14 November 2023 9:56
Good concept, cozy room, breakfast juga lumayan variatif, service oke bgt resepsionis fast respond, cuma di beberapa interiornya not short people friendly wkwkwk kaca kamar mandi cuma keliatan sejidat temen saya.terus shower nya agak bingung buat switch dari air dingin ke air panas
30 Oktober 2023 2:00
Pertama kalinya nginap disini, fresh bgt. Beda dari yg lain. Cozy banget suasananya jg oke banget. Deket kemana-mana. Servis oke, front officernya (mbak shelly) juga ramah parah sih, makasih pelayananannya.recomended!
27 Oktober 2023 7:19
Salah satu tempat singgah di Bandung yang Worth It karena ditengah kota, dekat kemana mana.
23 Oktober 2023 20:56
I stay just for a night during business trip. The room is quite small. But overall comfy and quiet. The place near kartika sari and some coffee shop and resto. All in Walking distance.
12 Oktober 2023 7:51
Hotel ini keren. Industrial style, kekinian. Simpel, tapi oke. Kamar oke, makanan oke, ada juga dispenser panas dingin di ruang setrika. Lokasi juga mantap banget, di tengah kota dekat ITB, Unisba.
05 Oktober 2023 2:06
Lokasi Bagus ada di tengah kota, sangat strategis di jalan besar.interior kamar bagus dibuat bright fun gitu. Kamar mandi so clean. Nyaman dah
Semoga pelayanannya dan kamarnya terus dipertahankan
05 Oktober 2023 0:10
Good service and nice ambience bersih, nyaman, aesthetic! Makanannya enak enakk! Lengkappp ada room untuk setrikanya juga jadi aman buat para traveler!
26 Agustus 2023 20:09
I would not recommend this hotel for family staycation, specialy if you have childern under 5 years old, their rooms is so small with their nonsense twinbed. Also i have to argue with the reception for the non smoking room, whereas my wife have given note for non smoking room.
25 Agustus 2023 3:28
Hotel di tengah kota tepatnya dikawasan Dago yang konsepnya urban minimali.anak muda banget!
Nyobain bikin acara disini, minta yg rooftop.lumayan lah.cuma rata2 nuansa interiornya gelap ya.hitam, abu, ungu, begitulah.
Acara di room yang bisa muat sampe 50 orang, sekeliling kaca, untung g panas.
Untuk makanan oke lah walau g yg uwow sih.kemaren hidangannya milih yang ala western.jadi ada pasta, katsu, streganof beef, dll.buat pasta nya masih keras, mungkin kondisi aldente begitu yah.tapi jd seret.wkwkkw
Untuk snacknya, browniesnya agak kering yah.untuk area teras, bagus buat foto2 asal sore ke malem.kalau siang mah panas pisan.
Toiletnya bersih dan cukup luas.lift tersedia bbrp unit.
Interior lobby juga cerah ceria khas anak muda.
Lokasi mudah ditemukan, sekitarnya juga banyak tempat makan.
Rekomen lah buat nginep nya anak muda.
21 Agustus 2023 8:23
Staycation yg comfort, best service, price pas dikantong, tempat strategis, pokoknya rekomen place buat kalian yg lg healing ke bandung, worth it, wajib cobain.
25 Juli 2019 16:48
Poor, because the staffs are unfriendly. Not like the conment below.
I choose moxy from rating/review buat it dissapointed me.
16 Juli 2019 5:19
Bingung mau komentar apa.pokoknya top dech.letaknya strategis, proses chek in cepat, staffnya ramah2.design nya ajib banget.
14 Juli 2019 12:53
Nyaman kamarnya, tp untuk harga sedikit kemahalan dengan fasilitas yg ada. But, overall im enjoying stay in here. Aksesnya mudah dijangkau
07 Juli 2019 14:43
This hotel located at premium location Dago, easy to access. Room facility snd cleanliness are good except for room size to small. Outstanding staff service from security officer who helped me to find basic need at grocery shop, well done! Definitely will come back to this hotel.
02 Juli 2019 0:49
Located at Dago intersection, hotel is very edgy and somewhat minimalism. Room is on point with all the necessities, be sure to check out the rooftop if you’re staying there.

