02 September 2023 7:39
Mercure bandung city centre

Salah satu hotel bagus di kota bandung,
Kamar Rapi dan terawat
Serta pelayanan nya yang ramah membuat hotel ini nyaman untuk dikunjungi
Terutama letak hotel yang dekat dengan area kuliner membuat hotel ini patut untuk dikunjungi kembali.
25 Agustus 2023 5:22
Tempat nyaman, dan pelayanan nya sangat memuaskan.cocok untuk keluarga yang ingin berlibur ke Bandung
19 Agustus 2023 18:29
Pengalaman pertama nginap disini dengan pelayanan hotel yang ramah dan lokasi yang strategis untuk kami wisatawan cukup menyenangkan.fasilitas kamar yang cukup nyaman membuat liburan kami semakin nyaman.
18 Agustus 2023 18:46
Bulan ini saya menginap di hotel mercure, saya sangat kecewa karna baru saja saya masuk kamar dan langsung ingin tidur ternyata sarung bantalnya tidak di ganti oleh petugas, di bantal itu masih ada iler yg sangat banyak dan iler itu masih sangat basah yg baunya seperti bau bangkai. Saya langsung komplain tapi pihak hotel tidak ada kata maaf. Pelayanan yg sangat buruk.
16 Agustus 2023 8:59
Tempat nyaman, bersih, harga makanan standar, pemain musik memuaskan.saran saya ada makanan Indonesianya.karna tdk semua tamu punya lidah Internasional
15 Agustus 2023 8:32
Hotel sangat nyaman dan lengkap di Kota Bandung, lokasi nya strategis dan banyak kuliner yang enak disana, pokoknya recommend banget, jangan ragu untuk singgah di Hotel ini, mantap pokoknya
20 Januari 2019 10:04
The hotel is placed very strategically. Braga, Asia Africa street, Asia-Africa Conference Museum, Bandung Alun-Alun, etc.all are walkable destinations, got karaoke places and many restaurants next to the hotel as well.

The lobby is okay, but the in and out traffic flow for cars (either to park/drop off pick up) is a bit of a hassle, since there's only one way in and out of the hotel, but still ok if you wanna order the local grab/gocar to go to places like Chinatown or Cibadak (famous food street).

The rooms: minibar includes only a few snacks like pocky sticks, small pringles potato chips, and a small pack of sun flower seeds. For the drinks, a bottle of YouC1000, coke can,

Classic room -> decent, clean, small sized, no bathtub, shower only

Superior room -> nice size for a small family of 3~, shower no baths

Privilledge -> has a balcony, but not worth it, located on low level stories, not so great a view, smaller than the superior room, shower no baths
30 Desember 2018 0:43
Tempat ok. Lokasi juga ok. Yg ga ok adalah lift yg ga bisa turun sampe ke basement (turun sampe ke lobby lalu jalan kaki keluar dari lobby & turun ke basement secara manual)
27 Desember 2018 0:05
Location is right in the middle of the City. The room is quite excellent. However, it seemed that the bed in our room was downgraded by 1 size. We can notice a significant gap between the bed and the night stand.

Service was wonderful. Too bad we did not have the chance to use their amenities.

Our issue was only 1 -> PARKING SPOT.
It only has 1 basement with a 2-lane driveway a cess. At some part, it was only a 1-lane driveway access.

I can imagine that parking cam be a nightmare during high-season.

Otherwise, this place is very recommended.
24 Desember 2018 8:17
Lahan parkir terlalu sempit, apalagi klo sedang ada acara wedding.susah untuk keluar masuk kendaraan
18 Desember 2018 13:14
Kamar berukuran sedang, tidak terlalu besar tetapi juga tidak kecil, layanan sangat memuaskan, front office ramah, house keeping ramah
02 Desember 2018 10:40
Hotel yg strategis di pusat kota bandung, hanya sempit untuk parkiran dan akses keluar msuk mobil yg harus di perbaiki.
02 Desember 2018 6:55
Been staying in this hotel for the weekend and amazed with how beautiful the hotel is. It's very fresh, clean, and comfortable. Got a cool infinity pool on the 15th floor with an amazing view. The food served also very good. All staff members were very hospitable. Overall it's a very pleasant experience.
28 November 2018 17:59
Slippery bathroom floor.no minimum lighting for night (total blackout). Breakfast food is not delicious. The pool water is so cold
22 November 2018 1:49
Slippery bathroom, no nighlight - total blackout lighting or bright as daylight (this is problem). Not good breakfast. Very cold pool (useless).
Not what we expect from a Mercure hotel brand.
We were checking in at september 9,2018
19 November 2018 15:11
Hotel baru modern classic kamar nya lumayan luas TV nya cukup besar kamar bersih sarapan nya lumayan harus lebih variatif lagi ya menyesuaikan harga jual per kamar berada di area pusat kota keterjangkauan disekitar sangat ok ada infinity pool dan gym juga pelayanan ramah sangat baik (semoga info ini dapat membantu publik untuk berkunjung)
18 November 2018 9:04
Kolam renangnya bagus
Kamarnya juga bagus banget sih, makanannya lumayan enak juga
Sayangnya ga sempet foto disini
16 November 2018 7:35
This was the worst hotel i've ever stayed. Even one star is not worthy.

