27 November 2023 14:38
Suka banget sama sandwich dan bakery disini. Semuanya enak2. Terutama Red Velvet cake nya, nyammm.juara banget. Favorite anak2. Roti tawarnya juga enak, hanya kalo kesiangan keburu habis. Pelayanannya baik dan ramah. Hanya tempatnya kecil, kurang luas, jd kalo penuh agak kurang nyaman.
26 November 2023 7:25
Healthy sandwich terenak sebandung rayaa roti dan cakenya sehat tapi rasanya enak banget.good ambience and environment.staff sangat ramah, kalau jam breakfast memang rame banget.
10 November 2023 7:15
Great sandwiches.

Breads are freshly made, the stuffing for the custom sandwich are clean, flavor is great.

Loving the chai latte, you can actually taste the spices, it tastes kinda similar to chai karak I usually make.

My husband who’s a foreigner and grew up eating sandwiches is loving the food.

The german pretzel was a bit too hard to chew but overall everything is good and definitely will come back.
05 November 2023 18:13
We ate here two years ago we had a great memory, the sandwich was completely customisable.

This time they’ve changed the system and made it very difficult to customise it. As a result customers are lumped with a sandwich full of vegetables they didn’t order.

We waited for the customisation stage but it didn’t arrive, my isteri aka wife is allergic to onions - there was no option to see thulks or see whether onions would be included. Of course they brought a sandwich full of onions, we notified she was allergic and they just simpmy scraped them out.

Not good enough, it’s expensive for the incredible food Indonesia offers.
02 November 2023 0:30
Datang pas ujan tadi siang. Sepi. Pesen untuk TA. Pesen tulis di kertas order pilih black chorcoal sourdough & tanpa telur. Pas dibuka di rmh di JKT. Croisant donk & ada telur nya.
Padahal lagi sepi, ntah gak dibaca bener kertas orderannya atau kebanyakan becanda.
04 Oktober 2023 2:45
Ke sini awalnya karena ada pilihan gluten free, sayangnya sour dough yg gluten free tidak tersedia di weekend.
Akhirnya nyoba GF brownies dan banana cake. Enak juga.
18 September 2023 19:26
Order makanan dan minuman di Jam 07.55.
Minum baru sampai meja jam 08.30 (35 menit)
Makanan baru sampai meja jam 08.48 (53 menit)
Buat kalian yang ingin sarapan cepat, lebih baik dipertimbangkan lagi makan disini.
23 Juni 2023 22:40
Cheesecake-nya juara!
Mau dibikin dengan red velvet maupun originalnya (New York) mantap

Salah satu bakery favorit untuk makanan "bersih & sehat" alias eat clean utk bahan roti²nya selain cheese cake pastinya. Selain itu mereka juga menjual beberapa jenis pastry, roti, bolu, kue serta makanan ringan (chips).

Tempatnya agak kecil namun cukup nyaman, memang bukan tempat yang enak untuk duduk & nongkrong lama² sih. Tapi sambil makan sepotong kue & ditemani kopi masih ok. Kebayakan sih yang datang membeli utk take out alias bungkus.

Makanan yang dipesan:
1. New York Cheesecake
2. Red Velvet Cheese
3. Blackout
4. French Croissant
5. Saucijs Brood
6. Cranberry Sourdough Bread
7. Hot Cappucino
8. Iced Cappucino
9. Honey Tumeric

Dikarenakan kedatangan kali ini setelah makan siang jadi disini hanya menikmati kue² & kopi. Sandwich-nya sih gak kalah dengan merk luar yang terkenal itu loh, favoritku Roast beef gak lupa pakai extra jalapeno. Carrot walnut cheese cake-nya juga enak.

Untuk harga rata² baik makanan maupun minumannya masih wajar.

Jadi note ya gaes kalo lagi nyari cheesecake wajib kesini, dijamin anti gagal!
16 Mei 2023 7:23
Ga sengaja nemu toko ini pas lagi nyasar dan nyari sarapan (karena hari pertama puasa pada tutup). Enak bangettt dan yg serunya banyak varian sourdoughnya! Sayang aku belum nyobain sandwichnya
08 Mei 2023 14:48
Favorit bread store in Bandung.
Ala2 sehat gitu tapi kalau saya kesini karena suka banget Ama croissant almond choco banana nya yang gede empuk dan renyah bin gurih.juaraaa!

