07 Maret 2022 23:54
Nice & cozy coffee shop with a delicious dish! They offer a wide range of menu, outdoor/indoor space, and an indoor garden, the waiters are really nice. We ask him to take a picture, and he initiative to take landscape/potrait picture and a boomerang! Very recommended!
21 Desember 2021 5:02
Love the food. Love the ambience.
Tempatnya dari luar keliatan kecil tapi luas di belakang dan ada tamannya. Banyak pilihan menu jadi cocok buat semua selera. Must try their cheese croissant
Pelayanannya ramah dan cepat. Overall, I highly recommend this place to those who wants to chill and relax with good food at Bandung
08 Desember 2021 22:46
Everything is aesthetically appealing. Good taste & nice atmosphere.
I highly recommend this place.

Cozy feel. Semi outdoor setting. Open space layout.
Simple wooden table and chair. Beautiful garden.

They have huge menu. In the food section, they have pastry, pasta, rice, steak, burger, and even kids menu. You will be tempted with their breakfast choices. Very tempting.

For beverages, they have coffee, artisan tea, and milkshake.

Best visited for enjoying your time alone, searching inspiration, contemplating.
Because this place gives suitable atmosphere for it. It also usually quiet and not crowded.
13 November 2021 14:53
Parkiran ok, tempatnya nyaman, makanan ok lah, sama dg cafe2.belum Nemu yg spesialnya. Tapi ya asik buat berame2 nyantai, ngobrol karena interior di lantai dasar cukup luas dan leluasa.
11 November 2021 19:51
Love this place. Delicious food. Lots of variations. Confusing me how to choose. And hot chocolate hmmmm. Definitely my favorite
07 November 2021 22:56
Legendary Coffee Shop in Bandung! Super cozy place to work and hang out. Coffee quality stays great!
27 Oktober 2021 0:38
Tempatnya nyaman semi outdoor dan ada yg indoor juga. Ada 2 lantai. Menunya banyak banget dan harganya juga masih bersahabat dikantong. Sekali coba langsung jatuh cinta sama hokkaido greenteanya!
24 Oktober 2021 5:53
Tempat nya nyaman banget, untuk makanan juga enak.kalau ke morning selalu beli madu pahit nya karna bagus banget madu nya
19 Oktober 2021 13:30
American breakfast.cafe kecil tetapi belakangnya besar.dgn udara terbuka.cocok buat makan dan minum beberapa orang
08 Oktober 2021 1:05
Dari luar, terkesan kecil.tapi ketika masuk, ternyata tempatnya sangat nyaman dan luas.cocok utk nongkrong bareng teman, keluarga, dan colega

harganya sedang, pelayanannya ramah.lokasinya juga cukup strategis.
16 Desember 2020 16:57
Cocok untuk kumpul2 doang. Kalau untuk nugas atau kerja atau meeting kurang karena disini space nya terbuka gt dan banyaknya sofa2 buka meja kursi kerja gtu dan ga ada wifi: (sayang bgt sih.
19 Mei 2020 12:22
Tempat enak buat santai, nugas atau nongkrong. Tapi, kenapa banyak tikus got item besar di pinggir halaman nya, sudah 2 kali saya kesana tapi masih terus liat tikus got. Jadinya agak jiji + takut buat lama lama nongkrong disana.
13 Mei 2020 10:40
First impression B ajah.vibe & ambiance
seperti cafe pada umumnya.memang ada area semi-outdoor tapi tidak begitu impressive
pilihan pasangan kursi & meja sepertinya kurang tepat utk yg kerja, karna kursi terlalu pendek (tidak ergonomis), sofanya juga kurang nyaman (personal preference), there's just something lacking in the semi-outdoor area.doesn't look very clean (mungkin karena pilihan warna keramik & lampu)

banyak variasi, mulai dari menu breakfast sampai dinner, makanan pembuka sampai main course.service
the waiter is responsive and polite, sadly the advertised WiFi is NOT WORKING at all.i have tried using mobile internet, the signal is overall weak might be because of the location, e and my friend are using different provider but we experience the same problem, in internet connection, and this is fatal mistake from the customer point of view especially worker & college students.second visit? Maybe.
22 April 2020 2:55
A very good option to get a nice cup or coffee. The space is also very comfortable, there are 2 or 3 tables indoor and a few more in a semi outdoor backyard space. Their services are also great, even on Sundays when they're most packed.

I can't really say their prices are low, but certainly there are a lot of coffee shops with higher prices. On a busy day, when you need something to cheer you up so bad, their coffee is worth the money.
18 April 2020 17:05
Tempat nya asik, nyaman, bikin enjoy, masakan nya cukup enak dan harga nya juga bersahabat.cocok buat ngopi-ngopi dan nongkrong.
07 April 2020 2:53
Nice & cozy coffee shop with an "indoor" garden.
Have many option for drinks and meals, coffee or non coffee.
Perfect for doing your homework, working or just hang out. Polite staffs. Will coming back again.
Located at setrasari mall complex.
24 Maret 2020 1:04
Good place to enjoy the moment with your friends while eat good food & drink good coffee.

