25 Desember 2023 1:51
Food was great. I love the corn menu they have for the Christmas season. A must try! Price wise is a bit expensive for Bandung food price but good thing that their food is good. There are no many seats as it is a house that turned to be a small restaurant, same goes with the parking. They had great Christmas decorations where u can take lots of pics but nt sure how it is during non season. Service is a bit slow imo. I understand that the cooking takes time, but it is slow for the servers. It took some time for them to offer us the menu and also clearing up the dirty plates considering not so many tables around but they are friendly
24 Desember 2023 20:44
A cozy, nice and attractive restaurant with a special family story. Extremely tasty, including typical Dutch food. For example, stew with smoked sausage, French fries, etc. Very sweet owners who make the dishes with great enthusiasm and want to tell about the history. Definitely recommended if you are in Bandung!
23 Desember 2023 20:56
Maaf, sangat tidak memuaskan, baru buka jam 4 yg waiting list 10 nama, ud lgsg close tidak terima waiting list lagi.ud jauh-jauh dateng, ud sempet nelfon juga sebelum dateng katanya dateng aja untuk waiting list, dan tidak info apa2.ga butuh cust kayanya
23 Desember 2023 13:46
Love this place! This place feels very Dutch! The food is absolutely delicious, do come early as their food sells out very quick, they operate in two shifts, so do make sure to come early. Prices are worth the taste! Keep it up!
04 Oktober 2023 15:40
Karena ngga booking, kami ga dapat tempat.nunggunya lamaa. Jd belum sempat makan. Resto ini sore tutup sbentar.
04 Oktober 2023 1:04
Cozy and good food, certainly recommended if you want to eat a nice fries after a few months.
French fries the same as at home, bitterballen almost the same.
22 September 2023 2:49
Despite a bit of a wait to get a table due to the place being quite busy, the wait was absolutely worth the delightful experience that followed. Arriving a bit late, some of the menu items were already sold out, but that didn't bother me as their best-selling menu was still available. Opting for the Beef Stew served with hutspot, the moment the dish arrived at my table, the enticing aroma caught my attention. The first bite was a burst of flavors that left me speechless. Despite the wait, the exceptional culinary experience made it all worthwhile. I'll definitely be returning to savor more of the remarkable dishes at Keuken van Elsje
17 September 2023 15:08
We love the ambience so much, and it is enough to cure our longing to feel the Netherland vibes. Plus point, it's pet friendly. Service is good, price is fair, coffee is so-so but melk chocolate is good. We love the salty snack like rissole (it was also served very nicely) but i dont think their poffertjes has authentic taste. Definitely would come back if we visit bandung.
16 September 2023 17:24
Wow guys, this resto has the best bitterbalem and risoles in town the ambience of this resto is calm and the interior is pretty if you guys go to Bandung, this is number 1 place you should go here is some pic that i took
14 September 2023 5:00
Saya kesini tadi siang, 27 Sept 23, untuk pesanan saya
Aligot: Enak banget buat saya nilainya 10/10
Bistik Oma: Enak, saya beri nilai 8/10
Sirloin steak: rasanya biasa saja

Resto nya pet friendly, bagus sih, cuma saran saya, anjing atau hewan apapun itu jangan diberi izin untuk dibawa masuk ke ruang dalam, cukup diruang yang agak terbuka saja, karena tidak semua customer suka makan dekat hewan dalam ruangan yang tidak terlalu besar, padahal suasana nya sudah nyaman sekali

Penanganan komplain baik sekali, walaupun pesanan saya ada yang kurang sesuai tapi bisa dihandle dengan sangat baik

Untuk harga sesuai lah dengan rasa dan suasana yang ditawarkan

Secara umum saya puas, dan kalau ke Bandung akan balik lagi kesini

25 Mei 2019 16:41
Sempat cari2 lokasinya. Resto rumah keluarga.sempat bertemu dengan salah satu owner nya, pak Kevin.

Cozi dan nyaman. Saya suka salad buah, risol dan pofertjes nya.rekomeeeen sekali.
13 Mei 2019 18:29
Tempat nya nyaman.berada di tengah pemukiman penduduk yg tidak dilalui banyak kendaraan. Cocok untuk ngobrol2 nyantai bareng temen or family.

Interior design nyaman, cozy, dan hangat.