Oh ya sebagai catatan beberapa rotinya ada rum nya yaa
30 April 2023 17:13
Take away nya lama banget lebih dari 40 menit hampir sejam baru selesai. Padahal cuma 1 item doang.
21 Februari 2023 11:03
Buat sarapan berkualitas dan bergizi tinggi disini tempatnya.

Harga memang relatif lebih mahal dibanding kafe pada umumnya. Bujet paling tidak 100-120rb rupiah untuk 1 orang dengan pesanan 1 roti + 1 minuman sehat
03 Februari 2023 1:13
Saya sudah lama penasaran dg toko kue ini tapi baru kesampaian beberapa minggu yg lalu.

Saya terkejut karena di sini ternyata menyediakan sandwich dengan varian yang sangat beragam dan bahan2 yang fresh. Rasanya luar biasa enak dan ngalahin sandwich US yang sering dikira brand korea itu.

Browniesnya juga enak lho.
Pantas banyak pelanggannya.

Sayangnya cm buka sampe jam 7 malam saat weekdays, hhuhuhuhu
17 Januari 2023 14:13
Good service, good ambience, and good foods.
They open at early morning, so we can enjoy their breads, cakes, lattes etc for breakfast.
Highly recommended.
17 Januari 2023 13:23
A wide selection of bakeries. Tried their sandwich. It’s a charm! One of the best I have tried in town so far.
My son order an cupcake and I take away a cinnamon roll.
What I would recommend would be putting price tag on the bakeries.
Coffee is my liking. More bold than citrus.
07 Januari 2023 17:57
Mungkin ini custom sandwich favorit. Karena harga oke, porsi oke, sesuai keinginan.

Pesen custom sandwich rotinya pake croissant, isian protein minta tuna, pake berbagai macam sayuran, dan sausnya pake greek yogurt n balsamic. Enak banyak puas seger kenyang pokoknya. Coba chai latte juga wah enak deh kalo yg doyan rempah, ini teh rempah india pake susu, teksturnya juga kentel, rasanya juga bold ga yg cawerang.

Kalo kesini pas sarapan siap" aja penuh bahkan pas weekday.karena area makannya gak gede, dan kalo penuh agak lama nunggu orderannya bisa sampe sejam.
05 Januari 2023 0:55
Homely made fresh bakery, sandwiches and pastries.for sandwiches, you can choose the type of sourdough bread, ciabata, multi grain bread. Located on Jalan Progo, Bandung City. The sandwich can choose several fillings and vegetables. The pastries and bread are fresh and crunchy, delicious accompanied by hot tea. The price is quite affordable, around Rp. 20k-50k, parking area was limited.
30 November 2022 9:11
Very nice and homy place to enjoy sourdough and other artisan bakeries. You can choose all fresh baked specially in the morning. Thats the reason I sometimes decline my bfast in the hotel and chase some fancy bfast here whenever I have a business trip in Bandung.

As the place not so spacious, please come here in the early morning (I guess Mom's open at 7 am).
15 November 2022 22:21
Udah hepi mu makan ditempatnya langsung, tapi begitu dateng ibu2 tukang parkirnya ga ramah, trus mas2 didalem pas ditanya boleh smoking ga diluar jawabnya ketus, wah kaget saya.kalo jwbnya asik mungkin sy ttp makan, pdhl langganan banget utk di take away.ternyata pas mu dine in pelayanannya se awful ini.gajadi deh mom's bakery.thanks
01 November 2022 21:21
Healthy choice and delicious. They serve take away or dine in. Many various option for cake, bake or drink. Love it.
23 September 2022 12:44
Pesan lewat go resto, sudah ditulis notes sesuai yg diminta tetapi yang datang tidak sesuai. Dikomplain tapi tapi tidak menerima komplain customer.good job!
17 September 2022 4:22
Best place to get fresh salad, sandwiches, and artisan bakery.
You can custom your sandwiches. All ingredients are fresh!

