta cake gakan nyesel ke sini, enak2 banget semua, kopinya enak,
Untuk harga masih terjangkau, harga per item masih di bawah 50.000
12 April 2020 12:56
Love the new place at Kota Baru Parahyangan. The interior is different than any Harliman store I visited. They have semi outdoor seats that I love, Im hoping no smoking allowed.
One of the best croissant expert in town!
10 September 2019 6:07
Roti dan kuenya super enak, pelayanan baik dan tempatnya juga enak, sayang jalanan masuknya tampak sangat berantakan dan tidak terawat. Batu2 paving keluar2 membahayakan pengendara dan pejalan kaki.
09 September 2019 2:40
Tekstur cakenya bagus.
Ada banyak pilihan patisserynya.
Kue susnya juara.
Tempat nyaman dan ada kopi juga.
Harga cukup terjangkau.
14 Agustus 2019 23:00
The pastries are great. Nice ambience. Friendly staff. It is suitable if you want to spend your evening here alone because the place is so cozy.
23 Juni 2019 19:53
Almond croissant & lychee iced tea di pagi hari? Kenikmatan yg hakiki:) Tempat mungil, nyaman, bersih, pelayanan ramah & cepat. Pilihan makanan lengkap, baik yg manis maupun asin. Tapi harga minuman sedikit mahal ya, berdasarkan pertimbangan ukuran gelas yg tidak besar. Kasir lebih baik selalu sedia banyak uang receh Rp 200 untuk uang kembalian.
05 Juni 2019 23:45
Good pastries, good service, and such a nice place to enjoy your breakfast and lunch. Also, the place is clean too.
04 Juni 2019 16:18
Good cold brew coffee, good bread, nice place to work, but the staff simply aren't friendly. They look miserable, never smiling or acknowledging regular customers.
22 Mei 2019 12:08
Great place to have breakfast and pastry, different kind of pastries (puffs, cinnamon roll, croissant, etc.)! Not the best place for low vehicles (I dare you!) because the road sucks. I came here around 11p.m and it was so hot, what's the point having 2 air conditioners tho? But it is a quiet place and it made us comfortable. Services are okay, they're kind and helpful.
19 Maret 2019 12:43
Ke harliman pagi ini jam 8.50an, masih baru buka bangett bahkan tag harga dan nama pastrynya belum dipasang.
Akhirnya aku mesen paket TEA yang paketnya tea dengan watermelon cake (52.5)

Watermelon cake nya enakk, jadi semangkanya bukan yang mateng manis gitu lohh, tp justru itu yg ngebuat rasa cakenya enakk
Nyobain juga lowfat chocolate bread (26), sukaaaakk, sayang banget akunya dijakarta

Kalau ke bandung nexttime aku mau nyoba kopinya sihh pastii

Oh yaa harga disini belum termasuk ppn yaaa
18 Juni 2017 22:33
We stopped here for breakfast on the way to work.the patisserie has a cozy interior. We tried raspberry croissant and they were exceptionally good.the coffee was good.highly recommended (especially the raspberry croissant - i’m still thinking about it!)

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