02 Juli 2020 17:51
Bagus untuk tempat istirahat setelah perjalanan panjang. Baik juga untuk meeting point sambil ngopi. Tersedia kursi dan bangku metalbaik di ruang AC atau outdoor. Juga tersedia televisi. Toilet bersih. ATM BCA, Mandir dan BNI. CDM BCA. Area parkir luas dan jangan lupa motor dikunci.
27 Juni 2020 20:37
Setiap Hari Apa indimart buka lowongan kerja, dan masih bukakah lowongan kerja di indomart 2020?
26 Januari 2020 19:48
Untuk fasilitas si oke, ada ATM center, point cafe, menu makanan, area parkir luas, ada satpam untuk jaga parkir jadi tidak ada pungli. Hanya pelayanan nya kurang, sudah ikut antri di belakang untuk bayar ke kasir, malah yang mendahului yang di beri layanan, harus nya bisa lebih profesional lagi buat pelayanan kasir nya.
12 Juni 2019 12:32
Tempat nongkrong, mabar mobile legend, parkiran luas, banyak tempat duduk, ada colokan listrik
16 Januari 2019 17:42
From three Indomaret outlets that are located closely to each other on Alternatif Sentul Main Road, this one is the biggest. It has bigger parking ground that usually full, and also has much more kinds of goods with more stocks surely. For example when there was a promotion program from a wellknown brand one or two weeks ago, here I could get the program while in one other no stocks of goods for the program and in another one is worst, no sign of the program at all.
So It is bigger. It is always clean. Space between racks of displays are wide. It is comfortable to shop here. Beside that, it also has some ATMs from several national banks. It has a CDM too from BCA. Very helpfull.
They serve fresh bakeries and cakes, coffee, and cup noodles that you can enjoy at the tables prepared inside and in front of the store.
17 November 2018 7:35
Untuk usia di bawah 25 cocok berkarir di sini. 3 tahun disini tidak bosen2.akses bebas macet tidak jauh kluar tol sirkuit sentul
14 November 2018 20:20
Tempatnya nyaman untuk sekedar istirahat, fasilitas ATM nya juga lengkap, paekirannya luas

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