Best combo sandwich: soft baguette, tuna, olive cheese.
Price range is normal: 50K for sandwiches.
Bakery is pretty cheap, around 20K+
Preparation time is 15-30 mins.
It's always packed, so come early.
12 September 2022 4:42
Says ojol harus nunggu 1 jam lebih ongkos cman 6400 kan sblm masuk ke driver masuk dulu ke resto knpa ga langsung proses sangat kecewa mana ga di kasih ruang tunggu buat duduk gmana nih resto kelas tengah kaya gini
11 September 2022 11:34
Knew this place from Tiktok, it said legend bakery in Bandung.
First time here, was around 5pm-ish. Half of the menu was sold out.
Luckily, some of their best seller still produced. One of them was Roti gandum isi cheese.
I didn't make any high expectations. But, the time I ate it. Wah, it wass sooo goodddddd. Made with wheat but not rough. It gave a chewy sensation! Really!
The next day I ordered online and took it to Jakarta. Some top bread that win my heart was

Roti gandum isi cheese 5/5. I'm not a cheese person when I come to bread.but this bread was hit different
fruit pie 4/5.so huge! Worth the price!
Choc Croissant 4/5. Turns out so good for croissant. It was like these bakery only focusing on croissant
Roti gandum isi bakso 4/5.taste good
Choco muffin (the favorite item) 4/5, my opinion was like the other
Roti gandum isi coklat 3,5/5 sorry why r u so different with the cheese one haha
some sourdough, taste so so for me

Next time must try is their sandwich. Can't wait to coming back there
05 September 2022 16:20
(+) enaaaak banget croissantnya! Nyoba yg isi daging asap dan daging cincang. Dagingnya ngga pelit samsek. Worth the price sih yg 25 ribu and 30 ribu se pcs nya HAHA. Next mau coba yg lain pasti ga kalah enaknya.

(-) kalo weekend rameeeee banget.
20 Agustus 2022 9:40
19 Agustus 2022 12:18
Bakery legend di bandung, dari dulu sandwichnya oke, subway sih lewat. Kopinya oke jg. Rame banget. Cocok buat sarapan atau brunch, jam 9 atau 10an weekday oke lah ga terlalu rame. Kalau weekend no hope sih ngantrinya. Ada area smoking. Menu vegetarian juga ada. Buat anak2 pun bisa.
13 Agustus 2022 4:17
Cobain jack chicken sandwich nya. Vegan. Terbuat dari jackfruit. Kalo weekend rame antrinya jadi sabar yaa.
09 Juli 2022 8:06
In the high-level market competition that is Bandung bakeries, this store takes the top

the sandwhiches are amazing, aside from its amazing bread, their veggies options are plenty and delicious, not to mention generous proportion on the fillings
07 Juli 2022 0:30
Definitely one of Bandung’s best bakeries. The place is not too big, but very homy. They also sell sub sandwich which in my opinion tastes way better than Subways and cheaper too! Do try their favorite pastries of the day - you won’t regret it!
05 Juli 2022 8:37
Lokasi seberang persis Iga Bakar si Jangkung, karena antrian di Iga sadis sampe 1.5 jam akhirnya mampirlah ke sini buat ngabisin waktu.

Ga makan di tempat sih, cuman mampir ke bakerynya bawa pulang bbrp roti.

Roti sehat nih, aku beli cinnamon roll bread, kayaknya pake gandum utuh adonannya enak dan ngeyangin.

Beli kari tuna puff pastry, kurang doyan sih aku.

Next mo coba menu lainnya lagi.
04 Juli 2022 5:47
Pesen pake gojek.sampe setengah jam buat roasted beef sandwich itu dr sebelum gojek nya dteng.psenan udah d terima.tp baru d buat nya pas gojek nya dteng.udah dtggu sm babang gojek nya smpe setengah jam belum jadi jg.ngalah ngalahin buat tumpeng lamanya.pas d tnya ke bang gojek nya “antri or engga kah? ” Then he’s replying “ga ngantri sih mba.tp disini emg buat sandwich nya lama” why takes so long? Ridiculous.
30 Mei 2022 21:32
Salah satu toko roti artisan yg paling rame di Bandung.

Menyediakan aneka roti, cake, kue kering berbahan pilihan dan alami. Agak pricey memang, tapi apa yg kita dapat worth the price.

Favorite semua orang adalah sandwichnya.

Sayang tempatnya kurang luas, jd sering antri untuk dine in terutama pada saat weekend.
23 Mei 2022 22:53
Rasa makanan dan minumannya enak, untuk harga menengah keatas, tapi worth karena menggunakan bahan premium.
07 Mei 2022 5:29
Nice.gratzz.cuman si ibu tukang parkirnya ngga sopan banget.didik ke konsumen spy lebih menghargai.ke driver ojol suka teriak2 / bentak2 ngga sopan.
19 April 2020 22:39
Sandwich enak, ragam roti juga udah banyak dikenal sejak lama. Tempat yang nyaman untuk sarapan.

