11 November 2023 14:31
Semuanya overall good, tempatpun nyaman walopun hectic dari siang+makanan gak ada yg gagal, pelayanan super cepat tanggap (ka imelda)
11 November 2023 2:02
Good service, good food and family friendly. Soto tangkar is good, but it would be nice if the broth is like a soup or not too thick. Rawon is good. And of course our kids love the playground.
09 November 2023 2:05
Lokasi strategis dan bangunan bagus. Kids friendly jadi cocok untuk makan bersama keluarga.
06 November 2023 11:55
Tempat Nya cozy banger, service Nya bag, makanan Nya juga enak. Pokok Nya klw ke Bandung lagi harus mampir kesini. Terimankasih hummingbird
02 November 2023 5:28
Cake cake nya selaluuu enaaak.makananannya juga enaak enak.harganya worth it dgn porsi nya yg besar
12 September 2023 13:57
Makanannya enak enak plus porsinya lumayan besar
Untuk pelayanannya memuaskan. Dan untuk adinda dan aniyah makasih sudah ngasih pelayanan yg ramah
04 September 2023 6:40
The pizza is good, I love this space bcs of the big space. I feel comfortable. There is a live music too and its nice.
Thank you for the good service mas Irpan.
22 Januari 2022 14:32
Harga makanannya aga mahal untuk sekedar menu breakfast. Cuma porsinya lumayan besar. Rasanya ok lah tapi ga terlalu spesial untuk harga segitu. Dari pagi pagi sudah rame banget.
30 Desember 2021 10:20
Nice place and good services! Spotless everywhere, smell good even in the toilet.
Hoping can visit here soon, Thank you!
26 Desember 2021 12:47
What we order: melted cappuccino (melted choco on top), latte, vanilla caramel milkshake, rosemary chicken, hamburg steak & hover wings. Everything was good. I especially love their rosemary chicken set.
24 Desember 2021 12:18
Came here just for a couple minutes. Haven't tried another foods and beverages yet. However the place is cozy enough.
20 Desember 2021 17:40
It's a good place to eat with plenty of choices. Staff are helpful, the food is nice, the vibe is great, what else can you ask
09 Desember 2021 7:45
Untuk menu QR code disarankan print link yg sudah di shorten juga, ketimbang menyuruh pelanggan download QR reader jika tidak dapat scan qr.

Jika link menu diprint juga di bawah QR menunya, akan memberikan experience lebih baik bagi pelanggan karena diberikan lebih dari 1 cara untuk melihat menu.
05 Desember 2021 0:27
Tempatnya banyak nyamuk, mau pindah awalnya ga bole krn tempatnya direserve untuk tamu yang banyak orangnya. Tapi pelayannya ramah. Raaa makanan biasa aja
02 Desember 2021 23:46
The quality could be better as there are restaurants and cafes within the same price range with better quality and taste.

Not saying the food quality is bad though, it's good but there are better options.
11 November 2021 8:56
One of the best eateries you can find in Bandung. The price compliments the quality, the servers are very helpful, and the food is more than enough to fill one's belly. Perfect time: Early evening.

Items ordered: Grilled Chicken Caesar, The Booster Juice, Fries and Cheese
07 November 2021 15:48
Price is affordable, the toasts and tea taste great as well. The ambience of the place is good and soothing, great for families or for hanging out with friends.
18 Agustus 2021 0:34
Lahan parkir sedikit, bisa parkir sampai ke bahu jalan progo, kualitas makanan dan minuman baik, banyak outdoor area, konsep bangunan dalam masih bangunan peninggalan Belanda dan cukup terawat, cocok untuk membawa anak karena smoking area terpisah dengan non smoking area.
16 Agustus 2021 6:19
Excellent food and atmosphere. A tad overpriced, though. Highly recommend to visit with small number of people so you can actually afford the good stuff.
14 Agustus 2021 0:08
Salah satu restoran di pusat kota Bandung yang cukup nyaman untuk dikunjungi. Lokasinya bagus, desain interiornya menarik. Makanannya cukup oke.
