16 Juni 2023 19:18
Recommended for dinner. Khao Pad Kung (Nasi Goreng Udang) very recommended menu, and you must try Kung Hom Pa (Lumpia Udang Ala Thai). It's very delicious.if you want to come with a friends or family, I suggest to reserve a place in advance.
18 Mei 2023 17:54
Thai Food di daerah Cikarang dengan harga terjangkau. Rasa cocok untuk lidah Indonesia. Semua kategori menu beef, keempukan dagingnya juara. Waiternya irit ngomong tapi sat set ga perlu nunggu lama dari order sampai makanan datang. Tempat tidak terlalu besar, jadi ada kemungkinan akan waiting list saat datang di jam makan.
20 April 2023 0:37
Langganan dr masih di jln Arteri Kuningan. Dah lah sampai Cikarang pindah tetap di samperin
22 Februari 2023 8:40
I've never been to Thailand so I can't claim its authenticity. But this is the best Thai food that I've ever had. Pretty much everything I tried in my few visits are good, some are just downright exceptional.
26 Desember 2022 11:19
Restoran dengan varian menu Thailand halal. Rasa makanannya enak. Varian menunya pun beragam dari boga bahari hingga ke daging serta sayuran.
14 November 2022 20:25
Went there on Wednesday evening. Gave our order for drinks, apipetisersand main course. Green tea came first, then the steamed rice, which was part of our main course, followed by our starters. Within minutes our main course was served.

I spoke with our waiter and reminded him that I had asked for our main course to be served after the starters, why were they serving all the food together? His response was that their customer preferred for their orders to be served as soon as possible.

I again reminded him of our preference which he was told at the time of the order. He replied that if he did that we would complain of delay in serving the rest of the order.

I asked for the main course to be taken away and kept warm… They took the mains away but left the rice behind. We had gone there for a good evening, so did not make any more fuss.

After our starter we asked for our main course to be served, which they did. We asked for fresh hot rice to replace the cold rice. They refused to do it (menu price IDR 8,000 which is under GBP 50 pence or less than half £ or $ 00.50 cents).

The Brockley and squid dish was stone cold, the steamed fish in sauce was over cooked as the had taken the food away, kept in the kitchen and served when we asked. We tried talking to the waiters, who spoke English when it suited them and switched to Indonesian when it didn’t.
The waiters were incredibly arrogant, didn’t care about customers requirements.

When we asked for the cold to be replaced with hot, all the had to do was give us a portion of hot rice and the cold rice to be put back into the rice steamer.

After the meal we asked to speak with the manager and we’re told it was his day off. Then we asked to speak with the person in charge. We were told that mo one was in charge.

That was one of the worst meal out and it ruined our evening.

I would give them minus stars if the system allowed it. Tonight going to a tried and tested seafood restaurant which has live music, attentive waiters with no mess ups.

Avoid at all costs, unless you are looking for an experience which will leave Failty Towers in the shade!
07 November 2022 22:55
Masyaallah makanannya enak2 sekali.halal.dan mas2nya juga baik. Dimintain foto dengan senang hati membantu. Pokoknya rekomen bgt deh untuk kumpul2 temen atau keluarga.
02 November 2022 8:57
Makananya enak, harga worth it, tempat nyaman dan gak terlalu ramai, reccomended untuk makan bareng temen2 atau keluarga
07 Oktober 2022 19:39
Ayam pandan nya mantap. Menunya lengkap dan cepat tersaji. Paling rekomendasikan: nasi goreng terasi dan nasi goreng nanas, top markotop
21 Juli 2022 12:31
Masakannya enak2 cocok dilidah sy, nasi goreng kepiting 7/10, ayam pandan 8/10, tomyan 8/10, sapi bbq 9/10. Harga standar, service lumayan, tempat bersih.
10 Juli 2022 12:54
Krn nama makanannya susah diingat jadi aku deskripsi aja ya apa yg kami makan malam itu aku dan suami mesen tom yam seafood dan salad asam pedas dgn irisan daging sapi. Tom yamnya terbaik sih kuah asemnya tuh seger banget. Meskipun di tempat lain tom yamnya enak tapi tom yam di resto ini terenak. Sayang aja isinya kurang banyak nah utk saladnya juga ringan tapi seger dan mengenyangkan trs kami juga ada take away nasi goreng ayamnya utk anak kami. Dia bilang juga enak. Tapi thai matchanya kurang pas di lidah kami. Mgk gak biasa dgn minuman teh campur susu/krim bgtu ya trs malam itu lantai bawah rame banget. Hampir penuh malahan. Dan krn rame mmg jadi lama pesanan kmi datangnya. Tapi worth it menunggu krn makanannya emg juarak sukses terus Pat Thai
25 Maret 2020 23:41
Makanannya enk, terutama ikan krapunya. Cocok koq d lidah org indonesia walau makanan thailand.
06 Februari 2020 4:30
The dishes it provides are little different from the original Thai food, but they still taste good with reasonable prices. Thai Ice tea is the item you must try here.
06 November 2019 3:35
Murah, enak, kenyang.klo kecikarang, psti makan dsini.udh bertahun2.tetep rasa dan kualitas nya, enaaaakkk
18 September 2019 0:42
Di Cikarang lippo tempat makan khusus makanan Thailand yah dsni. Jd ga usah ke thailand lg klo mau merasakan nikmatnya Tom Yam Thailand.
26 Juli 2019 2:42
Ini resto thailand enak banget di cikarang, karena bener bener identik banget dengan makanan thailand, rasanya semuanya itu enak enak enak.
. Wajib di coba, untuk harga relatif lah yachhhh

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