Tinggal tambahin kopi enak, lengkap deh.
19 April 2020 4:57
Pelayanan jelek, pas saya pesan bilangnya menu ready pas udah nunggu setengah jaman baru di kabarin menunya gk ready. Mohon di perbaiki
11 April 2020 23:08
Toko roti terbaik dan terenak di Bandung, meski tempatnya ga begitu besar, tapi menu dan jenis roti yang disajikan sangat berkelas, saya tidak menyesal datang ke sini hari terakhir saya berlibur di Bandung, sangat berkesan. Terutama Macaroon dan Sandwich nya, saya merekomendasikan itu.
06 April 2020 14:36
Mom's Artisan Bakery adalah salah satu resto yang berada di daerah jajaran resto di Jalan Progo Bandung daerah jalan Riau. Resto ini sudah cukup lama berdiri dan cukup ramai. Banyak pengunjung yang menginginkan makanan sehat yang juga merupakan tagline dari resto ini. Menu menu yang disajikan merupakan menu dari bahan alami dan baik.
02 April 2020 20:01
I order Croissants chicken Bake sandwich with olive cheese dressing! I really like it! I also order mango tea. I recommend this place when you go to lunch in Bandung
27 Maret 2020 3:17
Great Food they really know their stuff. All made to order sandwich dishes are great, the on the shelf pastries and sandwiches are also very good
23 Maret 2020 20:16
Love this place! It has really good sandwich, great coffee, nd delicious pastries and cakes! You can also buy healthy snack here, including multigrain bread and pita chips. The price is ok, not too cheap but still affordable.
16 Maret 2020 16:26
Tempatnya kecil, terletak di tengah-tengah jalan Progo. Semua rotinya dibuat dengan gandum. Roll cinnamon rasanya mantap, enak sekali dan harganya oke.sedangkan walnut bunnya agak basah, walnutnya hanya sedikit hampir ga kerasa dan harganya 2x lipat lebih dari yang biasa - terlalu mahal menurutku.
15 Februari 2020 17:09
Good food! Selalu datang ke sini kalau pas nginap di Bandung.
Saran saja, supaya untuk pembayaran di perluas bisa terima kartu kredit juga, sebab harga juga kan tidak murah, dan biasanya kalau datang sekeluarga, lumayan juga total harganya, kalau bisa pakai kartu kredit lebih baik lagi.
03 Januari 2020 13:21
Really nice place to have lunch. Friendly and English speaking staff. Good vegetarian options available
19 Desember 2019 16:56
Rotinya enak bangeeeeeett.healthy food
Pelayanan yang ramah dan cepat
Mungkin kalo untuk meet up gak cocok sih karena ruangan yang tidak besar, jadi lebih nyaman take away ya
12 Desember 2019 20:06
I think the food was actually really quite good. Pita bread was homemade and sauces were too. Veggies were fresh. I loved the falafel. But the system of ordering and paying is very unclear, and no one working there is doing much to help or seems to care.

Plus, I ordered the spinach quiche, and, since it was cold, asked for it to be heated up. They refused, citing "racun". While I am familiar with this theory of reheating spinach, it doesn't make sense to me because people are allowed to smoke right next to me where I'm eating. So I won't get poisoning from my spinach, just from second-hand smoke. Mosquitos are a problem too.
04 Desember 2019 9:44
Provide healthy bread & bakery. We always buy 70% wheat bread & pan de chocolate is our favourite.

They also serve sandwich, you can choose your own bread (croissant, pita bread, ciabatta, etc). With chicken or beef as topping and some vegetables as per your request. Don't forget to choose the dressing. Taste so good.

It's always crowded, full of people, the parking area & dine in area is a bit small, especially on the weekend. So please be prepared.
24 Oktober 2019 3:33
Karena harapan untuk subway tak kunjung datang/hadir di bandung jadi kesini aja

- bisa customised sehingga terasa lebih personal
- bahan baku yang digunakan berkualitas tinggi dan fresh
- cake nya juga enak

- tempat yang cramped

memang harganya tidak untuk semua orang tapi apa yg kita bayar worth dengan yang di sajikan, parkiran cukup terbatas namun tempat duduk yang sangat2 terbatas jadi seolah2 tidak ada privacy tapi kesegaran dan rasanya menghilangkan segala kekurangannya. WAJIB COBA
21 Oktober 2019 19:06
A small artisan bakery that will serve you choices of mostly healthy type of bread.chiabata, sourdough, multi seed, wholewheat bread.

