09 Oktober 2023 10:44
Cute little cafe in Bogor. It's not a particularly big cafe, but it is composed of three small floors. The first is where you order food, and it has tables to sit at as well. The second has books, tables, and seems like more of a place to study. The third has an open air porch, and was where we watched live music.

I had the lemon tea and liked it a lot. But what was coolest about this cafe is that it seems to be actively a part of the music scene in Bogor. The owner invited a circus/ragtime/bluegrass band from Jakarta area to perform. In exchange for the free performance, the emcee encouraged customers to order food and drinks during the show. It seemed to be a mutually compatible relationship.

The show was very lively and fun, with a lot of engagement between the band and the audience. They set up rugs to sit on in front of the band, as well as chairs on the sides.

Overall, would recommend this restaurant/cafe for sure. I liked what I tried of their menu, and I loved the collaboration with the band. I think the only thing I didn't like was the smoking, but that's probably because I'm an American; it's not at all unusual for Indonesia.
18 Mei 2023 11:00
Selain makanan sehat, rasanya juga enak, pelayanannya juga baik, harganya terjangkau, paling recomen itu smoothies dan lemon madunya.rasanya top bgt.
03 April 2023 12:50
Cafe yg nyaman, tempatnya agak nyempil ya diantara banyaknya kafe dan resto di Jl Pandu raya, tp parkirannya cukup untuk 2 mobil dan beberapa motor.waktu kesini pas ga rame, ada piliah tempat duduk di lantai 1 dan 2.
Ada pilihan minuman copi dan non kopi, serta beberapa makanan cemal cemil yg cocok buat temen ngobrol atau kerja disini.
Kopinya OK, dan yg cukup mengejutkan adalah Tortilanya. HARUS DiCOBA! Enak banget!
04 Agustus 2022 22:15
Makan sehat dengan harga murah cuma 40k dan mendaptkan smoothies sebanyak itu!

Recommended smoothies adalah tropican karena rasanya yang asam dan segar. Ditambah meminum jeruk plus jahe hangat menjadi lebih sehat hidup kita

Selain menjual smoothies, Nutrisi juga menjual makanan sehat lainnya dengan menggunakan nasi merah ataupun ayam yang hanya dipanggang?
17 Juli 2022 19:04
Tempatnya cocok buat nugas ato sekedar nongkrong aja dan misal nunggu/ngabisin waktu. Ada satu spot favorit aku di lt 2 yg deket jendela, karena pemandangan dan vibesnya oke banget, tpi sayangnya cmn bisa dua table disitu. Secara ambience tapi oke banget sih, simple dan cozy. Udah gitu karena tiga lantai, jdi ga banyak ketemu customer lain dan kesannya sepi, enak buat ngobrol/relaxing. Lumayan untuk foto2 estetik pake kamera buat konten. Untuk makanannya sangat bernutrisi, sebagai healthy food cukup recommended, kaya cafe2 di jkt gitu. Aku suka yang chicken wrap, dan memang agak pricy (standar cafe) tapi worth it banget menurut aku. Untuk minuman kemaren pesen turmeric latte. Rasanya jaya kunyit jahe cinnamon madu dan dicampur susu, anget dan cocok banget kalo lagi dingin. Untuk pegawainya cukup ramah juga. Poin plus lain: banyak charger. Sangat recommended sih
25 Juni 2022 1:34
Makanan sehat tapi enaaaak bgt, garagu buat sering kesini lagi. Smoothie Bowl Natural Chocolatenya mantap! Tortila Gulung Ayam & Tortila Gulung Sapinya juga enaak
05 Juni 2022 21:22
Great place to work and hangout. Also have mushola, but the car park so tiny, with the affordable price, it's great to have chill here
13 Mei 2022 14:05
Suasananya tenang, menu mereka menarik banget. Saya suka ownernya mau belajar soal komposisi bahannya ga hanya copy paste dari menu yang udah ada.
04 April 2022 9:01
Quite unique. All of smoothies in this place is very good. Food cost more expensive than coffee because they use organic ingredients on their food. Strongly recommended
01 Februari 2022 18:43
Not gonna lie, this place serve a really delicious food. Its showing the fact that healthy foods can be this tasty. Definitely come again!
15 November 2021 9:07
As the name, this Cafe serves healthy foods such as salad, brown rice, and smoothies. There are 3 levels here, but during the day it might be hot on the 2nd and 3rd floors.
You can count the total calories for your foods and the taste is delicious.
03 November 2021 19:11
Hari ini makan siang di Nutrisi Bogor. Makanannya enak! Beragam opsi makanan sehat yang gak ngebosenin. Buka setiap hari jam 10.00-21.00, pas untuk makan siang atau makan malam. Ada pilihan kopi (dengan susu sapi atau kedelai) juga. Cocok untuk nongkrong atau ngerjain tugas. Free wifi! Ohiya bisa dapet free mineral water juga
24 Oktober 2021 11:16
Makanannya sehat & enak! Juara banget saos-saosnya & susu kopi kedelainya.

