01 November 2023 20:46
Amazing Hotel with the best service I’ve experienced.

We stayed 4 days and everyday only get better and definetly felt like home away from home.

All staffs will ensure you get all you need, from the reception, reataurants to the room.

The breakfast is amazing, afternoon tea is something you dont want to miss. Shout out to Dina, Ola, and everyone who always energetic and lovely to offer us some drinks, food, and table.

Facilities are great, lota of activities to occuppy kids and adult, but if something can be improved, is the soundproofing.

For some reason guests already loud and active since 5 am. Lot’s of happy and sad kids heard both from the pool and the hallway.
31 Oktober 2023 18:02
Hotel paling kids friendly or family friendly. Pemandangannya bagus. Salah satu hotel yg memberikan afternoon tea. Jd kami check in kebetulan ud sore jd langsung diminta utk ke resto utk afternoon tea. Dan barang barang diantar ke kamar setelah kami selesai. Fasilitasnya banyak apalagi utk anak anak. Kami sekeluarga happy menginap di Padma hotel Bandung. Utk menikmati fasilitasnya pun jika ud check out masih bisa, barang barang dititipkan di lobby. Jd bisa mencoba semua fasilitas hotel. Ini hal kecil tapi penting, merk sabunnya yg mana sabun yang kami pakai dirumah sehingga mood kami jd happy terutama saya. Pegawainya sangat ramah. Salah satu hotel terbaik yang pernah kami coba. Sarapannya pilihannya banyak. Sepertinya apa aja ada. Terimakasih untuk complimentary coklat dan bunganya karna kami menginap untuk merayakan wedding anniversary.we were very impressed
27 Oktober 2023 7:45
Amazing service hotel experience.
I cam last sunday with my fam for a staycation there. When you enter the main lobby you re served by a cliff view of trees and silhouete of landscape in a far. While were waiting for the room to be ready we took our kids to the adventure park located at lower 8 level. They do have classes and playground for the kids activity.

The room is super clean and they do gave us a surprise by simply prepare us a plate of welcoming gesture with a greetings on a plate of chocolate cake. And whats make me more impressed is they used the capsule coffe for the room. Not finish there they also prepared for the guest a full personal amenities for the guest.

They do have the warm water pool and also jacuzzi with a view of trees. Its perfect setup for relaxing.

The buffet breakfast is also perfect. I love their selection of sundanese cuisine. Hats off to the chef.

Overall love their quick and nice service. Will be come again for another day.

Thank you padma
26 Oktober 2023 8:35
Phony hospitality designed to rush the guest out as early as possible. The room’s coffee machine didn’t work. Disgusted by condescending attitude of staff. First stayed in 2000 when it was called Chedi, shall not return.
21 Oktober 2023 5:19
Hotel dgn layanan terbaik yg pernah saya dan mama saya kunjungi.

Kami datang dari Jkt merayakan ulang tahun mama. Saya rasa Padma adalah tempat yg paling tepat. Kami berangkat naik kereta dan menyewa motor dari bandung agar lebih cepat jika kuliner dan ke tempat wisata.

Padma dgn ramahnya menyambut kami wlwpn hanya naik motor. Mulai dari security pintu awal masuk dan lobby. Ada 3 org yg sigap membantu kami turun dr motor dan membawa barang2 kami.

Saat check in pun lgs ditawari welcome drink atau bs lgs afternoon tea. Saat tiba dikamar kami terkejut krna kami free upgrade kamar balcony pdhl kami hanya sewa kamar biasa dgn rate yg lebih murah. Kami pun request high floor dan di penuh di lantai 2 (krna lobby paling atas adl lantai 1 lt tertinggi). Terimakasih sudah mengabulkan permintaan kami

Afternoon tea bner2 lengkap dan ambil sepuasnya asal habis ya. Kolam renang bagus semua bersih dan handuk pun ditawarin lg krna petugas liat handuk kami sudah basah (simple tapi bermakna bgt). Breakfast nya pun juara lengkap dan semua enak. Coffee pun bisa pesan coffe latte, capucino atau ekspresso.

Saat bf mama saya dpt kejutan ulang tahun dr tim fnb Padma. Mama saya sangat terkejut dan berkesan sekali.

