11 Oktober 2023 17:05
Kurang nyaman karna sewa tapi gak bisa setel musik keras keras dan banyak peraturan ribet ke villa cari havefun tapi malah gak bisa musik keras keras duh kurang nyaman gak lagi sewa disitu pokoknya kurang nyaman!
29 Mei 2023 3:43
Stayed 3 days with my family, they gv us a lot of rules.
- extra person eventhough only stay for few hours we had to pay IDR190,000 each. (its so ridiculous, even 5 stars hotel or residences, never charge for visitor.)
- and for the water (Aqua) its not compliment.refill charge IDR 30.000
- the playground (indoor) area, not really good for kids.bcs almost all the toys its broken, no AC, and a lot of bugs.
- for the BBQ set (doesnt work) karaoke without MIC.
- there's a timer for AC in living room.
- AND we hv to clean the villa before check out, even dont let it a single dirty dish in the dishwasher.for the first time i stayed at istana savage and i will never want again.too commercil + there was not fexibility. (take advantage from the guest)
28 Mei 2023 13:09
Stay here for 2 nights with my best friends.
The location of this villa is just less than 10 minutes from IKEA and AEON and Alfamart.
So no need to worry to find food. Because it is not secluded area.

The Villa is SUPER HUGE. You can bring you entire BIG FAMILY of 20 to 25 persons.

It has 4 bed room and 1 multifunction room where you can turn it as bed room for 5 people.
There are 3 bathroom inside the house and it has bathtub + 1 outside near the pool.

The bathroom is super big just like a villa in Bali.
My favourite corner is the Kitchen, super complete kitchen set. U even could cook the most difficult dishes.

It has bbq set corner.

Special complete playroom for kids.
Big trampoline
Big swimming pool and has jacuzzi. What i shock the depth of the pool is more than 3 meters (because it has diving board to jump so no wonder it should be 3 meters depth) So be careful if u are paranoid of depth.

All the tap water is provided in hot and cold but u can not drink it directly.

This place is definitely for everyone. For kids for adults.
23 Mei 2023 6:55
Nginep disini tahun kemaren. Mahalnya sebetulnya sesuai dengan furniture yg ada di dlm. Tp memang benar byk bgt aturan, terlebih extra fee per kepala. Definitely ga akan balik lg nginep disini. Oia klo ada gelas pecah juga disuruh ganti. Sebetulnya semua udah ada di policy mereka, tp kita tetep mau coba nginep, secara se genk emang hobi staycation, apalagi rame2.
05 Mei 2023 11:41
Villanya bagus. Bersih.
Pelayanannya bagus.
Fasilitas oke punya.
Ada kolam renang dan play ground.
02 Februari 2023 15:35
Kami sekeluarga berterimakasih atas fasilitas lengap yg tersedia di istana savage, dengan lingkungan asri dan nyaman sehingga sekeluarga bisa menginap selama 3 hari, tapi ada beberapa point yang mungkin bisa dijadikan pertimbangan untuk disediakan fasilitas kedepanya:

1. Ada baiknya pintu masuk diberikan kemudahan akses bagi lansia/disabelitas, pengguna kursi roda sehingga tidak perlu mengangkatnya.

2. Bagi kami seorang muslim kadang kesusahan untuk tempat berwudhu dan mentukan arah kiblat apabila mau sholat serta tidak ada satu pun jam dinding untung mengetahui waktu, walaupun kita semua tahu semuai itu ada di hp dan jam tangan.

3. Alangkah baiknya disediakan fasilitas bell dipintu masuk karena tidak semua anggota kelurga yang ikut gathering datang dalam waktu yang sama.

Semoga kedepanya tambah baik lagi dan lebih sukses buat istana sage.

Salam hangat

10 Januari 2023 16:16
Villa terindah, terlengkap, ternyaman yang pernah kita tinggal. Tdk jauh dr Jkt hanya 50 mnt - 1 jam lalu lintas lancar. Check in tpat waktu, pelayanan fast respon, ada anabul bolak balik di halaman belakang lucu sekali. Setiap spot sgt indah dan instagramable manteb pemandangannya.

Tulis Ulasan

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