Buka setiap hari dari 10.00-21.00 WIB
27 Agustus 2021 14:55
Nutrisi Cafe is one of the “Indie Cafe” located in Bogor. They took healthy foods for their menus and its kinda rare to find “healthy food” cafe in Bogor.

The building is consist of 3 levels. On the first level there’s toilet, the kitchen, and some tables. The theme is kinda bohemian with the touch of Bali and greenie i guess. On the second level, you can see the scenery of the front by the window because they use glasses instead of walls. (You can see it from my picture). And for me, the second level is the best place to do Work From Cafe (or they call it Work From Nutrisi). And for you who likes rooftop, they even have their own rooftop on the 3rd floor. But i guess it will kinda hot if you come around 12-3.

For the menu, i guess its like common healthy cafe. They have smoothie bowls, healthy beverages, and other healthy foods. But trust me, their taste was great! For you who aren’t tolerant with MSG, i recommend this place because i’m pretty sure they dont use MSG om their foods.

I ordered
Tortilla Wrap with Chicken (4/5)
Consist of Grilled Chicken, scrambled eggs, veggies, and if im not mistaken, they use sesame sauce on it. Its good tho!
Although they will serve it with spoon and fork, i guess its best to eat it with your hand because the spoon and fork will ruin the shape of it.

Honey Lemon (4/5)
Lemon based beverage with addition of honey. It was served with a stick of lemongrass. Its kinda refreshing for my body. The sourness of the Lemon is just balance with the sweetness of the honey. Love it.

Overall, their atmosphere is kinda calm, cozy, and comfy if you want to find a peaceful place. Another thing i love about this place is they dont use plastic straw! And yes their vibes really get along with their menus!

Price $$$
Cozyness (3,5/5)
Taste (3,5/5)
05 Agustus 2021 3:27
Gue masih ga percaya makanan sehat bisa bikin nagih. Top banget dah!
Apa lagi di menunya lo bisa ngecek kalori tiap makanannya dan tempatnya se-khas itu emang.
17 Juli 2021 14:34
Asli disini makanan sehat semua.enak banget rasa salad nya.nasi bowl nya.bikin nagih deh.mantap.tempat nya juga enak nyaman keren deh
21 Juni 2021 5:19
Kafe unik tapi sehat. Jujur sih aku (sangat) menyukai "keanehan" kafe ini. Membawa menu pada tema kesehatan, menurutku itu ide yang sangat brilian. Ditambah dekorasi tempatnya juga bagus sehingga suasana yang didapatkan pun juga bagus. Mantap banget sih ini menurutku. Worth to visit
28 April 2021 23:58
Unique place with healthy menu in bogor! Delicious food, affordable price, and great ambience for working as well as chit chatting with friends.recommended!
28 Maret 2021 2:06
Good place for hangout also cozy for work here. If you want some healthy and good food you can choose this place

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