24 Oktober 2023 21:58
Kopi luwak nya asli mantap tidak ada cabang langsung bisa liat luwak dan cara produksi nya
03 Oktober 2023 11:16
Mashallah, the place is clean, the coffee is very nice, and the grinder is nice. We enjoyed the tour and Mr. Rizqi provided us with all the services. Thank you very much.
10 Juni 2023 13:35
Nice explanation and excellent coffee but would have liked the seating area to be improved
03 Juni 2023 0:37
It is located in Bandung
Coffee produced from the civet animal is originally Arabica coffee
Prices are good
The taste is closer to Turkish coffee
They have several flavors with cocoa, ginseng, and others
30 Maret 2023 9:08
Visiting a Luwak (Civet) coffee farm, you'll get detailed information on how Luwak coffee is made and learn about the process until it's ready. You can taste real Luwak coffee and you can buy coffee products after tasting.
28 Februari 2023 15:25
Buat para heavy coffee drinker. Inilah satu satu nya kopi terbaik dan sudah di akui dunia. KOPI LUWAK.datang dan rasakan luwak kopi fresh di tempat ini
29 Juli 2022 21:21
Bareng siswa 60 anak muat di kelasnya, tertib saat interaksi dg luwaknya. Disuguhi kopi ori dan kopi stamina, wow jrengg.
09 Juni 2022 4:11
It is highly recommended to visit, it's the place to go if you don't want to see a luwak getting stuffed with coffee.here they get two days a week and fruit milk and so on the other days.they are even taken to a nearby forest to stay they are treated good.and the info from Pak Rizky is so good.can't recommend it enough. While I write this some building is going on so you better contact them before you go. Thanks to you all there
21 Maret 2021 18:35
Great taste of Luwak Coffee.
One cup of coffee is not enough.
If you are coffee lover, you should try. Recommended
11 Maret 2021 12:21
Awesome and incredible place as the owner Pak Sugeng is veterinarian, they breed about more than 100 luwak with good food, vitamin, nutrition, and vaccines every 3 months to produce high quality green Luwak Coffee the most expensive coffee in the world. The place is very clean, cozy and tidy. Pak Sugeng says he will collaborate with Indo Singa Coffee for the roasting methods with HACCP certified. Yesterday I was visiting Kopi Luwak Cikole with Minister Agriculture Republic of Indonesia Bpk Syahrul Yasin Limpo and Director Ditjenbun RI and team Ditjenbun. It was awesome moment and the taste of luwak coffee is great and smooth, really love ️Indonesian Coffee Indonesian Coffee is the best in the world.
06 Maret 2021 9:09
Bagi anda penggemar kopi dan sering berwisata ke daerah lembang, wajib mampir kesini, terdapat juga ternak macam jenis luwak
22 Februari 2021 1:56
Tempat kopi luwak bagus dan kopinya enak, disini tempat penangkaran nya juga, jadi bisa liat luwaknya dan pemrosesan luwak nya tersebut, tempatnya dingin, jadi klao mau liat luwak nya langsng juga bisa, dan varian dr kopi luwaknya juga banyak.
17 Februari 2021 3:50
This is an amazing place, you got a tour guide for the place and he will tell you all about Kopi Luwak, from their diet, types, to the process and even got to taste real authentic coffee - it has a really sweet taste. Moreover, they gave a coffee scrub for free and got to play with Nogi (The Luwak that's hanging on me, very cute and inquisitive!). Overall the medium roasted coffee has a bit of its own unique taste and is a bit acidic, worth a try!
26 Februari 2020 7:42
Pioneer kopi luwak.mantaaabb.bisa foto dengan musang (luwak) nya langsung.kecuali kalo pas ujan.bisa lihat langsung kopi mentahnya dan bs lulur juga.
13 Januari 2020 22:45
Nikmatnya kopi no 1 di dunia. Ada disini. Disajikan dengan ketulusan hati, sehingga rasanya pun sulit di temukan di tempat coffee mana pun. Mangga di cobian. Kalo belum merasakan sendiri, tentu tidak akan bisa share seperti saya ini. Banyak wisatawan luar negeri yang menjadikan Kopi Luwak Cikole agenda destinasi wisata setiap tahunnya. Wisatawan dari Arab, Malaysia salah satu contohnya. Indonesia kaya dengan cita rasa.dan banyaknya Orang Indonesia yang luar biasa, dengan menciptakan sesuatu dengan sepenuh hati sehingga hasilnya menjadi sesuatu yang sulit untuk tidak bisa dikunjungi kembali.
27 Desember 2019 4:42
You can see luwak here and try their luwak coffee and they also sell coffee mask and ginger drink and also instant coffee sachet
25 Desember 2019 21:29
Tried the famous and most expensive coffee in the world, Kopi Luwak. You can see the process and hold the Luwak too. You can try a cup of Luwak Coffee for idr 50k. There's a coffee you can bring as a gift. For a 50 gram coffee (10 gr x 5 sachet) cost around idr 225k.
22 Desember 2019 4:21
Kopinya sangat luarbiasa mantappp dan tempat yang luarbiasa mengedukasi setiap pengunjung yang datang
17 Desember 2019 20:09
It is not only coffee production and sales office, you would learn too much about the process and understabd why it is most expensive coffee in the world, you also would learn about the Luwak cats how they are effected from this market, and how it must be operated to protect this unique creatures, Luwaks were soooo cute and the employees was so nice, special thanks to movie of Bucket list
22 November 2019 4:17
Nice coffe, good staff, good marketting presentation by explaining how the coffee being processed but There are some opprtunites for improvement especially in toilet and other supporting facilities
05 November 2019 22:40
Having fun here. We can see the making process of coffee luwak from the start. The guide was so informative and giving detailed info for guests. Not only that, we can interact with 'luwak's too. And it's a new experience for us. My Korean guest is so happy to see Luwak directly, and see coffee making process closely, because he loves coffee so much.
05 November 2019 5:02
Pernah kesini ngantar orang korea. 500ribu 100gram, oke2 saja mungkin bagi turis asing tapi menurutku overprice karena temanku jual 100 gr harga 80rb dari luwak liar pula. Dan pelayan judes begitu bahas msalah harga ‍️
06 Agustus 2019 14:10
Sungguh alami kopi luwak walau saya suka sakit perut kalau minum kopi di kala perut kosong.tapi kalau minum kopi luwak ga tuh perut sakit.aman.dan mantap kopi luwak
23 Mei 2019 20:39
Cafe nya cukup bersih hanya saja Akses, tempat parkir, dan lokasi nya kurang cocok untuk wisata mancanegara, karena disekitarnya banyak sampah, malu sama turis asing
19 Mei 2019 8:52
Good tourist spot and a really informative one. There will be a guide to explain the process involves in making kopi luwak. You also can hold and play with the foxes. Really great experience. After the tour you can try the coffee. To coffee lovers out there, you REALLY SHOULD TAKE THE CHANCE! (Even if the coffee is kinda weird but do not miss the opportunity to try it). There's also different kind of products made from the kopi luwak.
10 Mei 2019 7:22
There your will see how the process of coffee, very comfortable and nice place, your also can take pictures with fox (Luwak/Musang)