Playground lengkap dan terawat. Naik flying fox gratis dan semua petugasnya sigap. Tiap wahana ada petugas 2-4 org dan tiap ketemu pasti menyapa selamat pagi bapak ibu.

Terlihat sekali management sangat memuliakan karyawan shg bisa memberikan layanan tulus dan terbaik untuk para tamunya. Kak Dea, Pak Eko dan spesial thanks buat team fnb kaka yg berbehel di video surprise dan semua karyawan padma.

Dear Padma terimakasih sekali atas pelayanannya utk kami. Saya ingin memberitahu kalian semua bahwa hotel ini dgn layanan terbaik kalian harus menginap disini!
09 September 2023 15:16
Fasilitas nya yg bangus, pelayanan nya yg baik, pokoknya pas la untuk tempat beristirahat, dan liburan keluarga
25 Agustus 2023 15:52
Hotel yang sangat memberi kesan baik terhadap pengunjungggg dengan pemandangan yang sangat bagus juga
21 Januari 2019 17:14
Hotel bintang 5 di daerah wisata di Bandung, yang menawarkan suasana alam, dengan sambutan dan pelayanan dari staff yang ramah, fasilitas kelas bintang 5 ini tidak diragukan lagi termasuk mutu dan kualitas makanan yang di masak oleh koki ahli, Padma Hotel Bandung menawarkan konsep hotel yang cukup unik dengan lobby yang berada sejajar dengan jalan, namun jika kita menuju ke kamar, anda akan dibawa turun menggunakan lift karena lokasi kamar ada di bawah, dari kamar view perbukitan juga sangat bagus, ditambah fasilitas outbond di alam terbuka yang dipersiapkan secara profesional oleh Padma Hotel Bandung.
16 Januari 2019 23:31
Hotel yang sangat indah dan nyaman, dilengkapi restoran yang sangat indah, anda bisa sarapan sambil melihat pemandangan pengunungan dan hutan sambil menikmati sarapan dengan menu yang berlimpah.rasa makanan di hotel ini sangat enak sangat cocok di lidah Indonesia, variasi makanannya membuat kira tak ingin berajak dari restoran.semua staf hotel sangat ramah dan membantu para tamu.hotel ini memang layak mendapat bintang 5 plus.harga sebanding dengan kualitas yang diberikan.semoga tetap menjadi hotel yang berkualitas dan ramah terhadap tamu.
10 Januari 2019 9:47
Great hotel with beautiful view.
Good location with great surrounding view of forests and hills. Swimming pool is heated and properly sized with separate children pool and jacuzzi. Hotel now has free outbound and sports facility, and also some animals like rabbit and goose which helps to entertain the whole family. Breakfast is also great with many options from local to international food.
Highly recommended for family because they have so many activities, especially on weekend.
Room price is expensive though, but worthy.
22 Desember 2018 23:24
Would give more stars if it's possible.very satisfied by the services.they gave welcome tea for every guest when check in, free and no need to ask.the room is spacious with complete amenities, hair dryer, ironing, even autimatic cofee machine.bathroom is spacious, and have different room for toilet and bathroom.bathub is spacious also.the view around is breathaking, forrest in the middle of the city.swimming pool is awesome, with different sides for adult and kids pool.kids pool is warm water.they also have a jaccuzi.and the view frok the swimming pool is very beautiful, it's like we are swimming in the forrest.it's very kids friendly, here the children can feed the rabbit, play in playground, play flying fox, play labyrinth, play spider web.so complete and so big.they also have kids menu.breakfast is good and offer various kind of foods.definitely will come back again.keep the good work, padma.thank you for the experience.
13 Desember 2018 21:58
Came for quick escape. Services, rooms, foods, surrounding, facilities are awesome. Will manage to bring more families to enjoy it and spend more times
07 Desember 2018 9:49
Clean room, plenty outdoor activities, beautiful view, nice food, super friendly and well trained staff. All is perfect except the hotel still favours smokers. The restaurant is surrounded by smoking area. Padma pls change that!
04 Desember 2018 10:13
Sangat menyenangkan mengajak liburan keluarga ke hotel padma, staf yg sangat ramah, fasilitas buat liburan anak ok, semua pelayanan sangat memuaskan hanya saja kalau bisa restoran yg terbuka atau area luar dibagi antara yg merokok dan yg tidak karena yg tdk merokok juga berhak menikmati alam terbuka tanpa asap rokok, dan satu lagi diarea kolam renang sudah terpampang dilarang merokok tetapi masih saja ada yg merokok tolong dibuat tempat khusus merokok diarea kolam renang agar mereka yg setelah renang ingin merokok tdk mengganggu yg lain, terima kasih hotel padma rasanya tidak cukup 1 malam untuk menginap di hotel padma, semoga hotel padma menjadi hotel terbaik dibandung
03 Desember 2018 12:12
Hotel bintang 5 yang pelayanan nya sangat ramah, tidak terlalu ketat atau kaku, dari seluruh staff nya baik itu front office, security, pool, Playground, restaurant, gym dll. Dan flexibel untuk liburan keluarga. Sangat cocok untuk membawa keluarga karena Playground yang sangat luas, interaktif, dan banyak activity baik untuk anak atau orang tua yang variatif.
Kebetulan sekali saya tertinggal pakaian renang dan pihak hotel dibantu oleh staff bapak Bobby menyediakan pakaian berikut kacamata renang free. Tersedia untuk wanita juga.
Untuk staff restaurant semua nya sangat ramah dan aktif melayani terutama bapak Albi dan Puja, kami sekeluarga sangat senang dengan mereka. Terima kasih banyak.