The product, coffee beans roast by their self with the giant things (but i dont the name lol) and the taste of that is very great.
I have special things to Morning Glory Coffee in the past that bring MG Coffee always in my heart & come again to this place.

Worth to try to you, who loves good coffee & good food with great ambient in Bandung Area. Easy to access with the toll from outside Bandung.
21 Maret 2020 20:10
Tempat yang cozy dengan pelbagai pilihan menu makanan dan minuman yang akan memanjakan perut anda. Lahan parkir sangat terbatas, jadi mungkin harus jelly mencari tempat yang kosong. Bisa menerima pembayaran non tunai, Go-Pay dan OVO dengan segala promonya.
17 Maret 2020 11:07
The ambience inside Morning Glory is really beautiful, but there are some issues. The place was quite humid with bats and the largest rat I’ve ever seen running past my feet.

The menu is large and extensive, with affordable prices.

Took quite a long time for our party of 6 orders to be taken, but not a huge deal.

Food was okay.
08 Maret 2020 3:08
Tempatnya super cozzy dan hommy bikin betaah cuman kalo bisa tambah AC yaa biar lebih mager hehe
06 Maret 2020 13:43
Suasana cafenya cukup nyaman. Citarasa masakannya lezat, enak. Staff nya cukup ramah dan sopan, kecuali kasirnya. Karena keluhan saya sudah ditanggapi dengan cepat oleh pihak management Morning Glory, saya jadi semakin suka dengan cafe ini. Pasti akan kemari lagi. Terima kasih banyak.
05 Maret 2020 22:46
The place is great for dining alone or with your family. They serve breakfast pack of coffee and croissant for 3xxxx idr. And they do have a lot of different items on their menu. Personally i love their healthy juice.
24 Januari 2020 17:29
Dari depan seperti ruko tapi ada outdoor di belakang. Harga sangat terjangkau, makan rame rame agak kaget karena harga cukup murah. Sayang pas mau take away mesin kopinya lagi dibenerin atau gimana gitu, jd ga bisa take away.
04 Januari 2020 14:12
Despite its cosy settings and fancy coffee grinder displayed on its front, I can’t really suggest you to visit here. The food are good yes, the price is quite okay. But they took too long for making the order.
11 Desember 2019 17:33
Tempat ngopi di Setra Sari yang sangat nyaman. Kopinya banyak pilihan sehingga anda bisa merasakan berbagai jenis racikan kopi untuk dinikmati sore, siang, atau pagi hari.
Cocok untuk menikmati obrolan bersama teman. Diskusi yang santai ditemani kopi enak adalah paduan baik di Morning Glory Coffee Bandung.
Tempat yang strategis dan aman. Setiap kali ke sini, saya selalu membawa teman untuk diskusi santai. Ini tempat asyik di Kota Bandung.
Datang dan nikmati kopi, keramahan pelayan, obrolan yang sehat, dan hati yang sehat. Pulang dengan bahagia lalu bikin cerita.
03 Desember 2019 7:54
Tempat lumayan ok. Luas. Ada outdoor nya di belakang.
Harga makanan dan minuman tidak mahal (standar cafe). Hanya saja pelayanan saat saya ke sana sore itu, lumayan lama.
29 Oktober 2019 16:32
The coffee is good and breakfast sandwich menu like mashed avocado on top of brown bread which is well gsrnished with pumpkin seed makes perfect combination. The price is fair and the ambience is good.
Location being slightly away from the noisy and dusty main road makes this a perfect place for relaxation.
05 Oktober 2019 2:07
Tempat cukup nyaman untuk hang out, ada ruang terpisah untuk smoking/non smoking. Menu makanan/minuman relatif banyak variasi dari menu western hingga menu Indonesia. Harga cukup terjangkau. Rasa jaminan mutu. Nasi goreng mawut, cheese croissant dan espresso browniesnya enak. Minuman kopi dan healthy juice-nya mantap. Pelayanan cukup cepat dan ramah. Recommended!
11 Agustus 2019 5:54
Tempatnya nyaman, cocok untuk bersantai atau untuk meeting dengan kolega. Menu pilihan makanan dan minuman cukup lengkap dan pelayanan ramah. Harga wajar
31 Maret 2019 20:42
The decor is really nice and cozy. The food was really great at a reasonable price. Good place to chill
02 Maret 2019 23:31
Tempat enak asik hanya saja yg no smoking area panas.karena pintu dibiarkan terbuka.
Nyobain ice caramel machiato yg recommended ternyata so so.
Nyobain toast set-ny yg choco cheese.lumayan.
Untuk harga lil bit pricey.
25 Februari 2019 21:34
Tempatnya nyaman, bagus, cocok untuk yg suka ngopi tanpa keramaian. Tempatnya sunyi tapi cozy.
Untuk harga, cukup terjangkau namun taxnya cukup tinggi.
Pelayannya ramah, dan tanggap. Sayang saja pesanan saya ada yg tidak datang satu.
Tapi overall recommend untuk nongkrong bareng maupun nugas pake laptop.
21 Januari 2019 21:01
This café ambiance is really unique and it's such a nice place to relax by enjoying its coffee or tea, and this place has a great wifi service.

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