Didn’t order breakfast as we want to explore the city, only thing we wasted was their refreshment drinks upon check-in:) Staffs are all friendly and helpful.
28 Juni 2019 3:19
Hotelnya lucu banget. Anak muda banget gayanya. Banyak spot yang anak jaman sekarang banget. Kamarnya juga enak. Pokoknya retro gitu deh. Permalamnya aku dapet harga Rp570.000/malam. Sarapannya juga enak. Ada sky loungenya juga. Pokoknya oke
27 Juni 2019 18:27
Konsepnya amat sangat untuk anak gaul. Kemarin ke sana krn ada seminar parenting, pas masuk lobby jadi berasa aneh sendiri
22 Juni 2019 17:45
Food are just good but something is missing ️. They provide board games that i never see in real life.hahaha.love the concept.on roof top, you can take a picture on the floor from glasses
17 Juni 2019 4:29
Well designated hotel with a very good service.
The hotel location is very good. They located in central of Bandung. So it will very good for city traveler. Cheap price as well.
As the hotel were managed by Marriot, the service still very good even they come with budget hotel.
The room design were so nice and artistic. It is come like Art Deco.
The breakfast also come with a delicious porridge, meat and vegetable.
For Indomie lover, the hotel also prepare different type of Indomie on the restaurant.
12 Juni 2019 17:35
Saat kesini saya hanya ke ruangan meeting room nya yaitu emerald lantai 2
Untuk ruang sholat sepertinya memanfaatkan ruangan kosong. Untuk tempat wudhu nya di luar dan airnya menggenang
Semoga bisa diperbaiki ya
Keseluruhan oke
11 Juni 2019 17:30
First time here. Thanks for the upgrade for Marriot Bonvoy Titanium member. Cozy. But just a short stay.

First time stay in Marriot Bonvoy 3 star hotel.
10 Juni 2019 11:08
Mampir utk ngopi di Grind Joe yang lokasinya ada di dekat lobby area Moxy Hotel, kopi yang disajikan enak dan berkualitas
30 Mei 2019 3:20
Hotel moxy bandung terletak di tengah2 kota bandung ini menyajikan konsep design kamar yang sangat unik membuat kita betah. Di lobby menjumpai coffee shop
17 Mei 2019 18:40
Ini ada di Jl. Ir. H. Juanda No. 69, Tamansari, Bandung Wetan, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40116
tempatnya nyaman dan bar gitu, dan.disini juga ada beberapa spot untuk foto biar jadi instagramable gitu kan pokoknya wajib kesini deh karena bagus banget apalagi kalau malem diiringi alunan musik yang ada dj nya
08 Mei 2019 8:34
Interior nya ok banget, fasilitas di lobby juga keren. Ada bilyar, dart atau mau sekedar hangout. Very recommended
05 Mei 2019 11:56
Salah satu hotel kekinian di Kota Bandung. Desainnya di luar kebiasaan hotel. Interiornya hommy banget, meskipun kamarnya terkesan minimalis (kalo ga mau disebut sempit), menu paginya lengkap dan rasanya nikmat. Resepsionis hotel dan round tabel cafe menyatu, kadang bikin bingung pengunjung hotel
03 Mei 2019 2:17
Roof top di hotel ini cozy banget, banyak spot bagus untuk lihat pemandangan Kota Bandung dari ketinggian
15 April 2019 19:51
Lokasi super strategis, di lantai atas ada venue gig kecil yg kebetulan ada ktika saya stay, kamarnya kecil namun efisien dengan interior2 yg bisa dilipat, lantainya nyaman menggunakan panel dr kayu-veneer. Favorit
06 April 2019 2:00
A unique experience to stay there, it was excited, you'll love their concept, and don't forget to have your instant noodle breakfast
24 Februari 2019 20:21
Such a fun hotel to stay in! Easy to find, check-in was very easy, the staffs are friendly and very helpful, and the location is very strategic to restaurants, coffee shops, and main tourist attractions.