28 Juli 2021 2:01
Mahal.malah menu terenaknya di cabang paskalnya Nough and Crosses (kalau gak salah)
cobain Ichigo Latte atau Summer Berry (mantab). Tapi disini cake2 nya lumayan enak.
18 Juli 2021 21:35
Nyobain makan siang di sini. Minuman nya ok. Makanannya rada kurang berasa, tp penampakannya ok. Mahal, bahkan sebelum pajak + servicenya. Ok bwt nongkrong. Interiornya ok. Servicenya ok.
04 Mei 2021 20:17
Salah satu restoran steak yang medium price untuk saya pribadi kisaran 40k - 400 k, lalu menunya beragam, sayangnya close order untuk restoran ini 8.10 mungkin semua restoran di bdg menerapkan seperti ini walaupun tutup jam 9.
24 April 2021 7:07
2 jenis makanan yang kami pesan, caesar salad dan pan fried dori, rasanya terlalu asin buat lidah kami. Tiramisu torte-nya juga terlalu tebal krim-nya.
23 April 2021 16:49
Coming on the 1st day of ramadhan for lunch. Parking is limited but their staff help u to find the space on the street. Place is hommy. Mushroom oglio is perfect for kid, tom yum is tasty, and their black rendang is ok too. But love how they arrange their foods
16 April 2021 22:17
Tempat yang nyaman untuk makan maupun mengobrol dengan orang tersayang. Suasana yang hangat namun dikemas dengan desain yang modern dan ornamen burung kolibri di dinding. Varian menu juga banyak pilihan dan enak. Ada minuman coffee dan non coffee seperti juice, milkshake, tea artisans dan masih banyak lagi. Untuk makanannya ada makanan nusantara, Asia maupun western seperti pasta, sandwich, steak dan masih banyak lagi. Ada juga side dish jika ingin makanan yang lebih ringan untuk teman mengobrol. Tersedia toilet yang bersih dan musholla. Namun untuk musholla, jarak dengan tempat wudhunya kurang efisien karena musholla ada di lantai atas sedangkan tempat wudhu ada di bawah bagian belakang. Tapi masih layak untuk melakukan ibadah.
10 April 2021 20:00
Tempat ok, cukup nyaman, terang dan bersih.
Pelayanan cukup ok staff pun ramah
Makanan ok, saya sering kemari untuk pesan garam masala chicken.
Harga pun reasonable.
Menu cukup variatif. Hanya tempat parkir cukup sulit apalagi saat weekend
26 Maret 2021 2:32
Breakfast nya muantabb black forest ny ad manisan cherry di dalemny trs pake rum pelayan nya sangat pengertian, dikasi sharing plate tau aja s bapa kita mau bagi 2.recommended deh
20 Maret 2021 5:52
After years wanting to try this resto, finally we ate lunch here last Friday.
It was good, we really love the Quesadilla <3
13 Maret 2021 18:52
After enjoying a delicious breakfast a few days ago, we popped back for lunch. The fish and chips was delicious and really filling. Rosemary infused chicken was great, too.
07 Februari 2021 20:09
Standard lah, cukup OK ada indoor dan outdoor. Pelayanannya agak lambat pas datang dan mau order, tapi makanannya gak lama dateng setelah pesan (pesan pasta ber-2)
26 Januari 2021 10:44
The food and the place was truly amazing. We had a range of foods from asian to sandwiches and nothing disappointed us! The decor also had a lot of Christmas touches and is a really good place for photos. Overall a really good place for anyone visiting Bandung.
02 Januari 2021 2:01
Food is delicious & prepared well. Coffee portion (melted cappuccino) is quite small. Better if the menu has pictures of foods.
26 Juni 2019 5:59
Good food, nothing's wrong there. Atmosphere is good, but the service is a little bit slow. I was on the outdoors, and I had to walk to the indoors to call the waiters.
15 Juni 2019 2:53
Great food & atmosphere! One of the best eatery in bandung. Easily located in main street. I ordered steak here & taste awesome! I suggest you to order their rib eye, it's delicious & not too pricey, the meat are tender & juicy, i recommend the medium well. They have wide variety of food, Asian, Western & Indonesia. They also serve juice, smoothie & coffee. The interior are very instagramable.
