23 November 2023 22:19
I went to this shop looking for something warm since it's been pouring in Depok for half a day. Some of noteworthy stuffs I noticed on my purchase was:

1. There's no hot option for all beverages, everything is iced or cold. It's quite baffling soalnya abang2 starling yg pake sepeda sama keranjang kecil aja bisa nyediain minuman panas dan dingin. So for a full-fledged coffee shop with not one, but two professional baristas not having a hot option is ridiculous. Expecting a hot coffee, in a coffee shop per se, shouldn't be too much to ask.

2. The only payment option available is QRIS. Unfortunately I didn't have my phone with me for I thought I just went to a coffee shop across the street, and they rejected my debit card, so I went home to fetch my phone and come back, only for my Telkomsel reception uncharacteristically awful here. And they don't have Wi-Fi around, which is another weird thing for me, because IF your only means of payment is network related, you should do everything in your power to make it work. Like the other customer before me was struggled a bit harder in finding reception to connect his mobile banking he nearly cancelled his order altogether. I know the store concept is to-go so maybe by installing WiFi you'll worry people would loiter around but please address the issue one way or another.

3. I bought their Calf Premium a couple times before in different branches (which had various payment options and hot variants, mind you) so I wanted to try something else and only one of those two baristas can explain their own menu. So, maybe you should've drilled the product knowledge harder during training, I guess

4. Parking was a bit hard for motorists, since the pavement ramp is quite steep and slippery when wet. The the sideroad is a major turning point with dense traffic so I might not recommend parking your car here.

5. Ambiance left many things to be desired, maybe they should add some decoration or more posters, other Calf shops I visited was very visually pleasant, I enjoyed my brief time there waiting for my order.

Luckily the Calf Brew Malt I tried was great! I will sure definitely come back knowing what to expect now. Thanks and good luck!
08 Oktober 2023 11:22
Yeyy akhirnya di depok ada calf tempatnya agak lebih luas dibanding outlet lain, walaupun tetep gak bisa dine in sih minus parkirnya susahh soalnya persis pinggir jalan banget

Tulis Ulasan

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