The room was good size for couple and families with big shower, big bed, and a bean bag. Decoration was fun and useful, they hang a table and chair on the wall, which you can just take off the wall and use.

They also have a spacious rooftop with a glass platform that you can walk on and see through to the street below. In the lobby you can play billiard and other fun games!

Breakfast was good, not too many options but the complete basic breakfast range is available such as tea, coffee, fresh fruit, salad, cereal, bread, pastries, rice, porridge, and you can also order eggs cooked to your liking from the kitchen. Plus point: they have a huge range of Indomie (the most famous and the yummiest Indonesian instant noodle), you can ask the kitchen staffs to cook for you (and add egg if you want!)
20 Januari 2019 12:32
Nyesel banget baru ke tempat se cozy ini hari ini. Kenapa ngga dari dulu awal2 ada cobaaaa
Parkiran di sini emang ngga terlalu gede, tapi gampang banget dapet parkirnya. Interior ruangan sama kamarnya kerenn, dan terutama rooftop nya sih yang paling keren.
Ada spot instagramable yang lantai kacanya tembus pandang gitu ke bawah. Pingin banget photo di sana tapi si akuh terlalu cupu buat ngeberaniin diri nginjek lantai kacanya (read: takut nginjek lantai kaca).
Yang pasti, moxy bakal jadi opsi papan atas buat nongki bareng temen2
07 Desember 2018 1:02
Stayed with friends 28-30 Nov 18
Love the hangers, there are 17 of them to hang chlothes and other stuffs u need to hang
There are room with ironing apparatus and water dispenser is a nice touch
Room size quite OK
We paid rp 580.000 (about usd 42) for 1 night
Helpful and friendly staff
Dislike: windows with sealed glass can not be openned, we stayed in smoking room
Electricity went out several times (5 times) in the morning around 8 a.m
Each for around 1 minute
Will come back again when we visit Bandung again
Nice location
18 November 2018 2:25
Absolutely loved my stay here. The very hip and fun decor gives the hotel a lively vibe. Their staff of extremely hospitable and professional. I would recommend this hotel again and again. What a bonus that the hotel is so affordable.
24 Oktober 2018 17:52
Baru banget stay di sini, lokasinya strategis bgt dapet kamar di 603 itu viewnya enakeun. Sarapannya lucu karena nyediain indomie (tau aja kaum milenial suka mie instant, hahaha) tp ttp ada varian menu kyk bubur ayam, salad, sandwich, cereals, jus, kopi, oke kok.harus banget ke rooftopnya buat sensasi dinner krna ada live music dan nyobain berdiri di balkon yg lantainya transparan dari kaca, ngeri2 keren! Interior designnya jg serba ungu dan industrial look gitu, oke kok!
23 Oktober 2018 0:19
- Proses checkin kurang smooth, alasannya karena hotel lagi rame ‍️ Staff kurang ramah dan ngga informatif. It gets really crowded on the weekend too, so if you're looking for a calm, chill Bandung experience, avoid staying here.

+ Kamar lumayan luas dan konseptual, cocok buat yang suka foto-foto.
09 Oktober 2018 3:39
Fyi gaiiiis jadi disini tuh bukan hanya hotel saja, ada juga cafe yang open publik, di rooftop lantai 10 sama di lobby bawahnya ada cafe yang cociks banget buat kongkow bareng temen, pacar atau pun mantan
Tinggal pilih saja nuansanya mau yang rooftop ngopi sambil liat view kota Bandung atau di bawah ngopi sambil main karena disana banyak permainan yang sudah disiapkan ada congklak, uno ataupun biliar. Serruuu
04 Oktober 2018 19:47
Great place to stay, very very instagramable, great service, cozy room, the list goes on and on and on about the good stuff here.

Tulis Ulasan

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