28 Juni 2019 9:40
One of the famous coffees shops at Bogor, no wonder it always full even during the weekdays. The location is strategic, barristas are nice and it spacious! The coffee itself is okay and the cakes are great! Unfortunately the internet connection is really slow.
25 Juni 2019 10:25
Everything looks nice here, the food and the place. Konsep kafenya go green, jadi kesannya sejuk. Makanan-makanan kecilnya exceptional. Minumannya lumayan enak. Hari kerja tetap ramai, saya kesana jumat dan sebelum jam 11 sudah ramai. Free wifi. Toilet bersih. Buat yang bawa anak kecil, disediakan gambar dan alat2 untuk mewarnai. Stafnya ramah.
24 Juni 2019 14:22
The drawing paper to color is the highlight of this coffee. The place is not too big but has intimate feeling, a great place to hangout. I ordered cup of coffee and lasagna. I love the coffee but i cannot say the same for the lasagna.
06 Juni 2019 13:45
Tempat singgah dari / mau balik ke Jakarta untuk ngopi dan ngemil dulu.
Banyak kawula muda yang mampir.
27 Mei 2019 19:57
One of good coffeeshop to hangout with your kids. They provide some colouring sheets so you kids can busy with colouring activity and the parents can do their work
26 Mei 2019 1:53
Tempat yang nyaman, punya ciri khas coffee dan rasanya begitu nikmat, pelayanan yang ramah, tukang parkir baik2. Tempat yang diberkati.
20 Mei 2019 18:37
Love the place, the coffee, the cake, the everything inside it. One thing that most of coffee shop in Bogor lack off, not enough space for weekend. Well the trick is come early, ofcourse
18 Mei 2019 7:36
Good place go hangout and get a cup od coffee. Serve various food as well. The people are nice as well.
13 Mei 2019 10:23
Lokasinya gampang dicari, bangunan depannya dihiasi daun jalar gitu deh (apa ya bahasanya wk), area dalamnya cukup besar.pas masuk saya langsung melihat etalase makanannya.banyak pastries dan cake yang menarik banget untuk dicoba.disini saya pesen caffe cubo dan ini enak! Untuk range harganya masih aman di kantong.saya duduk di area no smoking, suasananya cukup nyaman.enak kalo mau nugas disini atay sekedar ngumpul bareng.duduk di area bar nya juga nyaman kok.pelayanannya juga ramah, toiletnya juga bersih, area parkir diluar juga lumayan luas untuk motor maupun mobil.
29 April 2019 1:00
Datang ke sini jgn pas weekend, bukan apa2, rame bgt antriannya. Ini salah satu kedai kopi favorit saya di Bogor. Selain kopinya enak, kue2 dan pudding yg dijual di sini jg enak.
27 April 2019 8:43
Kali pertama berkunjung krn diajak, tmptny ga terlalu besar. Nyobain v60 ethiopia, dan hasil brew ny josss. Enak bgt, patut dikunjungi dan dicoba.
18 April 2019 16:44
Always been and will always be my number one coffee place. However it’s a big letdown when they’re no longer serve Hot Nutellacino which is my kids favorit drink. Reduce the joy of family time there.
21 Februari 2019 0:42
Lucky me memutuskan ke Popolo Coffee sbg part of itinerary wiskul di Bogor. My family loves good coffee and cozy urban place. My husband straight fell in love with Hot Cappucino & Piccolo. I loved the taste of Nutella Brownies, and had a flat white but it was okay, although Morph Coffee Roaster (the roaster responsible for this place's espresso blend) almost never disappoint me. Combination of the interior, the ambience, the kids-friendly staffs were making our stay more comfortable. Definitely wish to stay longer and will visit again.
22 Oktober 2018 8:32
It’s a WOW. Must try Baileys Latte here, no alcohol inside of course. Good place for working while enjoying good coffee, spacious smoking area at the back, you can arrange a small cozy meeting there. Recommended to go here in the morning around 8.30 a.m, usually crowded during lunch time. One thing is that here doesn’t serve any heavy food, just snacks, cakes and lasagna. Will be there again for sure
20 Oktober 2018 19:01
Probably one of the best cafe in bogor.good coffee, nice place (design, built quality, setting), and affordable price.place is quite small and you can find it difficult to find a table sometimes.but i heard they have other Popolo in Sentul area with bigger setting.the location is good.not far from jagorawi highway exit.hence no need the hassle because of the infamous bogor traffic.
16 Oktober 2018 22:47
The first time visited Bogor Popolo Coffee. The interior divided with hanging garden and looks larger than it exterior.
27 September 2018 6:02
Nice place to hang-out, having good coffee drinks though not many variant. Typically place for the youth
22 September 2018 5:29
What an amazing hidden gem.loved the vibe and music, staff and not to mention the fantastic coffee and treats.the Nutella cheesecake is simply the best I've ever had.

Definitely go pop in you won't be sorry you did.
18 September 2018 21:18
Nice coffee with affordable price, cozy place but little bit noisy because really often to get to full. I like the ambience and warmth staff
01 September 2018 14:07
This cafe is worth every penny. Nice and comfort area.

But the most important is the coffee. Taste soo good.

Tulis Ulasan

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