Tidak akan kecewa berlibur disini dan pasti ingin kembali.
01 Desember 2018 2:14
Pemandangan hotelnya kerens banget.menyatu dengan alam, ada fasilitas kolam renang yang berasa menyatu sama alam, di lantai bawah hotel.juga ada arena main anak, flying fox dan arena outbound lainnya.ada tempat buat kasih makan kelinci dan kandang burung.
24 November 2018 16:34
My favorite hotel in Bandung! Since hubby is away, I decided to do weekend trip with my grams to Bandung. Very glad that I chose to stay at Padma. The staff was super attentive and helpful. Greeter Edhi helped us with our luggage. Hospitality staff Kiki was super friendly and accommodating. There are many other staffs that I cannot call out one by one. They were all excellent!

The hotel has so many activities lined up that U never get bored. I woke up at 6am and ate a superb brekkie by the hill. At 7am I went for yoga class with Taufiq. At 8am I chilled and read newspaper overlooking the lush greeneries. At 9am I went on hiking in bamboo forest by the hotel. At 10am I fed the cute bunnies, goats, and birds. At 11am was archery lesson and photography session. At 11.30 I took a dip in the pool and enjoyed their 39C warm pool. After shower, I took 5 min walk to have lunch at Miss Bee Providore, a popular restaurant in the neighborhood. After lunch the hotel serve afternoon tea from 3-4.30pm, then it was time for another yoga lesson with Taufiq at 4pm. After yoga, time to chill in the room and read a book in the balcony. How wonderful!

It was such an awesome stay to recharge my energy to get ready for busy work week ahead! Thanks everyone at Hotel Padma!
21 November 2018 7:44
The best getaway from Jakarta. Amazing view, great activities for kids - rabbits, birds, zipline, obstacles course. All service staff are really friendly and attentive too. Just perfect. Really well run all together.
18 November 2018 20:48
Mostly satisfied except for thr noise. I stayed 2nd floor so i had to stand thr noise from restaurant whole night.

However when i complained about that, they made enough compensation for the noise.

So in the end i am good.

