05 Juli 2021 12:25
Tempatnya pinggir jalan Cijeruk Lembang, sebrang kantor PLN agak menjorok ke dalam.
Rasa yoghurt nya lumayan enak, harga murah hanya Rp 10.000, -
02 Juli 2021 4:30
Kebetulan lewat di daerah pasar lembang dan rekomendasi ada tempat jual es mambo & yoghurt yg enak untuk dibawa pulang
19 Juni 2021 12:59
Es Mambo nya banyak variasi, ingat masa kecil. Kalau kesana, pasti mampir beli sekalian sama yogurt jg buat ole2. Recommended.
30 Juli 2019 23:09
Es Mambo Legendaris diLembang
Rasa dan kualitas terjamin
Cuma lahan parkir aga kurang, paling parkir di Indomaret sebelum Toko Es Mambo
03 Juni 2019 4:01
I love their yogurt and Es Mambo. They are just special, cannot get them anywhere else. I deduct one heart because their location is really hard to find. They are often closed when we go there, and they don’t have a signage. You really have to know where they are to make a purchase.
15 Mei 2019 7:23
Snack shop better known as es lilin products and yoghurt. Although the place is small but comfortable, and the air around this place is still fresh and clean because it is still around the city of Lembang.
14 April 2019 13:04
Es kuno yang ngangenin bangettttt.meski tokonya kecil tp suasana di toko n pemandangan begitu mendukung utk menikmati es lilin ini.tidak hny itu es lilin yg dijual pun tersedia dlm aneka varian rasa yg enak2.dan harganya sangat amat terjangkau cukup dgn uang 4rb rupiah masih dpt uang kembalian 500 rupiah.krn saking enak, murah, n tempatnya cozy banget; alhasil habis 10pcs es lilin dlm wkt sekejap wkqkqk.sayang tidak sedia cooler box utk dibawa plg.hiksss.lain x jauh lebih prepare bw cooler box n ice jelly utk beli bawa plg ehehhee.durian, alpukat n es kcg ijo so yummy.but love alpukat krn bukan pecinta durian or yg lain wkwkw.rasanya bnr2 original, bukan pake perisa dll
21 Maret 2019 0:29
A small business operated with big heart. They offer homemade yoghurt and popsicles that are all sold under 10,000 rupiah. It is probably counterintuitive to eat cold desserts in Lembang cool weather. But it's a sacrifice I'd be always gladly endure.

The fruit flavored yoghurt are offered both frozen and as drinks. The packaging may seem like a joke but the taste and the quality are outstanding. I kind of hoping that they would keep it this way as a keepsake of the past and as a reminder of not judging a book by its cover.
17 Desember 2018 9:59
Mantap kalii bukan kaleng-kaleng
Rasanya kerasa banget. Ada tamannya nyaman buat makan es mambo

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