No worries they also have cupcakes, cinnamon roll (with lemon flavor cheese cream on top) worth the price of 18rb and this is their best seller item. For me since its healthier choice of cinnamon roll so the texture a bit chewy for me but it taste good.

They also have sandwiches, they have create your own like subway style.choose your bread, protein and veggies close with sauces.

If you are lazy to think you can also try their signature sandwich.

They serve beverage such as coffee tea juices what i love was the juice booster.serve in a small size that should be equal to lots of fruits since its pressed style juice.

Price for bread start from 10-50rb and sandwich start from 50rb

Place is small without ac and quiet pack enough though i came in the afternoon. Sit inside so you can smell the aroma of oven baked bread.

Probably add tiny air con wont hurt in the afternoon.

Located on progo opposite of Sejiwa Coffee parking here are limited.take away are available and they accept debit and credit card aside from cash.
19 Oktober 2019 17:41
Perfect place to get the best healthy sandwich in town.
Ordered their roast beef with olive cheese and caesar for the dressing.
Taste so good.
Will come back to try their coffee
27 September 2019 7:24
Minggu Pagi ke sini sama anak2.udah penuh banget sama pengunjung, secara tempatnya juga sempit kali yaa.nyobain makanan sehat.roti gandum sama keripik yg ada chia seednya rasanya enak.anak2 beli sandwich n kopi cappucino, waktu ditanya enak gak, si kecil bilang nggak.he he.memang bukan makanan anak kecil kali yaa.kalo kubilang sih enak banget n sehat tentunya.kalo harga pastinya di atas rata2 lah, namanya juga makanan organik tanpa pengawet.ada harga ada rupa.
29 Agustus 2019 3:12
The food are delicious. The coffee is nice. The place is a bit too cramped with limited seating. There is no waiting line, so new comers have to “fight” for their seats. Otherwise I will give 5 stars
16 Agustus 2019 12:42
To be honest of all the bakery in this town, mom's is the best. Especially, when you are looking for a decent and healthy breakfast during your vacation. Even though the parking space is limited, the parking lady always finds a spot for your car.
30 Mei 2019 18:08
Tempat jual sandwich dan roti dasar terbaik di Bandung. Roti dasarnya sangat beragam dan langka, mulai dari Chiabata, Sourdough, Sourdough Multigrain, dll. Isian sandwichnya pun sangat beragam dan menyehatkan, mulai dari selada, tomat kering, telor rebus, buah zaitun, dll. Dressingnya juga banyak pilihan, mulai dari mayonaise, thousand island, thai peanut, dll. Bener2 surga buat para pecinta sandwich
06 Mei 2019 4:57
Healthy food in a right ambiance. For sandwich and salad we ordered, there are varieties of bread, meat, dressing to choose from.with additional topping such as avocado, cranberry, etc. Strongly recommended.
20 April 2019 17:26
The best cream cheese ive ever taste.
Cinnamon roll with creamcheese and carrot cake are delicious.
Their sandwiches are mouthwatering. Def will come back everytime i go to Bandung. The best sourdough in town
14 April 2019 9:31
A place for healthy bread, sandwich and salad. You can make your own salad and sandwich with your own choices of types of bread, vegetables, and meat and they also have their menu of sandwiches. They’re all delicious.
They bake the bread fresh everyday and the healthy choices of whole wheat are everyone’s favorite. The place is usually packed in the morning, so it is hard sometimes to find a table, especially if you’re with a large group. But that’s precisely what makes the place homy.
The service is friendly. The price is a bit on the high range but it’s worth it.
The place is relatively small but if you come early you can usually find a table.
21 Maret 2019 22:51
Cozy and nice for Breakfast. Best sandwich in town. Must Try! Almost everything is deliciosoo.have to try the mini cupcakes too.
26 Januari 2019 5:55
Best sandwich ive ever had in this town! You can make your own sandwich. The place is quite small, but great place overall.

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