If you have a child, this hotel has nice playground for kids. So best option in bandung
15 November 2018 4:56
Mampir kesini buat foto2 dan lunch. Gede hotelnya, suasananya juga asri banget dengan susunan kamar yg liftnya ke bawah hotel ini unik banget sih. Makanannya juga enak2 semua mulai dari barbeque-nya sampe eskrim2nya. Cuma mushollanya aja agak jauh masuk kedalam.
13 November 2018 6:40
Hotel yang keren, view bagus ke segala arah. Sarana bermain yang lengkap, tempat bersih, pelayanan ramah, cocok untuk rekreasi bersama keluarga tanpa harus keluar lagi
12 November 2018 1:00
Romantic dining destination for sure!
Pemandangan open view area menghadap ke hutan yg rindang, suasana tenang dan hening, sejuk, makanan yang nikmat tentunya. Its a pleasure experience.
10 November 2018 23:06
Hotelnya bagus, nyaman, jauh dari kebisingan, ada bberapa permainan anak dan utk dewasa, pokoknya cocok utk menginap brsama keluarga tercinta.the best padma hotel bandung.
10 November 2018 22:43
Hotel Padma Bandung was superb. Staffs were friendly and nice.
There are lot of outdoor activities to enjoy, such as; mini golf, flying fox, climbing, tree voyages, etc.
Swimming pool is warm water.
With the price tag, definetely worth it.
09 November 2018 15:29
Bertema hotel keluarga. Hotel yang cocok untuk menghabiskan waktu liburan bersama keluarga. Sejuk, pemandangan indah, fasilitas lengkap - seperti kolam renang air hangat, Jacuzzi, karaoke, restaurant, gym, outbound, dsb, all in event nya dari pagi sampai malam ada - seperti face painting, angklung, yoga dsb
Kamar menginap bagus dan nyaman, fasilitas juga lengkap.
04 November 2018 13:03
Really nice hotel with fantastic views and surrounded by a forest. The water in the swimming pool is warm, what it is necessary because the temperature is cool. I appreciate a place where it is possible to breathe after being in Jakarta. The staff is very kind and friendly. The room very comfortable and the breakfast buffet outstanding.
27 Oktober 2018 5:34
Keren banget hotelnya.kolam renang hangat dan jangan ketinggalan trackingnya yaa.anak2 bisa bermain mini outbond dan memberi makan kelinci di taman belakang
24 Oktober 2018 8:02
A good hotel. Hotel rooms are clean but showing their age as the new wing was added in 2004. Windows not fitting, scratched floors, walls needing touch up work. Room options are facing a hill or face the valley. Valley views are great but way too many lights on at night and not alot of chance to let in the cool night air. Grounds are nice with an extensive area for smaller children on level 8. Take a look at photos. Breakfast was good and the seating area has good views. You also get a snack in the afternoon as part of your package. They do offer a dinner buffet at 265.000 pp but drinks add to the bill quickly. Food choices had some great tastes but missing more western vegetables. A very good dessert choice! Would i reccomend? Weekend prices are not a good value but midweek is not bad. People with children would like it.
22 Oktober 2018 14:19
Awesome view of the hill and pool from the resto, food taste is so-so compare to other resto which serves the same menu and quite pricey for restaurant standard, the wagyu burger and beef satay were not as tender as expected, until we complained and they replaced it. But when the replacement was arrived, we were full with other meals so we can't eat them all.
19 Oktober 2018 21:36
Padma not the best al around but i do believe this hotel is one of the best 5 star hotel in java island.
Not only we got the scenery but also the true culture of indonesia, kindess, of the staff which is resembled the indonesian habit. Sure we got smile everywhere, every staff eagerly to help us for anything, even for myself, taking and using espresso machine is usual self service but not in padma, they will tell you to wait in the table and served it for you.
Food & breakfast? This is one of the best culinarry experience that i ever had. No joking, we can find a lot of variety of breakfast food here and they taste above your expectation. Indonesian food for breakfast? Thats quite excelent, padang's food, sundanese, jakarta porridge? Try, and taste your beautifull taste of indonesia. Chinesse one? The savory sour and sweet taste blend into a good magnificent taste. Pastry? Please have no doubt for this one, try and feel the calm on your litle growling stomach, sure you will take a lot of bites, no, dont trust me, trust your tounge. Salad and fruit bar? Fresh vegetables and, for me, average dressing, but fruit bar, i hope you will get the surprise like me, one rare fruit that cant be found in overseas, SAWO, its fresh, refreshing and calming your heart, not too sweet but makes your tounge happy. Coffee? Best for foreigner, but it cant fill my thirst of good coffee.
Room, not the best one, i've ever stay in good room such as shilla stay yeoksam seoul and rancamaya hotel bogor indonesia, which is better even though in the same class.
Child playground and the swimming pool, many activites here, feeding rabbit, fishing, mini golf, even yoga.
The conclusion, Just dont stay only one night. You will regret.
17 Oktober 2018 13:07
Hotel yang keren banget, pemandangannya keren, tempatnya bersih, dan paling seneng pegawainya sangat ramah. Mulai dari tim restoran sampai dengan janitor.

Tulis Ulasan

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