Got kouta cannot buy more then 5 box per person

Your should try drink coffee and the best it coffee scrup, I try to my hand and it make my hand skin smooth until 2 days
18 April 2019 14:10
Buat yang suka kopi, wajib banget k sini.memang sih lokasinya agak jauh dr jalan raya.masuk ke perumahan warga gitu.tapi tempatnya lumayan nyaman. Di sana kita bisa lihat hewan pembuat luwaknya, hewannya seperti musang.trus di sediakan gazebo-gazebo untuk kita ngopi.maaf ga bisa kasih harga, lupa soalnya.tp buat yang ingin jalan2 d lembang dan agak mainstream.masukan lokasi ini ke dalam list anda.happy holiday.
13 April 2019 0:28
A very enlightening experience if you wish to know how the process of making kopi luwak, from the coffee beans processing, the civet cats that "contributed" to the brand name, and leading to the tasting of the famous coffee at the end.
The explanation was done professionally and detailed with humor injected at every opportunity. Good job.
We also got the chance to hold and pet the civet if we wish to do so.
A caveat, please go with a guide because it's nestled in between homes and parking space is limited.
Overall, a very good place to visit.
12 April 2019 1:52
Kopi luwak Cikole adalah salah satu obyek wisata dan edukasi dikawasan Lembang, selain kita bisa minum langsung kopi luwak asli, kita juga bisa melihat proses pembuatan kopi luwak tersebut dari awal mula buah kopi sampai menjadi kopi yg mantap dan bisa melihat langsung hewan luwak nya juga looh.dengan tempat yg strategis serasa di kampung halaman lengkap dengan alunan musik kecapi cuaca yg sejuk dan aroma khas kopi luwak cikole dan kental dengan suasana adat Sunda
04 Maret 2019 23:08
Untuk para pecinta kopi wajib untuk coba kopi luwak, bedanya menikmati kopi luwak disini kita dapat mengetahui proses pembuatan nya. Kita juga bisa melihat luwak luwaknya bahkan ada juga yang sudah jinak loh, disini juga ada tanaman kopi asli yang menjadi mini garden. Disediakan juga tour guide. Kopi luwak cikole mempunyai motto "tidak boleh mengkonsumsi kopi jika tidak mengetahui cara pembuatannya" disini juga menjual makanan ringan lainnya. Lokasinya cukup strategis namun jika ingin datang dengan rombongan reservasi dulu karna ada paket paket sekaligus makan siang dan disini juga menyediakan shuttle untuk menuju kopi luwak jika menggunakan bis. Kebersihan dan keramahan staff nya sangat baik. Owner nya pun berprofesi sebagai dokter hewan jadi tidak di ragukan lagi kalau luwak disini sehat sehat. Cafe ini juga termasuk wisata edukasi. Harga kopi nya cukup terjangkau.

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