04 Juni 2019 0:38
The food is delicious, service is excellent, and most of the drinks are refreshing. However some salads they serve are a bit one-sided
03 Juni 2019 23:50
Tempatnya enak, cozy, nyaman.makanannya ala2 western yg kmrn dicoba sih.enak.aga mahal sih.staffnya friendly and helpful banget.ramah smaa anak-anak, ditawarin mewarnai dll
ada playground
WC nya wangi dan bersih
31 Mei 2019 15:33
One of my favourite place.i really like the ambience, so calm. Their food is so good and also they have several tea options, i like it. The price little bit high but still ok to try and services really nice
21 Mei 2019 9:10
Asik dan cool banget tempat sama konsepnya, lebih cocok untuk berdua sama doi karna suasana restoran yang lumayan romantis, tapi kekurangnya adalah deskripsi menu yang sebenarnya nama makanannya asing di indonesia.jadi harus nanya atau googling dulu kalo gak tau menunya
18 Mei 2019 23:21
The place has nice ambiance and good lighting. There is alot of seating and good for couple or family. Only tried the entrees and drinks. The salmon was nice but steak is otherwise. The seasoning is alright but just think that is chewy because of the meat. The drinks is quite plain and diluted, mainly because is without sugar syrup but would suggest to use juice instead of water.
14 Mei 2019 2:32
We ordered asian food (korean bibimbap and bulgogi). Standard quality. The free dessert was nicer.:) nice place to sit down having afternoon snack.
12 Mei 2019 22:34
Tempatnya luas dan banyak meja kursi, tersedia indoor dan outdoor. Menu makanan banyak dan lengkap. Harganya saja yang kurang bersahabat.
06 Mei 2019 7:01
A long variety of menus from indonesia to western. The place is always packed with visitors so please avoid rush hours. The place is quite comfy and it’s nice sitting around and chatting with friend, food is pretty yummy, price is quite expensive but worth it
28 April 2019 21:23
Cafe tengah kota yg membahagiakan keluarga kecil. Ada playground anak. Makanan enak. Minuman enak. Bahagya. Harga reasonable
27 April 2019 13:11
Western culinary. Taste good, services good! Parking area very limited, just give your key to valet.
25 April 2019 21:04
Asik sih tmpatnya, ada Arena bermain anak juga, kmaren sempet rayain ultah temen disini dan nyaman bngt pelayanan nya gila perfect bngt, Boleh bawa cake dari luar juga.dan gk cuma itu, kmaren mba ny juga sempet kontribusi bawain cake yang kita bikin jadi suprise padahal itu cake bukan dari Hummingbird nga.satu lagi.
Toiletnyaa.bner bner enak bngt ada aroma terapi nya jadi gk bau dll
20 April 2019 23:06
Selalu puas makan disini, makanannya enak enak gausah diragukan lagi.bahan bahannya fresh.harus cobain nasi rendangnya, puas banget! Porsi lebih dari cukup, dan bumbu rendangnya berasa banget.minuman favorit adalah ice lemon tea yang pakai lemon sorbet bikinan sendiri, enak banget!
14 Desember 2018 10:50
I stayed in it's guest house. Cozy and homey. Actually it's a great place to stay since it's located at one of packed street, full of culinary choices.
25 November 2018 10:58
Waktu k sana, hari minggu sore menuju malam, ga terlalu rame (ga sampe waiting list: D), tempatnya ga trlalu brisik, nyaman, dan ada wifi (kalem deh). Di sana nyobain dory parmigiana, roasted chicken, matcha latte dan minty mint (lupa di foto). Dan mnurut saya dori nya enak (berasa dorinya walopun udh ditepungin), kalau ayamnya yaa begitulaa karena saya ga terlalu fav sama ayam. Matcha lattenya yaa sama sperti biasanya tapi minty mint nya enak:). Dari segi harga yaa agak mahal (persepsi pribadi).

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