25 Juli 2022 21:58
Desclaimer: ini pesanan take away

Overall makanannya enak dan tasty. Jamur crispynya, garing di luar dan moist di dalam French friesnya enaak dengan taburan bumbu yang pas tidak over, this is my favourite Tahu tepungnya enak, tahunya lembut dan gurih susu, enak. Hanya saja tepungnya jadi sarang minyak Last but not least onion ring, rasanya manis gurih dari onionnya dan lumayan crispy. LagiĀ² too oily dan tidak ada tepung roti buat pelapisnya. Jadi di sebagian besar bagiannya sudah melempem dan tidak crispy lagi

The last point, buat sausnya B aja saus kemasan
09 Juni 2022 0:04
Tempat enak dan nyaman, di tengah kota bandung. Harga dan rasa ya so so, tergantung lidah dan selera masing-masing, but its okay
06 Juni 2022 12:17
The food & beverages are so tasty.the staff were so friendly.good ambience, good vibes, very pleasant, highly recommended.
03 Juni 2022 15:31
Great place with cool vibes to work. The meals are delicious and it's very recommended for those who wants to hang out while working and have good meals:)
07 Maret 2022 8:52
Last visit I ordered Soto Betawi and iced coffee here.
The taste is good.
The price is moderate
Cool place for you to hang out.
Discuss your assignments with your mates while You can dine in.
Bring along your family to have some coffee and typical Indonesian food with various topping.
06 Maret 2022 5:09
Teh nya enak, dan bisa refill

Harga agak mahal, tp tempat cozy dan recommed buat kerja atau meeting

Saya coba juga berry lemonade, enak tp porsinya terlalu sedikit

Platter besarnya rasa lumayan, tp agak kurang besar aja porsinya, buat makanan berat gak ada yang di coba, sama kopinya juga. Karena bukan peminum kopi
25 Februari 2022 22:15
Nyaman, cafe yg sudah buka dari agak pagi dibanding cafe lainnya, dekat kampus, menu tahu tahu nya enak, konsep kafe rumahan
30 Januari 2022 13:55
Mungkin yg masak pgn kawin, kebagian makanan keasinan, tp pasangan saya dpt makanan dengan rasa yg pas. Tempatnya mudah di jangkau, lumayan sepi enak buat meeting, harga agak over price sih.
18 Januari 2022 15:57
Cafenya luas, sound musicnya pas, pilihan menunya cukup banyak dan rasanya ok
smoking area ada di bagian teras dan bagian belakang cafe
18 Januari 2022 10:51
Kopi nya enak
Teh nya enak
Mix platter enak
Omelett lengkap nya enak

Kesini rapat persiapan akhir tahun 2021.
Semoga berjalan lancar
18 Desember 2021 4:58
Tempatnya cozy sangat cozy, harganya mungkin kurang ramah dengan kantong mahasiswa, tpi tempatnya dan pelayanannya 1 tingkat diatas cafe cafe lain.
26 Agustus 2021 3:10
Good place, good ambience. I didn't try the food, I only ordered Iced Americano, nothing special but it's good. I think I'll visit this cafe again if I need a place to work with my laptop because they're generous in providing electric socket.
08 Mei 2020 22:55
Cuaca di tempat ini sangat adem dan sejuk, tempatnya juga nyamabn dan asyik, ada tempat ruangan khusus untuk agenda rapat atau untuk agenda ngumpul, nongkrong santai bersama kerabat/sahabat juga asyik, soal menu cukup variatif, harga, sesuai fasilitas dan pelayanan, cukup workit lah
20 Maret 2020 21:18
I came with my family when this restaurant just open at night, and i must say i really satisfied with the food, services, and locations. Moreover, the owner try to socialize with us which really make us feel welcomed. While i sit, me and my dad are discussing about the possibility that could be revised in the division of places inside the restaurant. We talk about for a newbie restaurant, it takes a nerve to open such a large space, but we hardly see the differences of the function, like for the inside that are supposed to be a hall or events, the middle section that are mostly used for those who could not handle smoke, and finally the outdoor section. But overall, i like the instagrammable food the most
17 Maret 2020 2:58
It's a nice experience to have a lunch in here, the services is good, they're are friendly and help full, and the foods are good too. I really like their beef bowl and laksa. It also became one of our (me and my mom) favorite place for lunch.

My only feedback/complain is the kimchi in beef bowl's menu is too sour and tangy: ( (i like kimchi, but these one is too tangy), also sometimes the coffee's acidity is too strong too. Besides that, everything is good and tasty
25 Februari 2020 0:07
Fancy place to hangout with friends or family! Their food is not that tasty but very goodlooking and well served, also the waiters are so friendly

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