Makanan enak dgn banyak pilihan menu khas belanda (berbahasa belanda jg jadi agak susah nyebut2innya). Porsi ok

Range harga 25k-120k

Rekomendasi menu: Aligot (kentang yg dimash dan diblend dengan keju mozarela) & varian teh yg nikmat
05 Mei 2019 14:18
Sangat romantis dengan suasana rumah tempo doeloe.makanan nya enak terutama nasi goreng kampung yg tradisional bangeeet.
05 Mei 2019 1:50
Masakan belanda, rasa nya enak, tempat nya juga homey banget enak buat kumpul2 sama temen hehe.
Best menu: Aligot (strechy mashed potato with cheese)
04 Mei 2019 14:53
Suasana sangat nyaman, musik enak, dekorasi bagus buat foto2 spti rmh belanda, makanan sangat enak, harga pas, pasti kembali lg ke sini.
04 Mei 2019 12:10
Good place to have an old-style ambience.great steak and great bbq sauce.so far the only place in Bandung to get Aligot potato.worth it!
30 April 2019 8:22
Comfort place. The food was delicious and the price still affordable. Their aligot was so creamy n tasty. Me like it. In weekend they had live music. It made us sing along like the old time
21 April 2019 0:26
Wonderful selection of Dutch cuisine and such a nice, quaint interior. The aligot is really good, and so are most of the potato-based cuisines. Steak sauce feels a bit watered down though.
18 April 2019 11:04
Cafe untuk anak2 muda dan nuansa seperti di Belanda. Menu nya cukup unik variatif dan enak. Lokasi di jl Buton Bandung
16 April 2019 10:23
Tempatnya nyaman dan cozy.makananya jg enak dan harganya standart.yg kurang memadai hanya tempat parkir karena lokasi di perumahan
14 April 2019 9:42
A small, cozy restaurant. Bring back the nostalgic feeling like your grandparents home. A delicious indo dutch cuisine, well prepared and good presentation. Their rissoles is the best that i've ever tried!
13 April 2019 10:26
Lokasi favorit untuk ngumpul dan foto. Terakhir nyoba nasi goreng yang terasa cuma manisnya aja bikin eneg di perut. Kalo mau kesini mending pesan menu masakan belandanya sperti steak, galatin dll.
09 April 2019 10:40
Such a homy ambience! The food are all good, even tho serving time take a lil bit longer. We had risoles, delicious. The chicken soup is delicious, but it's too creamy for me. The steak is nice, and the aligot.oh my.creamy and cheesy! Delicious!
Will come back again to try other authentic Netherlands menu!
05 April 2019 8:38
Restoran bernuansa Belanda. Bangunan antik zaman kolonial. Dengan hiasan unik ala Belanda. Hidanganya juga khas Belanda dan Perancis. Rasanya enak. Menyenangkan
29 Maret 2019 19:14
Surprised by the taste! So yummy! This pasta tasted surprisingly very delicious and also thumbs up for the homey ambience. The foos worth the price if I may say
23 Maret 2019 15:06
I call this a cute place to hang out with friends or just for having light meals for your getaway weekend.
02 Maret 2019 9:55
Jenis makanan yang disajikan jarang ditemukan di Bandung. Ada makanan ala Belanda, peranakan dan Indonesia. Harga termasuk mahal tapi porsinya besar dan rasanya enak. Jelas sekali bahan makanannya berkualitas dan proses memasaknya bagus.

Interiornya klasik khas rumah belanda di bandung. Bagus buat foto-foto bareng keluarga dan teman.

Kekurangannya cuma parkir agak susah karena di gang sempit dan waktu datang berdua ke sini, lampu di atas teddy bear tidak dinyalakan meskipun duduknya dekat teddy bear itu, jadinya agak gelap. Lampu baru dinyalakan setelah teman-teman lain berdatangan. Apakah kalau datangnya cuma berdua lampunya tidak dinyalakan?
28 Februari 2019 13:35
Nice ambience, tasty food, reasonable price. This is a small place but really deliver the food which will satisfied your mouth and tummy. If you like European food, try this place. You won't regret it. You can also have a small gathering here like birthday party. If the place is full, you have to be patient to wait for the food. It takes up to 15 minutes for the wait.
12 Februari 2019 18:34
Absolutely authentic Dutch cuisine, homely, and that antique matchbox Batmobile itself is worth the visit! Find it!
10 Februari 2019 15:53
Tempat kecil tp nyaman, model jaman baheula, makanan yg dipesan steak lidah, enak, empuk, bumbu rempah pas di lidah
05 Februari 2019 19:57
The place is quiet, the food is nice, the waiters are polite, love the classic western feel in it. Very cozy.
04 Februari 2019 10:26
Great taste, fast WiFi (50 Mbit upload speed). Food is served hot. Very much recommended! Timing can improve, not all members of a table get there food around the same time, can be 10+ minutes apart. Their wiener schnitzel is the best in Java.
28 Januari 2019 22:48
Pilihan menu ala Belanda, ada pilihan lokal. Menu iga bakar tradisional kurang banyak daging dan liat. Caffe latte hazelnut kurang terasa.
16 Januari 2019 10:21
Tempatnya simple banget, suasananya enak.makanannya juga enak. Ada beberapa tempat spot untuk foto-foto recommended place
11 Januari 2019 0:49
Tempatnya bagus dan sangat instagamable, makanan porsi besar, rasanya juga enak. Pemilik dan servants juga ramah2.

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