27 Juli 2022 4:56
Your link doesn’t work and your expectation is professionals should leave their work and just keep having conversations with Flipkart customer service the whole day. You check your records and call recordings
12 Maret 2021 13:05
Nyaman, fasilitas ok, internet cepat. Mendadak kerjakan tugas kantor pusat bisa kelar disini dgn tenang.thanks
02 Maret 2021 13:00
VERY GREAT place in the middle of lovely Bandung city. They have spacious parking place (sometimes it is full, but it is already the biggest parking area in this street). All staffs & management serve guests with heart and positive attitude. Thank you for assisting our team here. Overall, O&B building is worth every penny of our rental.
14 September 2019 11:22
Many offices are located in the building. The rent price is around middle to the upper range. There are many restaurants and cafés in the area so you can have many choices if you ever get hungry.
11 Juni 2019 18:24
Office & Beyond building is a place where many tenats have their offices. There are many varieties of businesses in one not-so-big but comfortable building, from organic foods, Moslem clothes, until a food place for many youngsters to hang out. There are 3 floors, and on each floor there are several rooms to rent. Both on weekdays and weekends there are many visitors or customers of the tenants coming to this place, but unfortunately there is not enough parking area to hold all of the visitors, customers, and the workers' vehicles. Because it is located near from a junior high school and many restaurants and hotels, so sometimes it becomes really crowded.
06 Januari 2019 11:41
Terdapat ruang seminar di lantai bawah.berkonsep outdoor, dilengkapi proyektor, speaker, kursi tinggi serta meja dan lampu baca.interiornya terkesan minimalis walau space ruangannya sempit.tersedia musholla yang dapat diakses dari ruang seminar atau dari luar arah parkiran motor.musholla berkapasitas 3 orang.hanya saja area parkir cenderung dipaksakan.sebagian space parkir berada tepat di atas sungai / selokan.hati hati saat memegang kunci kendaraan atau gadget Anda, agar tidak jatuh ke sungai di bawahnya.

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