15 Juni 2023 22:01
Nothing is sweeter than the togetherness we share.
Cocok buat relax, menikmati segelas kopi plus roti, diiringi musik jazz
09 Juni 2023 20:58
Parah banget pelayanan JCO RAMAYANA SQUARE
Kebetulan tadi sore aku ke jco outlet Cirebon Square
Aku beli donat yg 1/2 lusin dengan harga yg tertera 55.000 2dus
Pas sampai kasir aku di tawarin Pastry katanya gratis
Jadi aku pilih yg Currry puff dan tuna chese puff
Tapi ko pas ditotal pesanan aku jadi 71.000/box nya 2box jadi 142.000 (1/2lusin)
Aku baru sadar ko yg katanya GRATISAN malah di itung yaa.
21 Maret 2023 4:45
Cuaca Lg musim penghujan banyak rumah bocor, kini tersedia Nippon elastex 3 in 1 di TB manis jaya
16 Maret 2023 4:01
Tempat nyaman banget. Paling favorit matcha hihi. Donatnya juga enak, terfavorit donat topping almond, oreo, tiramisu, semua deh
12 Oktober 2022 12:28
As konsep ini memang didesign dg konsep yg modern.semuanya terkendali dg baik. For the Donuts. I can said its gud.krn byk jg inovasi dan variasinya utk sy yg cpt bosenan.
20 Agustus 2022 1:37
The place is comfortable and quite spacious, the price and menus is of course the same as the other J.co branches.
04 Februari 2022 17:27
I once bought JCO donuts at the Ramayana branch for me to take home, the place very nice, even though it is relatively small, but that's looks comfortable, basically for the place, it's the same as any other outlets in Indonesia. Furthermore, their donuts tasted good and live up to my expectations, but unfortunately every time I went there, I only got a few donuts with not many variants, at this outlet the donuts I ordered were sometimes not available.and one more thing, this has actually been a debate for a long time, regarding the halalness of J.co products at this outlet, your food and beverage are delicious, but if the clarity of halalness has not been resolved, it can raise doubts for buyers. I saw on the internet that there are several outlets that already have a halal label, hopefully this outlet can also follow up on this halal label, so that the products at the outlet clearly have the halal label listed.
28 Januari 2022 12:23
Hari ini saya beli J. Co memang sedang promo dan antrian ramai. Saya tanya ke salah satu staf apakah bisa milih? Dia jawab gabisa, saya ngasih pendapat bahwa di J.co Grage City meskipun promo bisa milih. Kemudian dia bertanya balik kepada Saya apakah mengantri? Saya jawab yaa saya mengantri kan mau beli. Dia kembali menimpali "Yaa udah belinya di grage city aja kalo gitu. "

Heyy! Sangat disayangkan, produk anda sedang gencar dijual karena promo jangan karena sedang diburu2 banyak konsumen tetapi pelayanan dan kesopanan terhadap konsumen disepelekan!
Tolong perhatikan lagi SOP pelayanan dan seragamnya. Karena tadi staf yg menimpali percakapan saya seorang perempuan yg tdk memakai name tag partnernya saya lihat namanya Dila di cashier dan Dila tetap ramah melayani Saya.
03 September 2021 14:57
Packing susah di bawa untuk motor ojol, tidak inisiatif dari pihak resto untuk mempermudah pesanan online, kalau di bawa miring topping donat hancur, yg di salahkan driver

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