25 Desember 2018 15:01
A very cozy place to hang out with family or friends.
Plenty space of parking area.
Not only offering a very sophisticated restaurant with lovely industrial design, this place also offers an art work showcase for customers. All the restaurant area is mostly instagramable. You can yield a very good photograph or selfie around the restaurant. You can enjoy a fresh air and good scenery by walking around to each corner of the restaurant.
The food’s taste is good enough, but not so good, with a fair price.
The traffic is usually bad, especially during a high season of holiday.
3.5 of 5 for rate.
06 Desember 2018 0:42
Enjoying wonderful scenery of bandung was really great while waiting your food to be reserved.

And the meal was marvelous. Highly recommend

Oh try the porridge! It was just awesome
29 November 2018 6:32
This place selling view and cozy ambience, not the food. The food was so so, the price is same as cafe in Jakarta.
Instagramable place, friendly and helpfull waitress, not far from Bandung city. Think twice to bring kids under 6 yo.
26 November 2018 20:19
Very spatious cafe and wide parking lots. Great place to hanging around with your friend. Mixed with the art design. Very entertaining here with many spots for photo. The decoration of the cafe is very colorful with the views of great alley.
24 November 2018 4:40
There's no art exhibition when I go there so I can't really say anything about the gallery. The cafe have delicious beverages. Good ambience, I really want to sleep in the sofa it's just that good.
21 November 2018 8:57
Yang suka sm barang2 art. Ok bgt tempatnya. Koleksinya jg suka berubah terus dalam beberapa waktu. Jd ga itu2 aja yang di pajang
18 November 2018 21:58
Over the past 4 years, Lawangwangi has been my favourite spot to hang out with friends up to having romantic dinner with my girlfriend or simply watch my friend's performing the live music.
17 November 2018 14:31
Tempat yang bagus untuk ngambil foto view nya.keren bangeut.selain ada cafe nya.kita bisa liat galery lukisan dan patung
. Keren
15 November 2018 7:51
Very few food/beverage selection, small portion. Price for drink around 20-30k.
Cozy atmosphere.
Many couples on weekend.
Best come on evening time
10 November 2018 6:39
Menyajikan pemandangan Bandung yang indah, disini tempatnya anak nongkrong dan ber-selfie ria, kalau buat makan kenyang mah disini nggak disarankan karena harganya lumayan dan porsinya sedikit, menu yang ada di foto ini aja harganya udah 200k padahal nggak ada makanan berat yang dipesan hanya camilan saja
01 November 2018 2:24
This is not my first time having dinner here, but tonight was very special, to have small celebration of my daughter's birthday with colorful table decorations, nice food as well as the atmosphere. Special thanks to bu Laura Erawati who gave us surprised dessert. Great job for all team
20 Oktober 2018 19:59
Tempak makan/ ngemil yg sangat Bagus, kamu bisa melihat pemandangan dari balik kaca atau di ujung semacam jembatan. Disini aku suka ice cream nya. Jika dari arah Bandung, tempat ini ada disebelah kanan jalan. Ketika masuk gerbang, kamu akan menemukan jalan masuk yang lebih nanjak. Disini ada mushola juga untuk sholat.
17 Oktober 2018 1:43
Tempatnya lumayan ok terutama untuk yang suka seni. Satu spot foto di dek atas juga boleh lah. Urusan rasa makanan menurut gue ngga spesial, consider the price
10 Oktober 2018 20:37
It is an art gallery that equipped with restaurant and meeting room. Rest rooms are nice and clean. You can enjoybyour food with very scenic view! Love it!
10 Oktober 2018 2:04
The breeze is nice, the city scenery from above is amazing (recommended to come at night), the art gallery itself is very nice
05 Oktober 2018 9:52
Cozy place,
Tempatnya adem banget, enak buat bersantai, meeting juga oke.
Toiletnya bersih.dan sangat recomended buat yg ingin menghilangkan kepenatan beres kerja.weekdend cendrung rame, tapi kalo weekday rada2 sepi.
05 Oktober 2018 8:20
Kesini malem malem sama sahabat. Enak banget udaranya. Sayang waktu itu udh last order jd gak bs begitu lama lama disana nikmatin udara yg sejuk hehehe good job untuk kedepannya.
03 Oktober 2018 19:33
Overrated. Rasa makanan OK, tapi kalau untuk suasana restoran dan museumnya bukan untuk semua orang.

Cocok buat rekan-rekan yang ingin nambah koleksi upload instagram.
Kurang cocok buat yang pure ingin menikmati makanan saja.
26 September 2018 2:12
Not worth the time at all to sit in the traffic up and down if you have already seen the view on the way to Perahu volcano. Only few art pieces available. Shoes on display are not even art pieces. Cafe food nothing great.
20 September 2018 18:15
Harga makanan cendrung mahal.tempat nya nyaman.ada beberapa hasil seni yang di pajang.diluar juga ada taman yg cukup nyaman pula.hati2 kalo mau parkir.soalnya tikungannya tajam dan menanjak bgt.
17 September 2018 1:32
I always visit this place while i am in bandung. Creative space, cozy, instagrammable, food good enough, price is so so, i suggest you to come at afternoon/evening bcause this place have a good point of view (mountain & tree) at afternoon, moon & star at night. ;)
16 September 2018 20:01
Tempatnya oke banget, berada pada dataran tinggi menyajikan pemandangan yang spektakuler dilihat pada saat siang maupun malam hari, suhu yang sejuk sangat pas sambil menikmati secangkir cappuccino ginger. Berasa dunia milik sendiri. TOP banget deh buat tempat nongkrong kawula muda

Tulis Ulasan

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