They cleaned swimming pool at middle of night from 2 to 5 am when every customer sleeps.

But don't care of the noise.

The noise from the swimming pool cleaning was horrible. It come through to my room. My entire family couldnt get sleep at all.

I came here only for the sleep but couldnt sleep.

Now it's already in the morning. I have to travel without sleep. It would be much better if i sleep in the car!

When i asked hotrl counter what is going on and please stop the noise, they said

"We can not. How about you change your room? "

What a nonsense?

Do you want to change the room at 2~5am even though you have a baby sleeping?

How unthoughtful!

If some one wants to sleep at night, dont visit here. You will stay all night.
14 November 2018 14:18
One of the new hotel in bandung. Have a rooftop pool, view from the pool it self was spectacular. Room size is generous. Super friendly stuff.
13 November 2018 10:23
Hotelnya sih lumayan enak, cuma parkirnya kurang nyaman, terlalu kcil & penuh. Repot klo hrs parkir di sebrang hotel & bawa2 koper besar nyebrang jalan. Jumlah kamar lebih byk drpd kapasitas parkirnya. Mgkn lbh enak klo pake public car
13 November 2018 2:43
Nyaman banget tempatnya, cukup deket dengab alun alun bandung. Ada kolam renangnya di atas yang bisa ngekihat pemandangan kota bandung dari atas. Dan pastinya cocok untuk untuk berselfie ria saat renang.hahaha
11 November 2018 4:09
Located @ down town and lively place.just a stone throw distance to most of business and banking district in daytime also night entertaiment district along dalem kaum street
07 November 2018 20:41
The room is very nice and comfy. But the park for is very low space for customers and too small for road to basement park.
WIFI Internet is Very slow and finaly I used my own Mobile data For internet.
The TV show sometimes get lagging or connection lost.
And The Interior not prorperly the door from bathroom so bad and my mom just stuck yesterday and cannot open by herself and finaly I just force to open that bathroom door.

The hotel look great but not satisfied.
06 November 2018 16:40
Hotelnya Bagus dan Bersih. Tapi sayang Parkirannya tidak begitu luas. Akses keluar masuk parkiran dari Basement ke Jalan utama dua arah dan menanjak. Sangat berbahaya. Bagi pengunjung harap berhati2 jika keluar parkiran basement.
05 November 2018 10:55
Hotel baru yang lumayan strategis
Tepatnya deket alun alun kota bandung

Tempat parkir nya ga gitu luas, kamar nya cukup bersih dan makanan untuk breakfast nya lumayan variatif

Ada western, ada makanan tradisional indo juga

Buat kolam renang nya ga sempet nyobain, tapi prefer klo mau berenang pagi sebelum matahari panas muncul jam 5-7 pagi

Nah klo sore jam 6 keatas deh

Nilmatin sunset di atas infinity pool ala ala, mantep juga
05 November 2018 10:44
Hotelnya baru 1 tahun, proses check in cepat, service memuaskan, strategis tempatnya tengah kota, dekat dengan kuliner, pokoknya sukaaaaa dengan hotel ini.
30 Oktober 2018 9:13
On 2 Sep 18 checkin

Reasonably new hotel and bed very nice. My 3rd and 4 day stay my room not clean up and towel never change for 2 days. Has mosques very close by so will hear prayer calls (specially in the morning).
Very nice & friendly staff.
Wide breakfast spread (but quality mostly average).
29 Oktober 2018 18:03
Such an unforgetable experience for me to have a chance staying in this hotel. The room is spacious, even the most budget one. The pool is amazing with its 360 degree bandung city view. And the breakfast is overwhelming.
24 Oktober 2018 15:29
Kamarnya nyaman, minimalis jadi berasa luas. Lokasinya juga enak, banyak tempat makan, dekat pusat kota juga, jalan dikit sih. Breakfastnya juga lumayan. Tapi jangan berharap banyak dengan kolam renangnya, hanya cukup utk anak2.
03 Oktober 2018 9:27
Nice to stay here! Friendly staff, good price.in saturday night difficult to find car park. Bit dont worry bout that. All staff will help you. Just leave the key, you dont have to pay anything like vallet parking fee. Breakfast has a big room. Additional table for weekend. Thank you.
24 September 2018 14:07
Hotel ditengah kota yg cukup terjangkau dan terhitung sangat baru cukup membantu utk referensi apalagi didekat area itu banyak sekalai hotel bagus tapi bangunan lama, mercure lengkong bisa menjadi pilihan yg sangat baik untuk yang ingin menginap di seputar Asia Afrika
Area dekat dengan pusat kota Bandung dan pusat jajanan kuliner bandung yang ngehits
20 September 2018 18:59
Very nice hotel in the middle of the city. Best for value rates, nice room with view, food was fine but dinner service at restaurant was slow. We waited for about 40 mins before our food finally arrive while there was no other guest at the resto. But service was good, though. And we enjoy our suite so much.

Swimming pool is small but enjoyable and the view from swimming pool at night is awesome.

Tip: better walk around the hotel for dinner because there are many eating places nearby.
05 September 2018 21:27
Woww.pengen liburan tapi tapi stay di tengah kota.coba deh hotel yang satu ini.
Fasilitas nya lengkap, pool nya di roof top, bisa liat view kota bandung.dan restaurant nya nyaman banget

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